

【作者】 尹鸿瑜

【导师】 赵俊三;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 土地和房屋是人类赖以生存的基础,也是国民经济可持续发展的重要保障,可以说人类的一切生产、开发、经营、工作、生活等社会活动都离不开土地和房屋。因此,借助于现代化的信息技术、地理信息系统(GIS)技术、办公自动化(OA)和管理信息系统(MIS)等技术,建立结构完整、功能齐全、技术先进并与土地和房屋管理工作现代化要求相适应的“土地和房屋管理信息系统”,实现对土地资源和房屋快速、动态、科学、有效的管理,已成为当前各级国土资源和房屋管理部门的紧迫任务。目前,国内一些土地和房屋管理局对信息化建设十分重视,在一些经济发达的中心城市和地区已经逐步开展了土地和房屋管理信息化建设工作。并建成了房地产档案数据库等一些专题数据库,在国土资源和房屋管理工作中发挥了重要的作用。但由于目前的信息化建设主要以专题信息系统建设为主,使系统之间缺乏有机的联系,功能比较单一,数据库内容既不完整也未全部进行标准化处理。在国土资源和房屋管理局内部形成了“各个子系统独立运行、信息不能共享(信息孤岛)、缺少整体信息化建设规划”等问题,满足不了国土资源和房屋管理局“数字国土”和“电子政务”工程、信息服务社会化的需要。因此,在新的形势下,应根据国土资源和房屋管理局整体信息化建设需要,按照国土资源部及地方国土资源管理部门制定的信息化建设“十五”规划要求,全面启动国土资源和房屋管理信息化建设工作。以此带动国土资源和房屋管理方式的根本转变,提高管理工作的效率和透明度。限制各种违章违法行为,使国土资源和房屋管理各项各项工作向综合化、科学化、公开化的方向迈进。通过国土资源和房屋信息服务系统建设,实现信息的共享与社会服务,充分发挥国士资源和房屋信息的基础性、公益性和为政府提供决策支持的作用。本文将通过对土地管理和房产管理业务内容、特点和技术要求的分析,昆明理!:大学硕士学位论文摘要结合目前国内外GIS技术、软件开发技术等方面的最新进展情况,对土地与房屋管理信息系统的总体需求,建设要求等进行了分析。在此基础上对系统建设的技术路线、总体技术方案、系统功能、数据库结构、软件体系等进行了深入的讨论。论文还对系统开发建设所涉及到的关键技术,如控件技术、海量空间数据管理技术、以与GIS集成技术、工作流技术等进行了分析。论文最后对系统开发实施提出了具体可行的方法。 土地和房屋管理信息系统是“数字国土”的重要组成部分,是城市空间数据框架建设的主要内容之一。通过本文的研究,将为土地与房屋管理信息系统的开发建设,也为整个国土资源信息化建设起到一定的参考指导作用。

【Abstract】 The land and house property are the foundation on which mankind lives. They are also the important guarantee of national economy development. It is to say that the whole social activity including social economic development and production, government administration, people’s work and life etc. rely on the land and the house property. Therefore, to realize the modernization and establish information system of the process of land and house property administration by use of the information technology, GIS, OA and MIS is one of the urgent tasks of the all levels of government in China. And only the modem and suitable information system can make that possible to process and manage land and house property quickly, scientifically and validly.Nowadays some bureaus that are responsible for managing the land or the house property pay more attention on the development of land information system (LIS) and house property information system (HPIS) in China. At some development central large cities or regions, the land and the house property management information systems (LHPIS) have been developed gradually. And the some special thematic databases have been created, such as real estate file databases, cadastral databases, etc. They have played very important rules in the administration of the national land and resources, as well as house property. But since today’s information development is the main with special subject information system. It makes systems lack organic contact with each other. It also makes function be single, and databases contents neither a complete nor standardized at all. Inside the land and resource administrations, or house property management departments, many problems have emerged, such as: each of subsystems circulates independently, information can’t be shared (individual information island), and it lacks whole program for developing information. So, it can’t satisfy the need of the land, resource, or house property administrations. The need includes "figure national territory", "electronics governmental affairs", and information serve socialized. So, on the new situation, we must completely start the information development work of the land and resources, and the house property, at the request of the whole information development of the land, resource, and house property administration, and according to the information development "Shi Wu" project. Then the land, resource, and house property’s management will be changed thoroughly. And the management’s efficiency and clarity will be increased. Every kind of the illegal behavior will be limited. It let the workof managing the land, resource, and house property become synthetic, scientific, and open. By developing the land, resource, and house property information system, we will realize sharing of information and serving for society. By the way, the land, resource, and house property information system of area can perform its effect completely, such as basic function, public function, and providing the support for government to make policy.In this thesis, through analyzing the practice contents, characteristics, and technique request of land management or house property management, and joining together the last domestic and foreign technique, such as GIS technique and software development technique. We will analyze the total requirement and development requirement of the land management and house property management. On this foundation, the thesis discussed the technique route, total technique project, system function, database construction, software system etc, of the system’s development. It also analyzed the key technique which was involved when system developing. Such as component technique, large quantity space data management technique, OA&GIS integration, and workflow, etc. Finally, specific and viable way was been put forward on how to develop the system.The land and the house property management system is an important part of "figure land". And it is also main content of city’s space data frame. Through this research, this thesis wil

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】394

