

【作者】 田春

【导师】 李健;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 一般预防是刑罚的主要功能之一,一般预防理论也是刑罚目的论的支柱性内容。在世界各国的刑事立法和刑事司法上,一般预防始终占据着非常重要的位置。对一般预防予以深入研究,对于廓清理论上的迷雾,统一思想上的认识强化立法者、司法者、守法者对一般预防的正确思想,促进一般预防在理论上和实践上的双发展,具有重要的意义。 本文共分四部分,约二万八千字。 第一部分是概述,在这部分中一般预防的基本理论将被展现基本内容包括问题的提出、一般预防的根据、一般预防的目的、一般预防的价值、一般预防的对象。问题的提出主要交代了一般预防的起源、发展,并借机提出行文的目的。一般预防的根据主要是讲述如何证明一般预防的客观性及一般预防的根据基础,具体论述从逻辑根据、心理学根据、刑法学根据、现实根据四个方面展开。一般预防的目的则是讲推行一般预防可以或者应该取得什么样的最终利益,即预防尚未犯罪的人犯罪。一般预防的价值则是根据刑罚的价值和一般预防的个性特点得出的结论。维护秩序、兼护正义、彰显自由是一般预防的三大价值,体现了一般预防在法理上独特的一面。 第二部分以一般预防的实现为探索坐标,从实现力量、实现条件以及对刑罚的适用要求三方面予以阐述。实现力量即一般预防的一系列功能,或者称一般预防作用于对象的途径,如一般威慑、一般鉴别、安抚、教育、鼓励等。实现条件即一般预防欲达到其所想达到的目的须以刑罚什么样的实现特点为条件。文章将之归纳为刑罚的坚定性、刑罚的及时性、刑罚的相当性、刑罚的公开性,并逐一论证。对刑罚的适用要求是指一般预防对于刑罚因为情势、对象、环境等因数的变迁或者不同在适用上应如何应付的要求,即欲达求一般预防的效果,刑罚面对不同情况应如何适用才能正确表达预防的意图。 第三部分从适用与效用层面对一般预防的局限进行了探讨。一般预防不是幻想,但一般预防企图对所有人都能发挥作用却确实是幻想。一般预防存在着一些功能盲区,本文对之予以正视,并从因人而异、因罪而异、因时空而异、因社会情势而异、因司法状况而异等方面予以展开,力求达到指出一般预防功能有限的目的,从而表明一般预防并非万世良方。文章第四部分是结局篇,一般预防的命一船预防的归宿为支点,对一般预防予运为题,以一般预防的理论偏以总结性探索。一般预防的理个别预防论一道完成刑罚的目的与任务。

【Abstract】 General precaution is regarded as one of most crucial function of penalty. And the theory of general precaution also sustains penalty teleology as a main pillow. General precaution holds its important position in fields of legislation and judicature throughout the world. The research of general precaution which is helpful to dispel deferences about it and unify various opinions shows remarkable significance. Moreover, the study also strengthens right understanding of both executives and law obseivers, and promote development of general precaution in theory and practice.Four sections included in paper. It includes about 28,000 words.Part 1 is summary. The basic theory of general precaution is embodied including inquirement, funclation, purpose, value, objective. The origin and process of development of general precaution is raised in requirement firstly. And by way the ideal of thesis is illustrated. The foundation of general precaution tells how to prove objectivity and basic theory of general precaution. The purpose of general precaution discusses the final profit which may or should be attained that is to prevent people from committing crimes. According the value of general precaution can be concluded from values of penalty and individual figures.In part 2, the author studies realization of general precaution in fields of authority, condtion and requirement. The authority refers to the functions of general precaution, or means by which to be imposed on targets, including threating, distinguishing, plucating, educating, and encouraging. The condition means the figures of penalty which must be contained to realize the puipose of general precaution .The paper concludes the figures as stable, timely, suitable, public and so on, and prove them one by author. The requirement of realization of penalty refers to demands in utilization of penalty. In order to realize general precaution implementation of penalty must be proper. Some concrete facts must be thought about. That means implementation of penalty must change flexibly according to changes of objective or place.Part 3 discusses the limitation from aspects of execution and effect. General precaution is not illusion. But to wish it effective to all people is absolutely adream. Blind angle exactly exists. The paper faces it and tries to point out that different influence of general precaution.Part 4 is the end of article. Tittled with destiny of general precaution, sustained by deviation and goal of general precaution, the author summarizes thesis and draw a conclusion. The deviation of general precaution occurs not only in process of execution and effect of penalty, but also in some basic the theory. For instance, the defined pattern of general precaution means "to improve penalty on criminals; to make painful, and make others suffer mental obligatory, so that to attain the aim of general precaution." The model requests fear of everyone. Obviously it is doubable. The goal of general precaution mainly studies the right position of general precaution in general precaution system and its effect. That is also the substance of the thesis.

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】281

