

The Researcher and Implementation of Computer Simulation of the Gear Box Casting During Filling Process

【作者】 仇珊

【导师】 袁子州;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 干砂消失模铸造工艺是80年代末开始投入工业应用并逐步得以发展完善的铸造新技术。由于其诸多优点(如铸件尺寸精度高、表面粗糙度低、机械加工量少、环境污染小等),该技术被认为是一项很有发展前景的近净型加工技术和清洁生产技术。近年来,消失模铸造过程计算机模拟仿真使得如今消失模铸造技术的自动化程度更高,优化工艺设计,缩短产品试制周期,降低成本,减少铸件缺陷,确保铸件质量。因此,已成为铸造领域最热门的研究课题之一。该课题就是为工艺设计提供模拟和校核手段,以传热理论、流体力学及金属凝固理论等为基础,利用数值分析技术、数据库技术和可视化技术等对铸造过程进行仿真,从而模拟出在铸件充型、凝固和冷却中的流场和温度场,并根据这些物理场对铸件质量进行预报,从而提高铸件工艺设计的准确性、高效性。采用了PRO/E作为三维造型软件,用美国UFC公司著名的ProCAST软件作为铸造过程计算机模拟仿真工具,深入探讨了消失模铸造过程中的特点。在对铸造过程流场、温度场、气隙压力以及铸造缺陷预计的数学模型进行深入分析研究的基础上,成功地制定出了一套铸造工艺CAD/CAE的工艺流程。该课题以减速器下箱体铸件为实例,进行了工艺CAD建模;通过对实际铸件生产条件的测定,建立了泡沫塑料、铸件、型砂的材料参数库;合理地选择数学模型、设置运行参数;成功地对铸件成型过程进行了模拟,细致分析比较了两种浇注系统的优劣,并与实际相结合优化工艺参数设计。

【Abstract】 The computer simulation for casting process is not only the cutting edge for the subject of casting technology development and the only way for improving traditional casting, but also the hot topics to all the expert in the world.Numerical simulation for casting process may optimize craft design, shorting trial cycle, cut the cost, decrease casting defect and assure the casting quality. Because of these advantages, it has been one of the hottest topic in the foundry world. Based on the theory of heat transfer, hydrodynamics and the theory of metal solidification, by using numerical analysis technology, database technology and visual technology, this paper provided a simulation and check method for the process design to simulate the fluent field and temperature field of the filling solidification and cooling, and can predict the casting quality according to these fields, thus, by this way, improved the quality of casting draft design. Adopting Pro/E 3D software and using the famous ProCAST software of American UFC company as simulation tool in the casting process, the interfaces has been deeply researched between the two software. By our research on the fluent field, temperature field and the prediction on the casting defect, we develop a new technical process for casting CAD/CAM.This paper example the casting gear box of the casting of mechanical department in the metal company and set a CAD model. By measuring actual working condition, we set up a material database for casting and sand mold, through choose reasonable model and parameters, we simulating the casting process successfully. The result of simulation is basically accord with the actual defect.

  • 【分类号】TG249
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】370

