

【作者】 罗旭

【导师】 陈志;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 经济法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 历史的长河淘洗了无数来去匆匆的法学哲人,人类的理性衍生过纷繁迭起的法学学说。但是有两个不变的要求使得笔者选择了服务质量法律问题研究。一个是我国著名经济法学家李昌麒教授指出的:“经济法理论的生命力在于与社会经济生活相结合”;另一个是国家社会科学创新性的评价标准:“发现新材料、架构新体系、提出新观点”。《服务质量法律问题研究》一文通过六个部分、四万余字的篇幅,争取在一定程度上实现这两个要求。 文章第一部分是服务质量的法律认识,本部分的核心任务在于以法律的视角和语言诠释服务质量的特殊性。对于服务质量,我们都有一个熟悉的映像,但对它的法律理解却显得十分陌生。笔者首先在经济学意义上分析了服务的概念和抽象性、差异性、不可分离性、易消失性、无典型财产转移性五大特征,从经济法法律法规的要求和帮助司法实践的角度分析了用法律定义服务的必要性和可行性,并就服务的法律界定提出建议。接着笔者站在法律的立场上分析了服务质量的五大特性:功能性、经济性、安全性、时间性、舒适性、文明性,将服务质量和有形产品质量进行了区分,并首次分析了服务质量不合格、服务缺陷、服务瑕疵的区别和联系,以做到法律概念使用的严谨和统一。特殊性是针对性之源,通过服务质量特性的分析透析出法律应以特殊的理念和制度规制服务质量的必然性。 文章第二部分是服务质量的现状透视与法律思考。本部分的核心任务在于分析服务质量和服务质量法律的现实情况。法学研究必须立足于现实而投身于理想,现实是创造的依据。笔者分析了服务质量在推动经济发展、提升经济效益、维护社会稳定、参与国际竞争中的战略意义,并通过大量的资料总结出我国目前服务质量安全性问题突出、及时性问题明显、文明程度不够、舒适度较差、服务诚信缺失五大主要问题,说明了服务质量问题的严重性。笔者分析指出造成这些问题的法律上的原因主要包括了法律意识上的原因:服务经营者和消费者都缺乏质量法律意识,个别地方和部门重效益轻法律造成的地方和部门保护;法律制度上的原因:缺乏统率服务业的质量基本法、法律分散而不够严密、立法层次较低、法律冲突、处罚力度不够;法律实施上的原因:执法低效、执法腐败和司法成本过高。随后,笔者宏观地提出了解决方法:首先选择最适合的法律,让经济法伸出国家千预之手对服务质量监管和服务质量责任进行统一规制;其次,提出建立以一部《服务质量法》为基本法统率系列特殊服务行业法律规范为模式的一个门类齐全、环节紧扣、相互配套、和谐发展的法律体系;最后,铺垫性地指出在解决责任的概念和性质、归责原则、构成要件、免责事由等重大理论问题的基础上,明确服务责任。, 本文的第三部分是服务质量法的法理探析。本部分的核心任务是将法律的理性化成理性的法律,交到执法者手中。笔者首先对服务质量法进行价值分析,法的价值是法律制定的必须、是法律实施的需求、是防止法律失效的屏障、是矫正法律的准则.服务质量法的一个价值是秩序,即是要通过明确经营者义务、建立服务等级化和标准化、保证服务的公平交易克服服务市场不规范的状况,给予经济和社会生活以有序性和稳定性。秩序的最终目标是效益,服务质量法的价值也体现在通过疏通服务消费促进服务生产、严格有关责任优化利用资源、及时解决纠纷降低争讼成本来实现增进效益的目的。服务质量法的另一个价值是正义,包括了权利、自由和共同福利.在价值分析指导下,笔者对服务质量法进行了本体分析,包括将其定义为调整服务质量监督管理关系和服务质量责任关系的法律规范的总称;提出该法标准化、倾斜性、综合型三大原则和对象特定、方法特殊、目的社会性、规范强制性、效力复合性五大特征,最终阐明服务质量法的经济法属性,得出用经济法规制服务质量问题的优势和必然这一结论。 本文的第四部分是服务质量监管法律制度的架构。在参考相关资料的基础上,笔者提出修改《标准化法》,建立服务的标准化,并全面阐述了服务标准化的必要性、可行性和具体内容。同时,笔者提出建立服务质量认证制度,建议制定《服务认证法》,并全面分析了该法总则、强制认证、自7夕愿认证、法律责任等基本内容。在服务质量的评价上笔者提出建立全面评价制度。针对服务质量特性给服务质量检查带来的困难,笔者提出了以间接检查为主要方式的服务质量检查制度。包括了检查服务设施、服务环境、服务从业人员资质、服务所提供物品的质量。所有这些都有助于形成良好的经济秩序和优良的服务质量。 本文的第五部分是服务责任的法律梳理。笔者首先梳理服务责任的概念,认为服务责任是服务提供者违反法律规定或者合同约定的质量义务,因服务缺陷而给服务接受者或者他人的人身和财产造成损害所应当承担的损害赔偿责任。在性质上是违约和侵权双重性质的责任。服务责任独立于产品责任和建筑工程责任,具有转承性和突出的竞合性。接着笔者立足于我国服务业发展状况和消费者合法权益的倾斜保护,在比较过错责任原则、无过错责任原则和公平责任原?

