

The Application of Multimedia Resource Server in Soft Switch System

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 赵宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 视频会议领域是当今世界上发展最快的产业之一,电子信息产业不仅成为世界新的经济增长点,而且带动了传统产业的升级改造,促进了其它高新技术产业的发展,成为增强国家综合实力的因素之一。视频会议系统是指通过现有的各种通讯传输媒体,将人物的静态、动态图像、语音、文字、图片等多种信息分送到各个用户的计算机上,使得在地理上分散的用户可以共聚一处,通过图形、声音等多种方式交流信息,增加双方对内容的理解能力。视频会议系统在用户组成模式上分为点对点(2人)和群组视频会议系统(多人)两种,按技术实现方式上分为模拟(如利用闭路有线电视系统实现单向视频会议)和数字(通过软硬件计算机和通讯技术实现)两种。视频会议系统传送的是多媒体数据,与普通数据不同,由于声音和动态图像的源信号的数据量较大,无法直接在一般条件的数字线路上传输。同时,基于对实际使用效果的要求,用户还要求传送的声音、图像信号连续平滑,其它辅助功能使用简捷。因此要达到这样的效果,系统在声音、图像压缩、通讯线路条件、数据、应用程序共享等方面都对技术提出了很高的要求。系统应该满足参加会议的人数可以不断增长,这就对视频会议系统软件在满足并发性和程序时间复杂性方面提出了更高的要求。那么如何解决上述问题以适应视频会议发展的需求就具有深远的意义,所以课题《多媒体视频资源服务器在软交换中的应用》这个研究方向具有重要的意义。 本文介绍的项目是国家十五“863”计划信息技术领域通信技术主题的重大课题“支持多媒体视频会议和移动义务的软交换系统(2002AA2101x)”中的多媒体资源服务器,在该项目中多媒体资源服务器应具备以下的功能:(1)对承载服务的资源进行操作控制,为承载服务提供承载资源,承载资源包括:多媒体资源服务、集中语音、数据服务能力。(2)提供标准协议,包括:H.248和H.323;软交换通过H.248协议向承载服务发出服务请求。(3)提供媒体网关接口。(4)提供到应用服务器的接口。(5)会议花名册(Conference Roster):管理加入会场的终端信息。终端只有向会场注册自己的信息后才真正加入会场。(6)会议主席(Conference Conductor):提供控制会议的方式。以上功能依靠状态处理模块、呼叫处理模块、消息分解模块、媒体资源处理模块来实现。状态处理模块进行状态的转换的工作;呼叫处理模块处理与应用服务器相关的呼叫;消息分解模块进行对H.323协议族消息的分解;媒体资源处理模块执行视频和音频的压缩以及混合的任务。四个模块同时运行,每个模块之间<WP=72>的交互是通过状态接口模块传递必要的参数信息来实现的。我参与了状态处理模块和多媒体资源处理模块的设计以及编程开发工作。编程思想是流程将从一个预定的呼叫开始,然后通过声音视频切换,来显示一个通讯模式从建立到销毁的过程。通过上层的呼叫获得相应的媒体参数,相应的编码要求,以及相应的会议服务管理参数(参加会议的成员,拨叫号码),产生会议的上下文并且选择音频和视频混合的模式,然后由MP(媒体处理模块)进行处理,MP产生出上下文并且分配所需的物理资源后返回报告给MC(呼叫模块)并且注册在数据库中。MC添加上下文到第一个用户的RTP中,并负责应答相应端口的RTP。通过拨叫第一个用户,与端点交换容量建立通讯模式,MC将获得容量信息并做出模式的选择,并用正确的编码信息更新RTP。MC打开通讯通道,继续添加新的用户,在呼叫过程中MC也可以接收应用服务器以及终端可能影响会议上下文的响应,例如得到从远端一个视频快速刷新的触发命令,被选择的媒体流由MC送到指定端点。声音将激活视频切换,向MC发出信号改变视频混和模式。这种切换是由资源控制模块来控制的,并且由其负责通知。MC管理会议的进程,终止一个呼叫,消除上下文。MP负责通知MC关于资源中的变化情况。本文主要有以下几方面研究内容:(1)本文首先对整个系统的功能模块组成,系统结构,以及系统流程图进行了详尽的介绍。(2)本文同时介绍了H.261这种视频压缩算法以及编程实现的过程。同时也介绍了实时性媒体传输协议的选择,以及如何保证服务质量。(3)状态处理模块和多媒体资源处理模块在整个系统中分别处于资源服务器的控制层和应用层。由于整个系统的瓶颈主要是有限的网络资源,也就是当产生大量呼叫的时候,有限的带宽资源将严重限制系统的功能以及服务质量,所以本文所研究的课题是如何更有效利用有限的网络资源来满足大量的用户同时申请资源的需求,并且保证服务质量。在本方案中采用了面向对象的方法来实现有限状态机FSM。呼叫的状态有相应的状态类对应,当状态改变时,可以找到已更改的状态类;某状态下发生事件的处理就用相应的状态对象成员函数完成。(4)根据图像传输的特点,针对H.263协议的编码控制过程设置描述运动剧烈程度的参数,通过这个参数能够及时发现图像剧烈运动时的分界点,然后改变相应的编码控制参数来平衡信道和图像质量之间的矛盾。由于编码的比特率输出这种非线性关系不容易用一个精确的模型来控制,所以建立一个模糊控制的模型,通过模糊推理规则进行智能化地编码控制,利用有限的带?

