

【作者】 杨建新

【导师】 吴萍;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国中小企业发展迅猛,成为国民经济一个重要亮点,但融资问题却成为中小企业发展的主要瓶颈。世界各国经验表明,融资难是中小企业发展中一个最普遍最关键的制约因素。当前,我国正处于体制转型和结构调整的特殊历史时期,中小企业融资问题显得更为复杂,研究和反映这一问题具有重要的现实意义。 本文在分析和比较了美、日、法等发达国家中小企业融资政策和方式之后,针对我国中小企业融资难问题,从政府、企业、金融三个方面深入分析了中小企业融资难问题的现状、存在问题及其原因,最后结合美、同、法等发达国家中小企业融资的成功经验和我国实际,提出解决我国中小企业融资难问题的一系列对策和建议。指出解决融资难问题的关键在于从制度体系上尽快建立健全一个能够适应并加速中小企业发展的融资服务体系,而该体系的建立必须依靠政府、企业、金融机构三方面力量的共同努力,必须要在政府、企业、金融机构三者之间形成正常的经济关系,即政府提供政策支撑,为其发展创造一个良好的外部生存环境,银行和其它金融机构问接或直接输血,最后,也是最重要的是中小企业自身融资能力的完善,因此,中小企业必须尽快走上现代企业制度改革之路。

【Abstract】 In recent times, there is a rapid development for SMH in China, which has become one very important part of national economy. Although SME has a last growth in China,financial issues are becoming the "bottleneck" for the SMH further development. It is the most widespread and crucial factor for SMH development to be limited by the lack of money in accordance to the international financing experience. Nowadays, a special -history era has seen the transformation and the adjustment in the institutions and structure of society, polity, economy and culture in China.In this period, it is more complicated and difficulty for SMH in China to finance. Therefore, there is a very meaning and practical significance for us to research and reflect the SME financing issues in China.After briefly analysis and comparison of SMH financing policy and methods among the developed countries such as America, Japan and France, aiming directly at the SMH financing difficult problem in China, this thesis gives a deep analysis and research about the overall situations, difficulties and the main cause’s of SME financing issues in China in terms of the three levels of government, enterprises and financial institutions. At last, the thesis proposes a series of solutions and recommendations for the SMH financing-difficult problems in the basis of combining the successful experience of developed countries with the reality in China. In conclusion, this thesis is of the view that solution for the financing difficult issues in China is to construct one financing service institution for SMH development in China as soon as possible. The construction of the financing-service institution depends on the common efforts maele by government, enterprises and financial institutions. That is, the government shouldcreate an enabling environment for SME development; financial institutions should give ’transfusion’ to enterprises directly and indirectly; the last and the most important, enterprises must build their capability of financing by themselves and keep it improved. Therefore, it is thus a matter of high urgency that enterprises to modernize and innovate their traditional institutions.

【关键词】 中小企业融资现状问题对策
【Key words】 SMEFinancingIssuesolution
  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1208

