

【作者】 杨洪亮

【导师】 杨保建;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国加入WTO、实施西部大开发战略、澜沧江—湄公河次区域经济合作的推进及“中国—东盟”10-1自由贸易区的提出的战略背景下,客观上将云南推到了中国面向东南亚国家对外开放的最前沿,为云南省县域经济的发展提供了一个千载难逢的机遇。党的“十六大”提出“壮大县域经济”的号召,把发展县域经济作为全面推进小康建设的首要任务。而云南省是西部省份,县域经济发展水平较低,表现为:产业结构不合理、所有制结构比例失调、市场发育不完善等特征。其地理优势、资源优势、劳动力优势没得到充分发挥。云南县域经济的发展关系到全省综合经济实力能否提高,关系到贫困县脱贫致富奔小康的问题,关系到边疆少数民族地区社会稳定和市场繁荣的问题。因此对县域经济的发展壮大应放在战略高度来抓,本文正是在这样的现实状况下,研究了云南省的县域经济发展模式。 本论文运用区域经济学、地理经济学、发展经济学、产业经济等理论知识,系统研究了县域经济的基本理论框架(县域经济的特征、县域经济评价原则、类型选择、并在此基础上构建了其矩阵式评价模型),给出了县域经济发展模式的界定,结合增长极理论、点轴开发理论、梯度推进理论,在县域内外环境分析、确定选择基点、构建支撑体系的基础上,提出了县域经济的发展模式。此模式主要强调的是县域经济的发展应该基于实施“特色”战略,而渠道则是通过创新(包括:体制创新、品牌创新、科技创新、组织创新、市场创新等)。综合运用管理学、管理统计、国际贸易理论等专门知识并结合云南省的具体情况,采用理论分析与实证分析、系统分析与比较分析相结合的研究方法,在充分调查、研究、分析、总结、提升的基础上,参照其他典型县域经济发展的成功模式(苏南模式、温州模式和珠江模式),阐述了县域经济发展成功的本质在于创新,全面分析了云南省县域经济的发展状况(总体上县域经济水平较低、差异大、产业结构不合理、市场体系不完善、城乡二元性结构有加深趋势等),并在县域资源开发现状和区位现状分析的基础上,提出了云南省基于资源型(包括旅游、矿产、水电、生物)和区位型(含边境县域)的县域经济发展模式。

【Abstract】 As China joining WTO, implementing strategy of developing western regions, promoting of the once regional economic cooperation of Lancang -Mekong River and proposing the Free Trade Area of" China - Association of South-east Asian Nations" (10+1), Yunnan Province Objectively has been pushed to China and facing the most forward position opening to the outside world of the countries in Southeast Asia, offering a machine very rare chance for development of county economy of Yunnan Province. The sixteenth meeting of Party proposed the calls of strengthening county economy", regarded developing county economy as the primary task who well-to-do level set up all-sidedly. Yunnan Province is the western province, the level of county economy development is relatively low, shown as: unreasonable industrial structure, imbalance, imperfect structure of ownership and market development. Its geographical advantage, the resource advantage, workforce’s advantage have not been given full play to. Whether the development of the county economy of Yunnan Province could be improved to concern the synthesized economic strength of the whole province, concern poor county to shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity and go straight the issues of well-to-do level concern borderland the regional between social stability and market prosperous issues of ethnic minority. So the development of county economy should be put in strategic height stressing to strengthen. This text, under such an realistic states, study models of county economic development of Yunnan Province just.This thesis uses the theories, such as regional economics, geographical economics, development economics, industry economics, etc., thoroughly research the basic theory frame of county economy (the characteristic, evaluation principle, type of choice, and appraise models of county economy), give define of county economic development models, combine theory of growth pole, axles development, gradient moving forward. On the basis of the internal and external environmental analysis of county, determining to choose the basic point and structuring the supporting system, have put forward the development model of the county economy. This mode emphasizes mainly development of the county economy should be because of implementing" characteristic" strategy, through innovation (including: innovation of system, organization markets, brands, science and technology etc.). Synthetically using special knowledge of management, manage statistics, international trade theory etc., combining the concrete conditions of Yunnan Province, adopting the way of theory analysis, on the foundation of abundant investigation, research, analysis, summarizing, promoting, consult other successful development model of the county economy (such as Su southern mode, Wenzhou mode and Zhu Jiang River mode), it explains the essence of development of county economy lies in innovation, all-sidedly analyze the state of development of the county economy, Yunnan Province (including: generally low level, wide difference, unreasonable industry structure, imperfect market system, strengthen trend of urban and rural areas two-yuan of quality structure, the county economy, etc.), and on the basis of the current situation of development of resources and position of the county, put forward the county economic development models on the basis of the resource type( including travel, mineral products, water and electricity, living beings) and position type( include the border counties) of Yunnan Province.

【关键词】 云南省县域经济发展模式研究
【Key words】 Yunnan Provincecounty economydevelopment modelresearch
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1394

