

【作者】 靳文辉

【导师】 胡光志;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 生存和发展是人类社会所面临的永恒主题。20世纪以来,伴随着工业化、城市化的大规模推进和经济的迅猛发展,世界范围内的环境问题日趋严重,环境侵权现象也日益增多,因环境污染和生态破坏所造成的危害及其救济也已成为我国社会经济发展所面临的一大社会问题。环境侵权民事责任是与环境行政责任、环境刑事责任并行的当代三大环境法律责任之一,从环境法的角度看,它作为环境法的重要组成部分,与环境影响评价、排污或开发活动许可证等环境管制法律制度互相配合,为贯彻环境法中的预防原则、污染者付费原则、可持续发展原则等基本原则发挥着重要的作用;从民法的角度看,环境侵权民事责任与一般的民事责任制度不同,在理论和实践方面均有着自己鲜明的特征。本文在对环境侵权及其民事责任的产生、构成要件、功能等进行分析的基础上,就完善我国环境侵权民事责任制度进行了探讨。文章除引言外,分为以下四部分: 第一部分 环境侵权及其民事责任的产生 首先对环境侵权的概念和特征进行了界定和分析,认为环境侵权是指因产业活动或其他人为原因,致使自然环境的污染和破坏,对他人的人身权、财产权、环境权益或公共财产造成损害或有造成损害之虞的行为;其具有责任主体的复数性和双方地位不平等性、原因行为的可能合法性、侵害状态的间接性、危害后果的潜伏性、损害的难以恢复性以及侵害对象的广泛性等特点。其次对环境侵权民事责任的概念、产生根源和产生过程进行了分析和说明,认为环境侵权民事责任是指公民、法人或者其他经济组织在从事生产经营或者其他活动的过程中,造成环境污染和生态破坏,对他人人身、财产和环境权以及环境自身价值造成损害,所应承担的民事法律后果。从生态学的角度看其产生的根源是由于长期以来人类对基本的生态规律认识不足而过度开采和污染物排放造成的生态系统的失衡;从经济学的角度看,其根源主要是企业行为的外部不经济性、不合理的经济制度和不合理的经济政策。最后文章还对环境侵权民事责任的产生过程进行了分析,试图揭示其运行规律。 第二部分 环境侵权民事责任构成要件及其发展本部分首先对环境侵权民事责任的损害要件进行了介绍,认为环境侵权侵害的范围包括人身权、财产权、人类的环境权以及环境的自身价值;其次,对环境侵害民事责任因果关系认定过程中的困难进行了分析,指出环境侵权民事责任在因果关系认定时除了需要传统的因果关系认定方法外,还需要运用优势证据说、比例规则说、事实推定说、盖然因果关系学说、疫学因果关系学说以及间接反证法等多种方法加以认定;再次,在归责原则的适用上,文章阐述了环境侵权民事责任适用无过错责任原则及其理由;最后,文章对行为违法性是否是承担环境侵权民事责任的必要要件进行了探讨。 第三部分环境侵权民事责任制度的功能本部分以环境侵权民事责任的责任承担方式为依据对环境侵权民事责任制度的功能进行了分析,指出环境侵权民事责任制度的功能可分为一般功能和特殊功能:一般功能是通过环境侵害人承担“损害赔偿”、“恢复原状”和“消除危险”等责任方式,使环境受害人所受到的损害得到赔偿,使受损的环境得以恢复,从而起到对受害人损失的利偿、对环境的复原和预防环境侵权行为的发生的作用;而特殊功能是从一般功能衍生而来,包括对可持续发展的保障功能以及对环境权的维护功能。 第四部分完善我国环境侵权民事责任的建议首先在对传统民事侵权救济在环境侵权领域的不足和公共赔偿救济的理论依据作出分析的基础上,从公共赔偿支付基金和赔付机构的设立、公共赔偿的申请条件和范围两个方面,对建构我国环境侵权公共赔偿制度提出了初步建议;其次,在环境侵害的排除方面,文章分析了引入利益衡量制度的必要性,并结合我国的适用现状,指出应该通过立法的形式在我国确立“中间排除侵害”、“部分排除侵害”、“代替排除侵害的赔偿”等制度,同时对利益衡量过程中所要考虑的因素和所要遵循的原则进行了初步探讨;再次,在对环境侵权领域中引入责任保险的必要性和我国的适用现状加以说明的基础上,认为我国应当尽快建立一套完整的环境责任保险制度,并对具体的制度安排进行了初步探索.最后,文章针对现行环境损害赔偿存在赔偿不足的情况,认为应该在立法上明确规定惩罚性赔偿制度,并从主观要件、赔偿的范围和数额三方面,对具体的适用进行了初步设想。

【Abstract】 Survival and development are the forever themes that faced by the human society. Since the 20th century, with the rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and economy, the environmental problems become increasingly serious in all over the world, and related infringement on environmental rights and interests also increased accordingly. The environmental infringement phenomenon that caused by environment pollution and destroy of ecology and the remedy of it will become a great social problem in our country in the future. The civil liability of environmental infringement together with administrative liability of environment and criminal responsibility are the three main environmental legal liabilities. On the basis of the analysis of the engendering, constitutive requirement and function of environmental infringement and the responsibility of it this thesis carries out the tentative discussion on the system of civil liability of environmental infringement in our country.Besides the preface this thesis includes three parts as below:Part One: The engendering and responsibility of environment infringement. At first the concept and characteristics of environmental infringement were analyzed and defined in this part. The author point out that the environmental infringement refers to the fact of the damage or the likelihood of damage on other people’s personal right, property right, environmental right and interest or common property that caused by the industrial activity and other reason. Then the author analyzed and explained the concept and rootstock and approach of occurrence of the responsibility of environmental infringement.Part Two: The constitutive requirement and its development of the responsibility of environmental infringement. This part includes four sections. Firstly the objects of environmental infringement are introduced. The author thinks that the ranges of the objects ofenvironmental infringement include personal right, property right, environmental right and interest and the value of environment itself. On the determination of the causality of the responsibility of environmental infringement, the author firstly analyzed the difficulties in this process and pointed out that some new methods should be utilized besides the traditional methods. On the doctrine of liability fixation the author stated the appliance of the doctrine of no-fault liability and analyzed the reason for it. At last the author discussed the standpoint that illegitimacy of action should not be considered as an essential element for the liability of environmental infringement.Part Three: The function of the liability of environmental infringement. In this part the author analyzed the functions of the liability of environmental infringement from the aspect of the form or liability. The author pointed out that the functions of liability of environmental infringement can be divided into two types: one is general function, the other is special function. The general function is the remedy of the rights and interests of victim and the recovery of the environment. The special functions which include the safeguarding of the continuable development and the protecting of environmental rights are derived from the general function.Part Four: Propositions on the improving of the system of the liability of environmental infringement. This part includes four sections. The first section is the establishing of the system of public compensation and remedy. The second section is the introducing of the system of balancing of interest into the exclusion of infringement. The third section is the establishing of the insurance system of the liability of environmental infringement. The fourth section is the establishment of the system of punitive damage.

  • 【分类号】D912.6;D913
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】770

