

【作者】 都红玉

【导师】 石克辉;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 滇西南地区是云南西部经济较为落后但自然资源丰富的地区,随着国家西部大开发战略和云南“绿色经济强省”、“民族文化大省”和“中国连接东南亚、南亚的国际大通道”三大目标的实施,它的城市化进程将会得到进一步的推动。本文关注该地区面临良好机遇,有发展潜力的欠发达乡域中心,运用城镇经营的理念对其规划、基础设施经营、土地资财经营和城镇形象塑造四个方面进行了一些探讨,以期为滇西南欠发达乡域中心建设的健康发展提供一定借鉴。 本文分为四部分: 第一部分交待了研究的背景和意义,对乡域中心概念加以简略的介绍,引出城镇经营的理念来源; 第二部分借鉴城市经营的理论框架,概括介绍了城镇经营的概念、基本原理和内容; 第三部分对滇西南欠发达乡域中心进行了现状分析,根据其发展不定性突出,产业亟待加强,基础设施薄弱,而建设资金严重匮乏的现状,提出城镇经营要适应本地区的发展阶段,在建设中要注重制定动态的弹性规划和利于产业发展和培育的主动型规划,加强建设资金和土地资源的节约和高效利用,多元化筹集建设资金,分阶段分步骤循序渐进地实施,同时,重视具有地域和民族特色的城镇形象塑造,提升乡域中心的竞争力。 第四部分以碧溪乡域中心规划的实例,对城镇经营思路如何贯穿于乡域中心规划作了一些初步的探索和尝试。

【Abstract】 West east district of Yunnan is the district with backward economy but abundant natural resources. With practice policy of exploiting in west china and developing strategy of "the province of ecological economy" and "the province of nationality civilization " and "the international passage "in Yunnan, urbanization of West east urban of Yunnan would be promoted. This thesis pays close attention to those lagging behind rural center with having good promote future and latent capacity and give some suggestions to planning, manage of base of urban, manage of land property, molding imagery of rural center with concept of towns manage, for giving use for reference in construction process of rural center.This thesis is composed of four parts:The first part gives background and purpose of research, and gives general introduce to conception of rural center, put forward the source of the concept of town manage.The second part give general introduce to conception of the concept of towns manage, basic principles and contents, through in reference of frame of manage of urban.The third part makes an analysis to present conditions of rural center in West east urban of Yunnan, and give forward of towns manage should be in adapt to the developing phase of West east urban of Yunnan. In the basis of conditions of outstand inconstant developing and in dire need of strength industry, weakness base of urban, and construction’s fund being extremely lack, It should be pay attention making flexible planning and active planning to avail industry’s growing, to economize and utilize construction’s fund and property of land efficient, and raise money from many ways and sides, and bring the town’s planning into effect step by step, in other hand, take it into attention molding imagery of rural center with having feature of district and nation to exalt competitive ability.The fourth part does a try and exploration in how to use the concept of town manage in planning with the example of the rural center of Bixi.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】143

