

The General Design, Realization and Application of Interactive Voice Response in Call Center System

【作者】 陈铭

【导师】 金成柏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 90年代,基于电话语音技术的发展,国内出现了大量的电话自动应答系统,在银行业称为“电话银行系统”。由于其主要语音的连接应答通过板卡实现,受硬件设备制约,在扩展能力和软件升级开发方面远远滞后于业务需求的发展。所以,在1997年下半年我国引进了基于CTI(Computer Telephony Intergration)技术的“客户服务中心”系统(Call Center)。并且在近两年取得了快速的发展。尤其在电信和金融领域,形成了持续的热点。客户服务中心系统是利用“用户交换机”、“计算机电话集成”、“交互语音应答”、“自动话务分配”等先进技术,将通过各种呼叫介质访问银行的客户、银行提供的高业务素质业务代表以及银行的后台计算机应用系统有机地连在一起,通过对信息资源的高度共享和综合处理,为客户提供全方位的服务,同时给银行也带来可喜回报的一种新型服务方式。技术实现方面,它在分组、排队,统计分析和数据同步方面比板卡式系统增强了很多,特别是相关公司推出的各种平台,使得开发工作变得简单。华为的INTESS就是其中的一员,它包含了交换机、CTI服务器、核心CCS服务器和交互式语音应答服务器IVR等全套产品及应用开发。作者开发的IVR系统(Interactive Voice Response)以华为INtess平台为核心,实现对语音自动流程的控制,实现放音、收号、传真、发交易包、转座席等功能。作者结合某银行的业务需求,按照软件工程的开发步骤,开发了客户服务中心系统中用于交互式语音应答系统的流程程序,并在IVR服务器上测试通过,操作系统为Windows2000。圆满地完成了客户服务中心系统的一个重要环节。银行建立客户服务中心(Call Center),其优势在于:业务受理摆脱时间、空间的限制,为用户提供极大的方便。银行客户服务中心可以为用户提供24小时全天侯的优质服务。业务种类较多,增强了金融部门的竞争力。目前,银行客户服务中心业务可提供银行转帐、查询、外汇买卖、股票债券买卖、代缴话费、水电费、煤气费等代缴费业务。业务的实现,不仅丰富和完善了金融业务,方便了用户,也提高了自身的服务形象,增强了企业竞争力。吸纳资金,增加储蓄存款。对用户服务质量的增强,必然导致丰厚的回报,增加金融部门的储蓄存款和金融信贷业务。打破银行各部门相互独立的局面,将客户所需要的信息集中在电话银行中心,并能提供给各部门重复使用,为决策者制定各项策略提供依据。为银行的客户提供差别性的服务,真正体现出银行大客户服务。在客户服务中心系统的运行过程中不断的收集客户联系资料,建立客户联系档案,并根据对客户的分类管理为用户提供不同的服务,体现服务的个性化。作为银行为客户提供主动服务和主动营销的有利渠道。 <WP=49>本文的研究目的就是在了解客户服务中心系统结构的前提下,熟练掌握SCE开发方法,并且能最终通过一个具体实际应用,实现业务需要的结果。本系统的开发依据是华为公司的相关技术文档,从讨论业务需求到测试完毕,上线运行,总共历时三个月。本系统的开发在满足交互式语音自动应答的基础上,将程序的枯燥编码转变为易理解的图形化流程排列,简单、易用,不失为一个研究开发方式的新实践。本文内容首先介绍银行客户服务中心的概念,发展现状及其技术特点。介绍了华为的INTESS平台上的体系结构,本次开发所采用的基础环境SCE(Service Creation Environment)及其使用方法,并给出了系统的业务流程、设计原则、程序设计方案和最终流程图。SCE采用完全的图形用户界面(GUI),用户使用鼠标通过简单的拖放动作即可快速生成业务。它采用cell作为基本单元,系统可提供50多个基本cell。也可以根据常用业务需要,自行设计复合cell。本系统的开发主要采用了专用复合cell。这样可以大大提高业务流程编制的效率,提高业务开发的可重用性。在调用复合cell时只需传入相关的常量与变量即可利用,实现资源重用。一般来说开发业务流程与使用传统结构化方法开发软件模块所遵循的原则大致是相同的。整个开发过程我的主要工作可分以下几个阶段:1、需求分析阶段:细化业务需求,了解各项业务的联系;2、功能分析阶段:需求确定后,确定流程需要的功能;3、通用及扩展性分析阶段:利用现有业务流程功能特点及共性,在考虑权衡技术实现的难度和用户使用业务的方便性等基础上决定最终提供予以实现的框架结构;4、接口和提示音的定义阶段:整套系统的开发使用了SQL及存储过程接口,各种结果提示等语音文件,需要事先进行定义;5、复合cell分析及开发阶段:确定哪些地方可以利用现有的复合cell、哪些复合cell需要修改或重新制作;6流程详细编码阶段:将复合cell加入流程,并定义相关的变量,按照流程的逻辑关系将复合cell及基本SIB连接为一个网状的大图;7、编译、联机调试;8、测试。根据银行的业务需求,作者将IVR的主要流程分成了6个部分:系统接入部分、签约个人部分、签约公司部分、非签约部分、公共服务部分、转人工服务部分。实现的功能为:1、IVR通过自动语音引导客户进行自助服务;2、IVR收集客户通过电话键入的数据,确定客户需要进行的交易类型和交易数据;3、I