【Abstract】 As a new force in multimedia communication field, Videoconference is developing at a splitting speed, attracting numerous attentions in the whole industry. The growth of the videoconference can improve other high technology very well. Being a new high-tech industry the videoconference is becoming more popular. And it has a prominent position in the country.Videoconference system is a kind of communication system that can transmit voice, image, text and various other information from one place to another place, and can make the participants have the feeling of being personally present at the conference. Videoconference system is generally divided into point-point videoconference system and multipoint videoconference system. The major videoconference products include video telephone, desktop videoconference system and meeting room-based videoconference system. The videoconference system can realize visible field conference between different places and provide the guest with global videoconference service by adopting world advanced and IP-based video equipment. Through voice and video transmission, the guest can freely choose various control modes for holding videoconference. Videoconference system can also be applied to distance learning, remote medical service and other services that need real-time audio, video data transmission. Video telephone can be used for concurrent communication with a number of persons through ISDN line. Furthermore, the images are clear and there will appear no delay.The system has various functions including picture-in-picture, display of incoming call, message leaving and etc. The videoconference system can be interconnected with any other video devices that are in conformity with international communication protocols and standards. So it requires that the system must have the high quality of service. In order to satisfy the requirement, we must solve the problem as following. One of them is how to transmit the multimedia stream efficiently, the other one is how to meet the need for more and more users can join the same meeting. So the research work of the thesis has the pretty high value of study.The subject of my research project for my master degree is “the application of Multimedia video resource server in soft switch system”. This project has been listed in No.863 National Project of China. The main Function of the system is videoconference. The function of the multimedia video resource server is below:Provided the operation for the resource and the service for the audio stream and the video stream. <WP=74>Provided the standard protocol with the H.248 protocol and the H.323 protocol.Provided the interface for multimedia gateway.Provided the interface for application server.Responsible for conference Roster.Responsible for conference conductor.All the function depends on the four modules to realize. The first of them is the dispose for multimedia resource that is responsible for code and decode of video and audio including the mixture of the video and the audio stream The second of them is the call module that is responsible for communicating with multimedia gateway and building the connection between the multimedia resource server and the application server. The third of them is the state machine module that is responsible for transferring from one status to another status. The fourth of them is the decomposition for the message module that is responsible for dispatching parameter from the protocol to the state machine module. All of the modules will run simultaneously. And they communicate with each other based on the interface of the state machine module. I join the team that is responsible for designing and developing the program of the state machine module and the multimedia resource module.The thought of designing program will begin from the call that is prearranged. And then it will show the whole process of the communication according to the parameter(such as the format of coder and decoder) from the super layer. And then MP (multimedia resource module)

【关键词】 MCUH.323视频会议有限状态机H.263模糊控制软交换
【Key words】 MCUH.323VideoconferenceFSMH.263FuzzyLogicController
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP393.05
  • 【下载频次】168

