

The Constitution and Character of Craft and Skill on Making Doors and Windows in Vernacular Architecture of Yunnan

【作者】 赵霞

【导师】 何俊萍;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以我国民居建筑门窗发展的历史为引,以云南民居多彩凝重的住屋文化为背景,剖析了在特定环境,特定社会历史因素和经济条件影响下,云南民居门窗制作的适宜性乡土技术。 本论文主要从六个相关方面进行了论述。绪论部分主要阐述了研究乡土技术的重要性和必要性,以及民居门窗制作工艺的研究背景;第一章阐述了我国民居门窗的发展概述;第二章描述了云南民居丰富多样的门窗形式,以及影响其形成的因素;第三章以门窗的演进为线索,探讨了云南民居门窗制作的初等技艺,例如绑扎、编织和初等榫卯工艺,并在此基础上分析了这些适宜性技术存在的现实意义;第四章以历史上远近闻名的剑川神匠为背景,研究了云南大理地区门窗制作的成熟技艺,如榫卯工艺和木雕工艺并分析了该技艺特点和传承意义;第五章主要分析了传统民居门窗制作技艺的历史局限性,以及民居中传统门窗的设计理念于现代建筑设计的借鉴与发展。

【Abstract】 In this paper, under the background of rich and colorful dwelling culture, author discusses the appropriate skill of making traditional door and window in Vernacular architecture of Yunnan, which is affected by special environment, historic and social condition and certain economic condition, following up the thread of the historic development in traditional skill of making door and window of Vernacular architecture in China.There are six parts in this thesis. The introduction addresses the importance and necessity of the study on vernacular skill and provides the background of the study on it. The first chapter gives the information of window and door’s development in Vernacular architecture of China. The second chapter describes the rich and varied shape of the traditional door and window in vernacular architecture of yunnan and illustrates the factors which affect its production. The third chapter deals with the primary skill of making door and window in the vernacular architecture of yunnan, such as the craft of binding and weaving, original mortise joint, furthermore author discusses the practical significance of using these appropriate skill. In the forth chapter, under the historic background of miraculous carpenters who are famous for their skill in Jianchuan, author discusses the ripe craft of mortise joint and artistic caving using in the process of making traditional door and window and analyses the characteristic of the skill and the significance of succession it .In the final chapter, author analyses the historic limitations of the traditional skill on making door and window of vernacular architecture and makes a suggestion of developing the traditional design theories and applying it on modern design.

  • 【分类号】TU228
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】515

