

【作者】 张舒

【导师】 谭启平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民商法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 不动产在社会经济生活中占有举足轻重的地位,如何在法律上设定科学合理的不动产物权制度,是各国民法中的重要内容。其中,登记制度作为不动产物权的公示方法,直接关系到不动产物权的取得与行使,为不动产的快速流转及交易安全提供了法律保障。然而,我国至今尚未制定统一的不动产登记立法,现有的不动产登记的法律规范比较散乱,其中有些规定已不能适应社会经济生活的要求。在物权法的制定提上议事日程之际,更加需要对不动产物权登记制度进行深入的研究和探讨。 本文在对不动产物权登记制度进行深入思考的基础上,认为应当借鉴国外有关立法,完善我国的不动产登记制度,并提出了自己的粗浅看法。全文共分四个部分: 第一部分,不动产物权登记制度的历史及立法比较研究。该部分探讨了不动产登记制度的历史起源,对世界上有代表性的三种立法例作了比较研究,并就此三种立法例进行了归纳总结,分析了法国法和德国法在不动产物权登记制度上产生分歧的原因。 第二部分,不动产物权登记制度基本法律问题研究。这一部分从不动产物权登记的概念入手,分析了不动产物权登记的意义、性质、种类及其法律效力,其中对不动产物权登记的法律效力作了重点探讨,认为不动产登记之所以具有十分重要的制度价值,就在于因登记而产生的法律效力,并从本登记和预告登记两个角度分别进行了阐述。 第三部分,我国不动产物权登记制度的现状。在这一部分中,作者分析了我国不动产物权登记制度的立法现状,对我国不动产物权登记立法存在的问题进行了反思,认为我国没有形成统一的不动产物权登记管理体制,登记的种类不健全,法律效力不明确,登记过程中存在公权力对私权利的侵害。 第四部分,完善我国不动产物权登记制度的具体设想。在这一部分中,作者就完善我国的不动产物权登记制度提出了具体设计与构想,包括建立不动产物权登记的统一规则,明确登记的法律效力,健全登记机关的责任机制,确立不动产预告登记制度等相关内容。

【Abstract】 The real property has specially important status in the social and economic life, so how to create scientific real property right system is substantial content in civil law of many countries. Registration system determines the acquisition and exercise of real property right as the method of public summons and provides legal guarantee for speedy mobility and transaction safety of real property. But there is no unitary statute about registration of real property in our country, current laws are very messy and among them some laws haven’t adapted to demands of social and economic life. When we are going to formulate real right law, it is more urgent for thorough study to the registration system of real property.On the basic of thorough ponderation, the author considers that we should refer to relevant legislation of foreign countries to perfect our registration system of real property and puts forward his own viewpoints about that. The dissertation is divided into four parts.Part one, the history and comparative research on the registration system of real property. This section discusses the origin of registration system and makes comparative study of three typical legislation model. Basing on sum-up to the legislation model, the author analyzes the reason of difference between French and German law about registration system.Part two, the research on the basic legal problems about registration system of real property. Starting with the definition of registration system, this section discusses the meaning, quality, varieties and legal force of registration. Among those the author studies legal force emphatically for the reason why registration system has important institution value is its legal force, and discusses it at two angles of fixed and preliminary registration.Part three, present situation of our registration system of real property. In this section, the author analyzes the flaw of our presentrecord legislation, and thinks that there is no unified managerial system of real property registration, the varieties of registration aren’t complete, the legal force isn’t clear, and there is violation against right from authority in the process of registration.Part four, perfection of our real property registration. In this section, the author puts forward concrete advice to perfect our registration system of real property, consisting of formulating unified legislation of registration system, clearing legal force of registration, perfecting liability system of administration office, enacting preliminary registration system of real property.

  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】291

