

The Design of RFID Access Control System on the Basis of TCP/IP Protocol

【作者】 宋海兰

【导师】 刘福春; 段清明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和网络技术的迅猛发展,门禁管理系统不断朝着集成化、智能化、网络化与分布式的方向发展。近年来,世界范围内INTERNET、以太网环境基本形成,使得基于网络环境的门禁管理系统的设计开发成为未来门禁系统建设及发展的重要方向,由于在规模、结构、功能层次及设计实现等各个方面军与传统的系统相比较均发生了很大变化,所以,如何适应这种变化并提出一种切实可行的设计方法则是当前门禁管理系统所面临的首要问题。基于TCP/IP协议射频卡门禁管理系统的开发就是为了顺应这种大的趋势而酝酿形成的。通过实现嵌入式TCP/IP协议单片机(门禁机)与远程管理主机之间的网络数据传输,并结合90年代以来在世界范围内飞速发展的射频卡技术,开发出现代化的网络型门禁管理系统。该门禁系统能够利用现代企业或社区内部已普遍架设的局域网之线路,提供使用者把门禁系统融入成为局域网甚至是英特网的一部份。方便管理者统一管理,而不需另外花费金钱跟时间来架设线路,既能节省管理方面的开销,又能提高数据传输的效能。这一切都是通过RS485格式的讯号作数据传输的系统所不及的。目前,从国际、国内研发的门禁系统的控制手段来看主要有接触式IC卡门禁机、射频感应卡门禁机、指纹门禁机等。在这其中,由于射频感应卡技术本身的先进性,射频感应卡门禁管理系统具有以往其它各种<WP=67>门禁系统所无可比拟的优越性和广阔的市场推广前景,它的应用已成为楼宇弱电系统的重要组成部分,也是楼宇实现现代化管理的重要标志。从国际、国内研发的门禁系统的通讯方式来看局限于单门不通讯、联网RS232和RS485通讯。现在随着信息技术的发展,人们对工作,生活的自动化水平也提出了越来越高的要求,基于TCP/IP通讯协议的以太网已深入普及到工厂、车间、公司、办公场所及家庭。越来越多的企业/楼宇等建立了网络系统并进入全球互联网组织。随着网络的普及,很多企业将公司/小区的管理挂接在网络上,以求实现简单化,无人化。门禁系统的发展面临一个信息化建设的组成部分与网络接口问题。本设计通过将TCP/IP协议与射频感应卡门禁管理系统相结合研制出基于计算机以太网通讯的射频卡门禁系统,由于吸收了两种技术的优点,具有一定的技术先进性和宽广的市场前景与实用价值。该系统突出的优势是利用成熟稳定的以太网作为控制通讯用的手段,特别是对于已经和即将按照结构化布线施工的办公和工作场所有极大的方便,可以使用标准的3类、5类、超5类线直接连接成群的门禁控制系统,由网路上的任何一台安装了管理软件的PC进行控制和管理。将TCP/IP协议与射频卡技术以及数据库技术有机的结合,研究出基于TCP/IP协议射频卡门禁系统,就题目本身就有很大的实际意义,同时通过它的研究还能为其它应用开辟新的思路,因此该成果在学术上、具体应用上具有一定的价值。本研究主要成果体现以下几个方面:一、论述了基于TCP/IP协议射频卡门禁系统的设计原理,并提出了总体设计方案。二、解决了嵌入式TCP/IP协议单片机网络数据传输问题。使得该系统与旧的通过RS485格式的讯号作数据传输的系统相比,数据传输速率更高,节点数更多,更便于管理者管理。三、对射频卡读写技术作了进一步的研究。开发出射频卡阅读器样机一台、门禁控制机样机一台、系统管理软件一套。 <WP=68>本论文共分七章,首先论述了基于TCP/IP协议射频卡门禁管理系统的优点及系统的整体方案。其次从系统硬件、软件不同层面阐述了设计的技术应用。最后进行测试与总结。本论文的重点是系统管理软件的开发及嵌入式TCP/IP协议单片机(门禁机)的设计实现。本设计中系统管理软件的开发平台选用VB6.0,后台数据库开发使用SQL2000,在VB6.0中利用WINSOCK控件实现管理PC机与门禁机之间的通讯,利用ADO挂后台数据库。关于嵌入式TCP/IP协议单片机则主要的整体规划如下:因为门禁控制器与嵌入式网卡通讯是要用到微处理器唯一的一个串行口,而为了节省资源简化系统,读卡和显示也是用的串行传输数据,因此,设计中使用了模拟串口。为了防止在突然断电的情况下,数据丢失,系统设计时采用带有电池的非易失RAM。另外,单片机内部在设计中使用了自带电池的实时时钟DS12887,该芯片在第一次使用后,无论有电还是掉电,都能自动计时,而且精度较高,可以随时通过软件读取时间数据。本论文是在参加吉林省创新基金资助项目“无线便携式射频卡读写技术研究及应用”期间成形的,由于时间的关系,有些问题及技术细节还需要进一步完善。在今后的研究中,本人将继续致力于技术的完善、系统功能的改进。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer and network technology, access control system goes towards integration intelligence networking and distribution continuously. In recent years, due to the formation of INTERNET/Ethernet environment throughout the world, the design and development of access control system based on Ethernet has become an important aspect of the future access control system construction and development. Great changes took place in the scale construction function performance and etc. compared to traditional system, therefore, how to adapt the change and how to present a practical development method becomes the key element that modern access control system has to face.The design of RFID access control system, which is based on TCP/IP protocol conform to the current situation. By carrying out the data transfer between the MCU embedded TCP/IP protocol stack and the manager PC and combining the Radio Frequency technology, we accomplish the modern networking access control system. This system can provide more convenience than the old