

【作者】 张睿

【导师】 卢代富;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代公司规模的不断扩张,证券市场的高度发达和股权的日益分散,公司管理层权力的膨胀已成为不争的事实,“代理问题”也成为困扰包括我国在内的许多国家公司治理的一大难症。而“篡夺公司机会”正是“代理问题”的现实表现之一。对此,英美法系通过判例确立了“公司机会规则”(Corporate Opportunity Doctrine)作为规制管理者篡夺公司商业机会的法律制度,并逐渐发展成为英美法上重要的公司制度之一。而在我国,管理者篡夺公司商业机会、损公肥私的现象同样十分突出,如何对之进行有效遏制以保障公司和股东的权益,无疑是当前我国法律界亟待解决的一个重要问题。然而篡夺公司机会禁止制度对于我国来讲仍显得比较陌生,国内论著虽时有涉及却篇幅不多,从某种意义上讲,这也是造成我国相关制度缺失的原因之一。故笔者择此题目来写作自己的毕业论文,希望通过对英美法上“公司机会规则”的理论基础和制度架构的挖掘整理,以及对我国相关情况的比较分析,为最终能确立我国的篡夺公司机会禁止制度尽一份绵薄之力。 本文除引言和结语之外,由篡夺公司机会禁止制度的一般问题、制度的构架、我国相关制度及其完善三部分组成,就篡夺公司机会禁止制度,分别回答“为什么”、“是什么”和“怎么做”三个问题。 第一部分——篡夺公司机会禁止制度的一般问题 首先以英国公司法上的经典案例勾勒出“公司机会规则”的概貌,然后从经济学和法学两方面进行分析,以说明确立篡夺公司机会禁止制度的必要性。本部分指出,由于现代企业中所有权与控制权的分离、公司管理者与股东的目标函数不一致,导致了现代公司治理中“代理问题”的产生,使得管理者篡夺公司机会不可避免,需要确立相应制度加以规制。同时指出,以董事为代表的公司管理者与公司间的法律关系的性质决定了公司管理者负有不得篡夺公司商业机会的义务。而英美法中关于管理者与公司间法律关系的性质有“代理关系”和“信托关系”两种学说,作者分别运用英美代理法和信托法上相关理论证明了“公司机会规则”的合理性,并指出管理者与公司之间实际上为一种信义关系,管理者应向公司承担包括注意义务与忠实义务在内的信义义务,而不得篡夺公司机会则包含在管理者的忠实义务之中。 第二部分一一篡夺公司机会禁止制度的构架本部分力图从篡夺公司机会的主体、公司机会的认定、篡夺公司机会的救济和管理者的抗辩理由四部分来说明“公司机会规则”是什么的问题。作者首先指出,篡夺公司机会的主体是包括公司董事、高级职员和控制股东在内的公司高级管理人员;然后以美国法为例介绍了公司机会的数种认定标准,包括利益与预期利益标准、经营范围标准、公正性标准、结合标准、权力滥用标准、双重标准和区分公司标准,并分别做出分析评价;对于管理者篡夺公司商业机会的行为,主要通过不当得利和推定信托两种方式加以救济;另外,英美法上对于“公司机会规则”存在一些例外情况,管理者可以就其利用公司机会提出相应的抗辩理由,但由于公司机会认定标准的不统一,导致抗辩理由并非统一适用。 第三部分一一篡夺公司机会禁止制度与我国相关制度及其完善本部分主要就我国应当引进篡夺公司机会禁止制度加以论证。作者首先指出,我国企业面临着严重的“内部人控制”困境,管理者篡夺公司机会的现象日益猖撅;然后将我国“竞业禁止”制度与“公司机会规则”进行比较,指出我国篡夺公司机会禁止制度的缺失;随后作者对德国、日本和韩国的相关立法进行了分析,指出同为大陆法系的此三国在其“竞业禁止”制度中大致包含了管理者禁止篡夺公司机会的义务,从而说明我国不应当对该制度加以排斥,并通过我国公司法中管理者的忠实义务和民法中的诚实信用原则来证明我国具有该制度的生存空间和理论基础,而相关规章文件的态度也说明我国已经具有了该制度的萌芽;最后笔者认为,我国应当引进篡夺公司机会禁止制度,并对该制度的确立做出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 Because of the expansion of modern corporations, the development of securities markets and the corporate equity holding splits, the power of corporate managers has greatly expanded. With corporate managers being the controllers of corporations, the Agency Problem has troubled the corporate governance in many countries including China. In order to prevent the managers from usurping corporate opportunities, the Corporate Opportunity Doctrine (hereinafter referred as COD) has been developed in common law. Although the usurpation of corporate opportunities has been a severe problem in China, COD is not fully discussed. Since it is an important problem that should be urgent for us to resolve, the author chooses this theme as academic dissertation. Based on analyzing the theory and institution construction of COD in common law, comparing it with the situation in China, the dissertation is trying to give some advice to the legislation of our country.In addition to introduction and conclusion, the dissertation consists of three parts, i.e., an outline of COD, institutional frame of COD, and the connotation of COD to our country, which respectively aim at explaining COD by why, what and how.Part one, an outline of COD. This part gives a survey of COD through a leading case in English company law. Then, it tries to prove the necessity of COD, adopting the research approach of combining economics and law science. Because of the separation of ownership and control in modem corporations and different goals between managers and stockholders, the Agency Problem is inevitable as well as usurpation of corporate opportunities. On the other hand, the duty of not to usurp corporate opportunities could be proved through the theories of agency and trust for the relationship between managers and stockholders. Actually, there is a fiduciary relationship between them. The duty of loyalty prevents managers from usurping the opportunities of corporations.Part two, institutional frame of COD. This part drives at answering what is COD. The author points out that directors, officers and controlling shareholders should bear the duty of not to usurp corporation opportunities. Then, some testsin American case law to determine a corporate opportunity are discussed. For the legal relief of the usurpation, there is an introduction to the theories of unjust enrichment and constructive trust. Finally, some defenses are offered to managers, but they are not absolute.Part three, the connotation of COD to our country. This part mostly discussed why we should adopt COD in China. First, we conclude that the problem of insider control has been urgent to resolve in China. Then the author points out that we haven’t an efficient institution to prevent the usurpation of corporation opportunities after the comparison between COD and non-competing system in China. After analyzing the relevant legislation in Germany, Japan and Korea, the author tries to prove the legal basis of COD in China through the theories of duty of loyalty and good-faith principle. The author holds strongly that COD should be introduced into our country, and by the way the author gives some pieces of advice on corporate legislation of our country.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】290

