

Features of Geology-geochemistry and Prognosis of Concealed Bodies for Maoping Zinc-Lead Deposit At Zhaotong, Yunnan

【作者】 胡彬

【导师】 韩润生;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在研究滇东北区域成矿地质背景的基础上,运用矿田地质力学理论,依据不同方向、不同性质结构面力学性质转变的特征,划分了矿区构造体系,概括了构造控矿特征,并以此为基础讨论了毛坪铅锌矿床846、910中段矿体分布区断裂构造岩的稀土元素配分模式。在分析矿床Pb、S、D、O、C稳定同位素和流体包裹体组成特征的基础上,阐明了矿床物质来源,提出了矿床的成矿模式,并运用构造地球化学的理论和方法,借助数学地质和相关计算机软件,将毛坪铅锌矿床的成矿物质条件和构造条件结合起来,探讨了成矿元素在空间上的运移和富集规律,总结出构造地球化学预测准则,优选出矿区、矿床的有利成矿靶区。 毛坪铅锌矿床是该区典型的受构造控制的矿床之一。矿区内发育的不同方向构造形迹归属于四种主要的构造组合,代表四种不同的构造体系,反映四期构造的演化和发展。其中,NE向构造带是毛坪铅锌矿区最为主要的控矿构造型式,其呈现出典型的“多”字型控矿型式,反映为NE向压扭性断裂和猫猫山倒转背斜控矿的特征。 通过对矿区稳定同位素及微量元素的研究认为: 矿床金属硫化物Pb同位素组成反映了铅源主要来自上地壳,部分来自造山带和区域广布的峨眉山玄武岩;S同位素组成则显示了富重硫为特征,指示了硫源来自海水。脉石矿物D、O同位素组成代表了岩浆水、变质水、建造水及大气降水混合作用的结果;C同位素组成则反映来自受热液改造的含有机质的地层,说明地层受成矿流体溶解、淋滤、萃取而提供了部分成矿物质和储矿空间。 流体包裹体地球化学反映了有机质参与了成矿作用,同时成矿流体为一中-弱碱性的Na+-Cl--Ca2+型,具有中-低盐度、中低温度、中等压力的成矿热卤水。 微量元素地球化学中各中段断裂构造岩(矿石)的稀土元素配分模式表明:δ Eu弱亏损-缓斜型代表各中段强铅锌矿化-浸染状矿石的稀土元素的配分模式,其为矿区的地球化学找矿标志;不同矿体矿石中Eu异常,反映了流体运移和滞留过程中在物质来源及成矿环境上的差异。 在上述研究的基础上,将该矿床的成矿条件与世界典型的MVT、SEDEX型及滇东昆明理工大学硕士论文北会泽铅锌矿床进行了对比研究,认为该矿床属于“沉积一流体贯入”的成矿模式。 断裂构造岩采用R型聚类分析表明,矿区内成岩、成矿元素组合主要有三种:卜碳酸盐岩造岩主元素组合;H一铅和域锌矿化成矿元素组合:m一黄铁矿化成矿元素组合。第一组合代表了赋矿地层与成矿流体间相互作用的成矿元素组合;第二组合代表了主成矿流体成矿元素及伴生元素的组合特征;第三组合则显示沉积和成矿流体贯入期形成以为黄铁矿主的元素共生组合; 矿床各中段因子得分异常为:910中段为zn一In和Pb一cu一Ge一As一Ag一sb一Bi;在846中段(I号矿体)为Zn一Cu一Ge一Ag一Cd一In和Pb一As一Sb一Tl一Bi矿化元素组合;846中段(11、111号矿体)为zn一Pb一Mn一Ag一In一Sb一Bi矿化元素组合。 根据断裂构造岩矿化元素构造地球化学特点及找矿标志认为:矿区内的找矿远景区为: (1) NIV倒转翼所在的846中段NE段(倒转背斜的轴部)及846中段SW段; (2)褶皱NW倒转翼Clb中部与D3z犷上部; 矿床内的找矿靶区为 (l)846中段11、111号矿体分布区的NE段 (2)846中段11、111号矿体分布区SW段 通过矿山工程验证,取得了良好的找矿效果。