【Abstract】 The author researches on service quality according to two requests as follows: one request, which is pointed out by Professor Li Changqi, is "the vitality of economic law theories lies in the combination with social economic life"; another is the evaluation standard of creativity of national social science---- to discover new materials, construct new systems and put forward new viewpoints. With 40,000-odd words, Research on Legal Problems of Service Quality tries to realize the two requests through six sections.The first section of the paper deals with the legal concept of service quality, whose core task is to interpret the speciality of service quality from the legal aspect and language. In the economic sense, the author analyzes the definition of service and its main characteristics, studies the necessity and feasibility of its legal definition, and offers the relevant proposals. Then the author investigates the five features of service quality and distinguishes service quality from quality of tangible goods, and for the first time analyzes the differences among unacceptability of service quality, service fault and service defect and their connection so as to make the application of its legal definition precise and uniform.The second section focuses on the analyses of present situation and legal consideration of service quality, whose core task is to analyze the real situation of service quality and its law. Analyzing the strategic meaning of service quality in promoting economic development, increasing economic efficiency, protecting social stability and participating in international competitions, the author explains the seriousness of service quality problems with the generalizations about the chief problems of present service quality in China.The author points out the legal reasons resulting in these problems mainly include legal conceptual reasons. After discussing these reasons, the author puts forward the solutions to them in the macroscopic sense.The third section studies on service quality law jurisprudentially, whose core task is to convert the legal rationality to rational law and then transfer it to law enforcers. The author first analyzes the values of service quality law, which are order and justice. Under the guidance of value analyses, the author goes on theontological researches on service quality law, finally illustrates the economic attributes of service quality and sums up the advantages and inevitability of applying economic law to administering service quality problems.The fourth section is to construct the legal system of service quality supervision. Referring to relative materials, the author proposes to modify Law of Standardization, and establish service standard, and illustrates the necessity, feasibility and specific contents of service standardization. In the meantime, the author suggests to establish service certification system and Service Certification Law. Concerning the service evaluation, the author proposes to establish an overall evaluation system. According to the speciality of service quality which bring difficulties to service quality examination, the author puts forward the examination system of service quality which regards the indirect examination as the main mode.The fifth section deals with the legal clarification of service liability. The author first clarify the concept of service liability, which has dual attributes of breach of contract and tort. Then the author proposes that the doctrine of liability fixation should adopt tort liability doctrine plus equitable liability doctrine in the current service liability with tort attribute in China. However, it must be regulated in law that presumptive tort applies to service operators so as to free consumers from burden of proof, and thus the author supposes to amend the related regulations of Chapter Seven in Consumer Protection Law. In the last part of this section, the author makes positive researches on a few specific situations of service liability as the supplement to the complication of service liability

  • 【分类号】D912.29
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】272

