

【作者】 董文蕙

【导师】 何泽宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国当前大力反腐的背景下,受贿罪作为一种古今中外皆存的腐败犯罪,又一次成为重要的热门课题,本文通过对贿赂范围、“性贿赂”问题、客观方面、共同犯罪以及防治对策五个方面问题的探讨,在实然和应然的层面,从理论到实践,对受贿罪若干问题进行了较为全面的研究。全文共分六部分,约41,000字。 第一部分 贿赂范围研究 关于贿赂的范围,一直是一个理论聚讼的问题。世界各国和地区在实在法的规定上也有所不同。在外国刑法理论中,关于贿赂的界定,主要有“有形利益说”、“金钱估价说”、“需要说”三种学说;我国刑法理论也有三种学说,分别是:“财物说”、“财产性利益说”、“需要说”。本部分在对上述学说进行评析的基础上,提出了自己的观点——赞同“需要说”,理由在于:第一,受贿罪的实质在于权力与不正当利益的交换,受贿人所获取的不正当利益不管是财物、财产性益,还是非物质性利益,只要是与权力达成交易,都无一例外的侵犯了公务人员职务行为的不可收买性和廉洁性,其社会危害性的本质并没有任何不同;第二,传统的“计赃论罪”模式是不科学的,我们不能仅仅为了便于司法操作就固守和迁就这种模式因而坚持“财物说”或“财产性利益说”,否则,无异于因噎废食;第三,对于社会情状的变迁,法律应对之作出适时的、准确的反映,对于现实生活中愈演愈烈的以各种非物质性利益与权力进行交换的受贿腐败行为,刑法学界和立法界、司法界不应无动于衷。 第二部分 关于“性贿赂”的问题研究 关于“性贿赂”的问题,社会各界在近年来讨论得甚为激烈,在刑法学界,讨论的焦点在于是否应该将“性贿赂”犯罪化?本部分首先介绍了中国古代有关“性贿赂”的文献记载和外国的有关判例,然后对赞成入罪和反对入罪的两派观点和论证路径进行了评述,在这一部分笔者指出了反对将“性贿赂”犯罪化的论者在论证上存在两个问题:首先是关于路径,笔者认为,在这场论争中有一个前置性的思辨路径和出发点:我们讨论“性贿赂”是否应该犯罪化,其归宿并不是要论证在目前的刑事司法中对“性贿赂”该如何定性和处罚,我们要争论的是在今后的刑事立法中是否应该将“性贿赂”给予犯罪化。如果在论证过程中不贯彻这个路径,就会在实然和应然中纠缠不清。反对将“性贿赂”犯罪化的论者固守现行法律条文的规定,认为“性贿赂”不具有财产属性因而不能定性为贿赂,笔者认为这种论证路径就是在实然和应然中纠缠,因此无力于论证己方观点。其次是语境和理念,反对将“性贿赂”犯罪化的论者无一例外的引用了“刑法的谦抑性”这一现代刑法理念为自己的论证构置了一种更具人文精神的语境,但他们在作了良好的铺垫后并没有将抽象的价值理念与所要论证的实际问题进行有机结合,他们有意无意的忽视了“性贿赂”应予以犯罪化所具有的一切本质特征,只是就“谦抑性”谈“谦抑性”,有空玄的说道之嫌。最后提出了“性贿赂”应当犯罪化的观点,理由在于:“性贿赂”裹读了国家权力,导致了公权腐败,已经超越道德范畴而上升为法律问题;从“刑法的谦抑性”所蕴涵的不可替代性、运作机制的经济性、有效性等理念来看,将“性贿赂”犯罪化并不违反“刑法的谦抑性”。 第三部分受贿罪客观方面研究之一一一关于“利用职务上的便利”的问题 这个问题长期困扰着我国刑法学界和司法实务界,经过立法上的修订以及司法解释的阐述,都不能解决实践中的迷惑和混乱。笔者以此作为切入点,分析了造成这种混乱的原因在于‘俐用职务上的便利”这一表述的不科学性:职权由法律、法规所明确规定因而是具体的,容易认定的;而 “职务上的便利”却是一个内涵和外延都极为宽泛的词汇,是抽象的且不容易认定的,“便利”是一个价值判断而非事实判断。因此,笔者认为,用“利用职务上的便利”来表述受贿罪的职务要件是不科学的,将其修改为‘俐用职务”更能准确表达受贿罪职务要件的要义,实践中现存的迷惑和混乱将由此而迎刃而解。 第四部分受贿罪客观方面研究之二一一关于“为他人谋取利益”的问题 对于这个要件的地位问题,首先有主观要件与客观要件之争,后又演变成存废之争。笔者认为:“为他人谋取利益”不应成为《刑法》第385条受贿罪的必要要件,应当予以删除。其理由在于:以“为他人谋取利益”作为受贿罪的构成要件,首先是直接背离了刑法学理论对受贿罪客体的科学界定;其次是为贪官们指出了一条可以大肆收受贿赂却不承担犯罪风险的黄金之路;再次是与受贿罪的既遂认定标准相冲突。对于我国《刑法》第388条中的斡旋受贿必须以“为他人谋取不正当利益”为要件的规定,笔者也提出了质疑,认为这一规定扭曲了受贿罪的本质,也为司法界定带来了困难。实际上,“不正当利益”的争论只对行贿罪的认定具有意义,而受贿方为他人谋取的利益正当与否对于其受贿罪的成立没有意义。第五部分受贿共同犯罪问题研究 受贿共同犯罪问题错综复杂,争议颇多。在本部分展开论述之前,笔者强调了国家工作人员的职权在受贿共同犯罪中的核心和前提地位?