【Abstract】 On the basis of study on metallogenic setting in the northeastern Yunnan province, the REE distribution models for the fault tectonites, which distribute around the ore-bodies were classified into the division tectonic system by means of the different trend and property mechanical conversion structural planes are discussed and some ore-conduit characteristics are summarized in this paper. At the same time, the deposit genesis has been put forward after the ore-forming sources were clarified by analysis the stable isotopic (Pb, S, D, O, C) and the compositions of fluid inclusions. According to the above research, the migration and concentration of ore-forming elements are dealed with in three dimensions for the Maoping Zinc-Lead deposit. On the basis of deducing the criteria of tecto-geochemistry for the prognoses of metallogensis, the forecasting areas have been selected by means of the analytical method and theory of tecto- geochemistry in combination with the ore-forming conditions. The computer and relative software for mutirariance analysis perform these works.The Maoping zinc-lead deposit is one of the most ore-conduit deposit in this area. The trails of faults are plentiful on the structural plane, which belongs to four structural associations, and delegates four different structural systems, reflects the fault activities of four periods. The NE trending belt is mostly important ore-conduit structure, which includes the NE-trending Maoping press-shear fault and inverted Maomaoshan fold, which are the subordinate xi-type structure in the ore field.The characteristic compositions of the stable isotopic and the fluid inclusions in Maoping mineral district show that the main sources of Pb origin the Upper Earth’s Crust, partly froin orogenetic belt and/or Emeishan basalt; the S isotopic composition hints sulfur sources from the seawater; The D and O isotopic compositions show that they emerge from the compound results of the magma water, metamorphic water, hosted water and rain water; the origination of the C isotopic shows that C resource strata. The ore-forming fluidfeatures enlighten that the strata had been affected by solution, leaching, exaction.The compositions of the fluid inclusion show the fluid is a hot ore-forming bittern Na+-Cl--Ca2+ type, which have a mid-low salinity, tempter, and pressure.Trace elements, especially, the strongly mineralized-tectonites and impregnated-ores’ REE distraction model reflects the ore-finding symbols of geo-chemistry, and shows the fluid transferring environment or material exchanging between wall-rock and the fluid.From above discussion, we compare the patterns of mettallogeny with MVT,SEDEX deposits and Huize znic-lead deposit, the model for the Maoping deposit is "sediment-ore fluid injection".The ore-forming elements in the deposit have three main kinds of association. The first association is one of the carbonate forming element composition; the second is one of zinc and /or lead mineralization; The third is one of pyrite between the mettallogenic periods. The first element association indicates the activities between strata and ore-forming fluids; the other association indicates the main ore-forming elements and accompanying elements in the ore-forming fluid; the last association indicate the element combination of two periods pyrite.There are mineralization factor scores in every ore body distribution and can have been draw anomaly diagram as following:910 meters,Zn-In and Pb-Cu-Ge-As-Ag-Sb-Bi; 846 metersCNo. I ore body), Zn-Cu-Ge-Ag-Cd-In and Pb-As-Sb-Tl-Bi; 846 meters(No. II, III ore bodies) ,Zn-Pb-Mn-Ag-In-Sb-Bi.According to the features of fault tecto-geochemistry of the faults and ore-finding criteria, the deposit forecasting areas have suggested as following:Mineral district forecasting areas are the NE (axial plane of inverted fold ) ,SW-trend of part NW inverted limb in 846 meter height and the middle part in C\b and upper part in D3zg2 NW inverted limb;The ore-finding target areas of deposit the NE trend of No. II and No.III ore bod

  • 【分类号】P618.4
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】679