one, which the data transfer, is based RS 485 protocol, such as save our money and save our wealth.At present, the control means of access control system is mainly by touching IC controller, RFID controller, and fingerprint controller, etc <WP=70>according to the world. Among them because of the advances of the RFID technology, RFID access control system has the incomparable superiorities. The applications of it become the important parties of building weak electricity system already, and it is also the important signs of building managements. AS speaking as the way of communication, the current system confine to single door system or networking system on the basis of RS485 or RS232 protocol. Along with the development of the information technology, people want higher and higher standard of living and automobile. Ethernet based on TCP/IP protocol has become popularized to the factory, workshop, company, office premises and family. It is more and more for enterprise to set up building network system. and join the worldwide INTERNET issues. By the development of networks, many companies carry out management by networks, In order to simplify operating and save manpower resources. Therefore, how to adapt the change and how to present a practical development method becomes the key element that access control system has to face.The design accomplishes the RFID access control system by combining the Radio Frequency technology with TCP/IP protocol. Because of absorbing the merits of these two kinds of technology, the system has the technology advantage, broad market prospects, and practical value. The outstanding advantage is the means that communication uses is depend on steady Ethernet. The system can provide more convinces, especially in the places, which have networking environments. We can Control and manage by any PC which has been installed the management software on the networking.By combining the RFID technology with the technology of database and the TCP/IP protocol, Working out the RFID access control system on the basis of TCP/IP protocol, has very great actual meanings on the topic, At the same time the researches of it still can open up the new train of thought for other uses, So this achievement has certain value on academy and <WP=71>application. The main achievements of this research are as below:Have expounded the principle of the design for access control system that is based on TCP/IP protocol, and have put forward the overall plan of design.Have solved the problem of network data transmission for the MCU embedded TCP/IP protocol stack. This system can provide more conveniences than the old one of which the data transmission is based on RS 485 protocol .the transfer rate of the data is higher, the number of the nodes are more, and it is more convenient for administrator to manage.Have done further research about the RFID technology.Have accomplished one unit of RFID reader model, one unit of access controller model, and one unit of the man

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP29
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1410

