

【作者】 宓明君

【导师】 卢代富;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 内部人控制是20世纪末经济学家在研究转轨经济国家的企业中所存在的问题时提出的一个概念。但事实上,作为公司治理结构的一个子课题,它是各国现代股份公司中普遍存在的一个现象,并必将同公司治理结构一样,成为公司实践中的一个永恒的难题,因而也必定是公司法领域长盛不衰的话题。然而,国内法学界对这一问题却少有专门而系统的研究。鉴此,有必要从法学的角度厘清何谓内部人控制、内部人控制是怎么出现的、内部人控制有无必要以及如何从法律上对其进行控制等诸问题。本文正是从法学角度,结合经济学的相关知识,对上述问题作出的初步回答。全文除引论和结语外,共4个部分。 引论部分对内部人控制的研究现状作了一个简略的梳理,指出了目前研究的特点和不足,提出了本文写作的总体思路和研究方法。 第一部分——内部人控制的界定,旨在回答什么是法学意义上的内部人控制。本部分首先确立了整篇文章的研究对象,使分析更具有针对性。基于“内部人控制”这一概念在构成上的复杂性,文章是在对该命题抽象判断的基础上,通过对诸构成要素,包括控制权、控制权人、控制、内部人、外部人的逐一分析和界定,最终来得出内部人控制的法学概念。本部分在整篇文章中有重要的地位,因为对内部人控制及其构成要素的分析和界定,是下文得以展开的立论基础。 第二部分——内部人控制的形成机理对内部人控制的形成作了法理分析,并揭示了其法律背后的经济原因,同时还分析了我国在国有企业改造中出现严重的内部人控制的原因,以期对内部人控制更全面、深入的理解。本部分的论述还为下文为什么以及怎样对内部人控制进行法律规制作了逻辑铺垫。 第三部分——对内部人控制实施法律规制的必要性分析试图回答“对内部人控制有无必要从法律上进行规制”这一问题。本部分首先根据前一部分所阐明的原因,对内部人控制作了价值分析,认为内部人控制是一把双刃剑,于企业之发展,有利亦有弊。因此,要通过对内部人控制的规制以尽可能减少或消除其不利的一面。根据这一结论,提出了市场的、行政的和法律的三种规制方法,结合内部人控制形成的原因,在对三种规制方法进行比较后,认为法律的规制方法是必要的。在这里,为了澄清理论研究中的一个误区,明确内部人控制之规制的意义,在阐述具体的规制方法之前,还对内部人控制、内部人控制的规制和公司治理之间的关系作了说明.这也使以后的研究能够跳出公司治理的案臼而具有自己的特色. 第四部分一一内部人控制的法律规制之展望对规制内部人控制的法律措施作了具体的设想.它是全文的归宿,因此着墨甚浓.这一部分秉承前几部分的研究结果,选取内部人控制的产生及其泛滥的法律因由,并从逻辑的角度,从三个层面展开对内部人控制的法律规制的具体设想.第一个层面是对内部人控制的直接规范,通过构建保障公司真实法人意思的法律机制,彰显并保障法人之独立人格,进而使内部人控制得到规范;第二个层面通过对内部人的监督来间接规制内部人控制,这些监督来自二个方面即内部人的相互监督和法律义务与责任之承担,而此二方面监督作用之实现须有制度保证,故应加强和完善之.但就法律义务和责任而言,尚须有针对性,即与内部人控制有关,因此,该部分并非对内部人义务的全面论述;第三个层面是通过外部人的参与来影响内部人控制.在此,根据第一部分对外部人所作的分类,依据其各自在公司中的地位及与公司的关系,分别作出了不同的制度设计.以上的设想基本上是对现有立法及理论的批主11井樱山了知比的修于Q

【Abstract】 As a subsidiary subject of corporate governance , the notion of insider-control has been done more studies at the point of economics but less of law. Although, it is necessary to answer those problems in legal: what insider-control means? How to take shape? Whether or not it should been governed? And how to govern it by law? This article, except forewords and epilogue, consisting four parts, is worked out to resolve the problems hereon.The forewords reveal the reason why does the notion should be studied in legal. This part also describes the thinking-train and studying-method of this article.Part one, entitled by definition of insider-control, tries to define the notion in legal. Because of complexity of the notion, the meaning of insider-control in legal is given out on the basis of analysis and definition of some elements, such as "control right", "control lighter", "control", "insider" and "outsider", which are analyzed and defined based on an abstract judgment of insider-control. This part is very important in whole article, and arguments set forth hereinafter are based on it.Part two, entitled by the mechanism of the formation of insider-control, analyzes how to take shape insider-control with legal principle, and discovers the economic reason under legal. This part serves as logical foil for why and how insider-control should be governed by law.Part three, entitled by the necessity of law governing, is an answer to the question whether or not insider-control should be governed with law. Based on the reason raised in part two, by evaluating inside-control, this part will tell us that it is a two-face sword. According to this conclusion, some measures, including market measure, legal measure and administrating measure, should be adopted to govern insider-control. When compared legal measure to market measure and administrating measure, the author argue that the legal measure is necessary.Part four, entitled prospects of legal governing, gives some specific ideasof legal measure for governing insider-control. The ideas are spread out from three respects : directly governing , indirectly governing and participating-government. By setting up legal system making real intent of incorporated company certain to happen, insider-control can be directly governed. Indirectly governing means giving the insider supervision, which comes from two sides, one from insiders themselves, the other from legal obligation and responsibility imposed on them. If the outsiders can participate running business, the level of insider-control will descend, as is regarded as participating-government. This part makes different participating-designs counting different outsiders whose relations with the corporate are different. These ideas mentioned therein mainly are critique and propose to legislation and theory existed already.

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】231

