

Methods and Case Study on the Innovation Evaluation of Medical Scientific Research Items

【作者】 吴校连

【导师】 卢广文; 谭家驹; 王跃建;

【作者基本信息】 第一军医大学 , 生物医学工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对医药卫生科研项目的创新性进行评价,其目的是避免科研项目的低水平重复,保证科研项目的新颖性、先进性和适用性。科技查新咨询工作的开展,为项目的新颖性评价提供了客观的情报学证据。将科研项目的创新性评价与查新咨询相结合,是对科研项目创新性评价的新发展,因而在科技立项、成果申报和科研管理等方面具有重要作用。 本研究以医药卫生科研项目创新性评价和科技查新咨询在医药卫生科研项目创新性评价中的作用与应用为基础,利用数理统计方法、文献计量学方法和国内权威生物医学数据库CBMDisc、中国期刊全文数据库CNKI,对我国生物医学工程研究论文的产出和占生物医学研究论文的比例、8种生物医学工程学专业期刊基金论文的产出和作者分布、时空分布、机构分布、资助基金类型以及基金论文的被引频次等进行文献计量学分析,并根据科研项目创新性评价实践和查新工作实践,结合作者从事科研管理的经验,利用自拟生物医学科研项目创新性评价指标体系对基金论文进行后评价。结果发现: 1.我国生物医学工程研究逐渐升温。生物医学工程研究论文占生物医学全部论文的比例逐年上升,2003年创历史最高(1.55%); 2.生物医学工程研究最具影响力的期刊有3种; 3.8种期刊的基金论文比最高为43%,最低为3%,平均为23%;8种期刊累积基金论文的产出呈稳定增长趋势; 4.生物医学工程研究的高产作者不多,杰出科学家群体尚未形成; 5.生物医学工程类研究以合作为主,且这种合作方式已突破地域的限制,并逐步走向国际合作;第一军医大学硕士学位论文 6.在生物医学工程研究领域,从事生物医学工程研究的核心机构和核心地区已经形成,机构合作有待进一步加强。高校及其附属医院是生物医学工程研究的优势群体; 7.生物医学工程类重要期刊在发表高级别基金论文方面有着较大的优势,形成了以国家自然基金资助项目、部级和省级基金项目三足并存之势; 8.生物医学工程研究基金论文的被引频次高,说明论文质量和水平高,科研项目的创新性强。 总之,通过对基金论文的计量分析和利用自建科研项目创新性评价指标对生物医学工程类项目的创新性评价,证实生物医学工程类项目的创新性高。设计科研项目创新性评价指标体系的真正目的是能够通过对基金项目的评价验证指标体系的评价效果,利用该指标体系评估待立项课题,同时进一步明确各级指标的个体化权重和考察更有效的评价指标,最终是希望建立一个科研项目创新性评价信息管理系统来实现项目创新性评价的自动化,减少人为评估带来的负面影响和偏差,确保科研项目创新性评价的客观、公正。

【Abstract】 The innovation evaluation of medical scientific research items(MSRI) aims at avoiding low level repetition for scientific research items and establishing their innovation,advance and applicability.Impersonal information evidence has been offered for the development of scientific and technic verificance and novelty service(STVNS).It is a newly progress for the innovation evaluation of scientific research items to combine innovation evaluation of scientific research items with STVNS,and plays an important role in scientific and technic items,achievement application and scientific research administration.Based on the innovation evaluation of MSRI and the function and application of STVNS in MSRI, a bibliometric analysis has been performed among the articles of Chinese biomedical engineering research and its ratio to biomedical research articles,fund articles in 8 kinds of journals in biomedical engineering,and its author distribution,space-time distribution,organization distribution,granted fund types and the cited frequency of fund articles through the use of the method of Mathematic Statistics and bibliometrics,Chinese authority biomedical database CBMDisc and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI):Chinese periodical fulltext database.According to the practice of innovation evaluation of MSRI and STVNS and the author’s experience in scientific research administration,Post evaluation has been performed for fund articles by the use of self-made item system for innovation evaluation of MSRI.Here are the results:LA gradually growing research has been formed in Chinese biomedical engineering.For the ratio of biomedical engineering research articles to the total articles of biomedical articles has been gradually rised up, the year 2003 reached the historical tiptop record(1.55%).2.There are 3 famous biomedical engineering journals.3. The ratio of fund articles in the 8 kinds of journals arranges from 3 percent to 43 percent .average 23 percent.A stable rise trend of cumulative fund articles has been shown in these 8 journals.4. There are a few high yield article authors in biomedical engineering research,and, the talent scientists colony is still being formed.5. Cooperation gave priority to biomedical engineering research,and this kind of cooperation pierced through the restrict of terrain,andgradually took to international cooperation.6. In the field of biomedical engineering research,core organizations and core regions has been formed,but its cooperation among organizations should be promoted.Universities and colleges and their affiliated hospitals are the predominance colony in biomedical engineering research.7. These important journals in biomedical engineering have biggish superiority in publishing high-ranking fund articles,and a circumstance has been formed for fund papers granted by the items of National Nature Science Fund .ministry and province.8. The high cited frequency of fund articles in biomedical engineering research shows high quality and high level of these fund articles,andstrong innovation of these scientific research items.In a word, strong innovation of biomedical engineering items has been shown through the bibliometric analysis of fund articles and the innovation evaluation of these items via self-made item system of the innovation evaluation of scientific research items.The aim to design item system for the innovation evaluation of scientific research items lies in validating theevaluation effect of the item system through the evaluation of these fund items, evaluating those application items,reviewing the individual weight of these items, seeing about more effective evaluation items,and establishing an information management system for evaluating the innovation evaluation of scientific research items.All these will be done to fulfill the automation of evaluating the innovation of scientific research items,lessen the negative effects and errors of artificial evaluation, and assure the impersonality and justness for the innovation evaluation

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