

【作者】 杨春华

【导师】 廖中洪;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民事诉讼法基本原则作为整个民事诉讼法典的基石,对整个民事诉讼活动起着指导性的作用,其在民事诉讼法中的重要地位决定了对之进行研究的必要性和有用性。借鉴其他立法例的成功经验,从对民事诉讼法基本原则理论之纷争入手,以诉讼价值和民事诉讼法基本矛盾为主线,剖析我国现行民事诉讼法基本原则的不足,并提出科学合理的建议,是本文的研究课题。 本文除前言和结束语外,正文共分为四部分: 第一章,作为整篇论文的开始,首先介绍了在我国民事诉讼法学上,关于民事诉讼法基本原则的认识先后存在着两种不同的观点:即早期之“共有原则和特有原则”论和晚近之“民事诉讼法基本原则论”。指出早期之“共有原则和特有原则”论这种观点主要影响于我国民事诉讼法初创时期即20世纪80年代,但迄今仍留有痕迹。它是基于民事诉讼法学理论准备和研究极不充分的背景下,仅从注释学的角度提出的,具有不科学性和不合理性;而晚近之“民事诉讼法基本原则论”,始于20世纪末,它跨越了“注释法学的藩篱”,步出了“教科书法学”的阶段,对现行民事诉讼法基本原则进行了反思,并提出了许多重构新观点、新理论,这无疑是可喜可贺的突破和进步,但因其对民事诉讼法基本原则内在含义的解释不够深入,且标准模糊,故应亟待予以梳理。 第二章,提出了民事诉讼法基本原则的确立标准。在这一部分中,笔者以民事诉讼法基本原则所必须具有“法律”性、“特殊”性和“基本”性等特征或标准为立足点,指出确立民事诉讼法基本原则,应当以民事诉讼法的根本价值和基本矛盾为内在依据或标准。并进一步论证了民事诉讼法的根本价值乃公正、效率;基本矛盾为诉权与审判权的对立统一。运用比较的方法,对国外民事诉讼和我国民事诉讼中如何配置诉权和审判权及对诉讼公正和效率的追求进行了剖析,从而为具体构建我国民事法基本原则提供了经验教训。 第三章,通过对现有民事诉讼两大主要模式即“当事人主义模式”和“职权主义模式”考察得出,仅将诉权和审判权二者之间的配置作为根本问题而忽略了两权关系背后的价值追求,并不能完全成就一部保障当事人诉权的法律,它甚至有可能成为维护实定法,阻碍立法观念全面实现的不利因素。尝试性地提出了现代民事诉讼法基本原则的逻辑起点为有“效率”的诉权和“公正”的审判权。同时笔者借鉴系统学理论提出民事诉讼法基本原则系统的逻辑结构为价值一一基本原则一一具体原则一一基本规则一一具体规则模式。 第四章,是对我国现行民事诉讼法基本原则完善的构想。基于在民事诉讼中,诉讼的价值系公正和效率;民事诉讼法的基本矛盾系诉权与审判权的对立统一,笔者认为民事诉讼法基本原则应重新界定为当事人原则、职权原则、相称原则和诚实信用原则,并对此提出了具体的构建设想。

【Abstract】 As the base of the whole civil procedural law , fundamental principles of civil procedure law direct civil litigious activities .So it is necessary and useful to study it. The content of the thesis analyses the defect of fundamental principles of civil procedure law enforce and makes some rational suggestion by referring to the successful experience of foreign countries and indicating the theoretical contradiction on fundamental principles of civil procedure law.Except preface and ending, there are four parts in the main body:Part I, as the beginning of the thesis ,introduces the different two viewpoints on fundamental principles of civil procedure law, namely "principle in common and peculiarity doctrine" and "theory of fundamental principles of civil procedure law" .The former is popular in the early of science of civil procedure law, that is, 1980s’. But it is irrational and unscientific, for it was offered just from the angle of interpretation and based on preparatory period of science of civil procedure law. On the other hand, the latter was offered at the beginning of the 20th century, introspecting the fundamental principles of civil procedure law enforce and making many new viewpoints and theories. That absolutely made great progress. The theory interprets the internal meaning of fundamental principles of civil procedure law superficially, therefore, it is necessary to arrange it.Part II,establishing level of fundamental principles of civil procedure law is studied on. The author begins with character or level such as legal nature, special nature and basic nature in the fundamental principles of civil procedurelaw, and thinks that establishing fundamental principles of civil procedure law should be based on fundamental value and basic contradiction. Furthermore, I prove that fundamental value of civil procedural law are justice and efficiency and basic contradiction is opposite and unity of litigious right and adjudicative power. At the same time, I analyse the question on configuration of litigious right and adjudicative power in the civil action and pursuit of justice and efficiency by comparison with the civil action in foreign countries, so as to offer some experience about establishing fundamental principles of civil procedural law in China.Part III , the two main structures of civil action in force "adversary proceeding" and "litigious structure of ex office doctrine" are studied on. I think that we can’t only regard configuration of litigious right and adjudicative power in the civil action as fundamental question and ignore the pursuit of value on the back of the two rights. In this way, we can’t contribute a law safeguarding the rights of the party interested, even impede the fulfillment of legislative concept. I try offering that legal basis of fundamental principles of civil procedure law are litigious right which is effective and adjudicative power which is judicial. I think that legal structure is value - fundamental principles -concrete principles - basis rule - concrete rule by referring to system science.Part IV,accomplishment of fundamental principles of civil procedure law enforce is studied on. The value of the action are justice and efficiency in the civil action, and basic contradiction is opposite and unity of litigious right and adjudicial power. So I think that fundamental principles of civil procedure law should be adversary principle, ex office principle, principle of proportionality and good faith doctrine.

  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【下载频次】698

