

【作者】 丁雪兴

【导师】 李超;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 化工过程机械, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 金属膜片联轴器是一种具有广泛发展前途的新型两轴挠性联接装置。目前,常用的膜片结构有圆环式、多边式和束腰式等,由于圆环式结构简单、制造方便在国外已得到广泛的应用,而我国对这方面的研究和应用还比较少。随着社会的发展和市场的需求,人们对膜片联轴器愈来愈关注,尤其是膜片较为精确的疲劳寿命,以适应不同设备对使用期运转的要求。本文所做的工作部分为甘肃省教育技术基金资助项目(0314B-01) 《金属膜片联轴器膜片寿命的理论计算及试验研究》中的寿命理论计算部分,同时,该项目也为兰州英克石化有限公司的横向课题。论文以圆环式膜片为研究对象,通过对金属膜片联轴器的研究分析建立了力学模型,并利用Ansys有限元应用软件对膜片中存在的四种应力(薄膜应力、离心应力、轴向弯曲应力、角向弯曲应力)分别进行了计算,得到了膜片各种应力的结构变形图、节点应力分布图及最大应力点的数值和位置。根据计算结果分析了这四种应力对膜片疲劳寿命的影响。继而进一步计算了膜片静态三种组合的平均应力以及动态应力。本文依据疲劳裂纹形成寿命计算的局部应力-应变法。对膜片的疲劳寿命进行了编程计算,计算结果与实验值比较结果令人满意,为膜片的设计、制造和使用提供了理论依据。从计算结果分析,现有膜片的寿命均较长,设计偏于保守。今后工作应考虑利用各向异性材料或非金属复合材料代替昂贵的不锈钢金属材料以减低成本提高经济效益,以利于普及推广使用。

【Abstract】 The laminated membrane coupling is a new type of flexible coupling with wide development. At present, there are the ring membrane, multiple-side membrane and varying-width ring membrane. The ring membrane has been widely applied in foreign country because of its simple structure and easy manufacture. Only little research and application are carried out in our country. With the development of society and demands of market, the people pay increasing attention to the membrane as well as its exacter fatigue life in order to meeting the needs of service.This thesis is based on the education and technology project of GANSU province-THE MEMBRANE FATIGUE LIFE EVALUATION AND TEST WORK IN THE LAMINATED MEMBRANE COUPLING. Some topic are discussed and researched. And it is a cooperating subject with Lanzhou Yingke petrochemical and limited corporation.Taken the ring membrane as a example, dynamic model is established. Using ANSYS’s finite element programme four stresses of the membrane containing twist, centrifugal force, axial and angular flexion are calculated, and the results of four stresses are obtained such as deformation pattern for structure, distribution graph for nodal stresses and maximum stress. Besides, the paper analyses the effect of these stresses on the membrane fatigue life. Then three static average stress and the dynamic stre.ss are further studied. With the development of science and technology, a new method which calculates fatigue life was used , named local stress-strain method. And using it the fatigue life of membrane are evaluated by programming. The solution is comfortable compared with experiments. This is valuable to design, make and use membrane.Form showing a result of its longer fatigue life, the membrane can meet needs of production. But the design is too conservative so it is the future task for us to use anisotropic or nonmetallic material instead of expensive 1Cr18Ni9 stainless steel in order to lowering costs and raising economic efficiency. It is benefit tousage of popularization.

  • 【分类号】TH133.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】428