【Abstract】 In the 1990s, based on the telephony voice technology, telephone automatic response system appeared in our country, which was called “Telephony Bank System”. Because the responding connection of its main sounds was realized through the board and restricted by the hardware, and the ability of development and software updating could not meet the needs of business development, Call Center based on CTI(Computer Telephony Integration)was introduced to our country in the late 1997, which has developed very fast in the recent years and been the persisting hotspot in the field of telecom and finance. Making use of the advanced technology like Private Branch Exchange, Computer Telephony Integration, Interactive Voice Response, Automatic Call Distribution, and so on, Call Center connects the clients accessing the banks through various call media, those qualified delegates offered by the banks and the computer system. Call Center offers the all-round service for its clients by the high communion and comprehensive management of the information, and at the same time it also leads to the gratifying reciprocation. Various platforms introduced by those relevant companies make the development much easier. INYESS developed by Huawei is one of them which includes the development system and products of PBX, CTI Server, CCS Server, IVR Server and so on. IVR System developed by the author is based on the INtess platform. It implements the control of voice automatic response, voice playing, telephone number receiving, fax, data sending, seat changing and so on. According to the needs of the certain bank, the author has developed the IVR program of Call Center which has been checked and accepted.The advantages brought by the construction of Call Center in banks are as follows:Great convenience will be provided beyond the time and space confines in the transaction of service. Call Center can offer 24 hours’ all-weather knight service for its consumers.With more categories of business, the competition of finance department will be enhanced. Nowadays, services offered by Call Center are account transfer, inquiring, trade of foreign exchange, deal of shares and bond, and paying the expense of telephone, water, electricity and gas on the commission basis. The implement of the service not only enriches the finance service and facilitates the consumers but also improve the service images and the competition ability.Absorb capital and increase deposit. The improvement of service will definitely leads to rich reciprocation, the increasing of deposit and credit in the financing department. <WP=51>The isolated condition in various departments will be changed so that the information required by the clients can be collected in Call Center. The information can be used in all departments over and over again and provides basis for those policy-makers.Provide differential service for the clients to reflect the great-custom service.During the operation of Call Center, the information of the clients will be collected and files will be established. According to the classified information of the clients, various service will be offered to show the individualized service.Call Center will be the favorable channel for the banks to offer initiative service and business for the clients.The purpose of writing this essay is to grasp the developing method of SCE proficiently and finally achieve the application result after having known the systematical structure of Call Center. This system has been developed according to the relevant technological files of Huawei. From the discussion of the operation needs to the end of testing, three months has past. Based on IVR, this system has changed the dull codes into graphs which can be understood easily. It is so simple and can be used easily that it is really a new practice of the research and development method.At the beginning of this essay, the definition of Call Center, developing status and the technological features are introduced. It also illustrated the systematical structure of the INTESS platfo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP391.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】269