【Abstract】 China has been devoting major efforts to anti-corruption. Under such circumstances, crime of bribery which existing widely becomes an essential thesis, for there exist many difficult problems to discuss. Because of that, through studying the scope of bribery, "sex bribery", objective aspects of this crime, common crime of bribery and countermeasures, the article probes bribery crime comprehensively from both theoretic and practical angles. The article consists of five parts, and there are about 41000 words in it.Part one, on the scope of briberyThe scope of bribery is a theoretically arguable question. Different country or area has different regulation about that. In other countries’ theory of criminal law, there are three main theories on the concept of bribery, that is, "tangible benefits theory", "moneyed evaluation theory" and "needs theory". There are also three theories in our country, they are "property theory", "property benefits theory" and "needs theory". After analyzing the above theories, this author points out her own viewpoint-agreeing with the "needs theory", and dwells on it from four aspects.Part two, on the "sex bribery"Recently, this topic has been discussed intensely by scholars. The focus of discussion is that whether "sex bribery" should be classified into crime or not. Firstly, this part introduces China’s ancient document and other countries’ cases which referred to "sex bribery". Then, after examining different argument the author concludes that "sex bribery" should be considered as a crime.Part three, on the first objective aspects of bribery crime__take advantageof one’s position’s convenience.The first objective aspect is to take advantage of one’s position’s convenience. This problem has been harassing the scholars for a long time. The amendment of legislation and judicial explanation can not finish the chaos condition in practice. The author put forwards her own viewpoint on how to understand " to take advantage of one’s position’s convenience" while current legislation has not been revised yet.Part four, on the second objective aspects of bribery__seek benefits forother peopleThe second one is to seek benefits for other people. As far as the status of the second objective aspect is concerned, the author shows her standpoint: "to seek benefits for other people" is not a necessary factor of bribery crime, and it should be rejected.Part five, on common crime of briberyThe topic of common crime of bribery is very complicated and arguable. This part focuses on four problem: First, non-state functionaries can become the common culprit of bribery crime; Second, non-state functionaries can not be considered committing bribery crime sometimes; Third, how to identify state functionaries and some other non-state functionaries both accept bribe; Fourth, how to deal with state functionaries and company staff both accept bribe.Part six, on countermeasures of bribery crimeInternational anti-corruption becomes a general trend. Under that circumstances, this part deliberates on the countermeasures of bribery crime. First, the article introduces the current condition of international anti-corruption. Then, the author appraises the significance of china’s entry to " UN anti-corruption convention". Finally, the author puts forward her own thoughts about the specific aspects of countermeasures.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】203

