

The Development of Untouched Electrode Method Receiver Based on Embed PC104

【作者】 柯庆华

【导师】 于生宝;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 电法勘探是勘探地球物理学中的主要学科之一,是电子学(电磁学和电化学)领域中的一门应用科学。电法勘探是利用地壳中多种岩石、矿石电学性质间的差异来实现探测地质目标的目的,是基于观测和研究电磁场(天然场或人工场)空间和时间分布规律以勘查地质构造和寻找有用矿产的一种勘探方法。电容耦合法(CCR:Capacitively Coupled Resistivity)是新兴发展起来的、有着广泛应用前景的电法勘探方法之一,在矿产调查、地下水、地热、环境检测、工程勘探、建筑质检、市政工程、考古学研究和土壤盐碱化等领域得到广泛的应用。前苏联的地球物理学家奠定了电容耦合的理论基础。美国Geometrics公司研制了基于电容耦合电法测量的勘探仪器OhmMapper系列产品,处于国际领先地位。国内除中国石油天然气总公司石油物局引进了一台OhmMapper外,尚没有同类产品,基本上属于空白领域。因此开展有关方面的理论研究和开发相关的勘探仪器具有特别重要的意义,将在新一轮的国土资源大调查和西部大开发中发挥重要作用。因此,在国土资源部的重要项目“不接触电极在电法中的应用与快速研究”中,我们开始研制不接触电极法测量仪器。本文主要研究不接触电极法接收机的研制。利用了当前先进的嵌入式PC104计算机主控单元,用可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)作为硬件接口电路并采用Verilog HDL硬件描述语言实现,在Borland C++环境下,编制了基于UCDOS的控制、采集驱动和数据处理、数据传输程序。并根据不接触电法的特点,设计了室内的实验模型,给出了室内实验结果。全文共分六章。第一章 绪论简要介绍了电法勘探的原理和电法勘探的发展,总结了国内外电法仪器的研究现状和发展趋势,介绍了课题的研究背景和意义。第二章 详细论述了不接触电极法(电容耦合电法)的测量原理和不接触电极法接收机的工作原理,硬件组成的基本框图,详细说明了各部分的作用,阐述了仪器测量方式的机制。第三章 主要介绍不接触电法接收机中系统的模拟信号调理部分和数据采集存储部分的硬件设计。在阐述视电阻率检测原理基础上,给出了系统硬件基本框图,详细叙述了各部分采用的关键技术及原理。第四章 阐述不接触电法接收机的系统测控软件的实现。主要从测控软件的界面设计、测控软件的结构设计、嵌入式测控应用软件的详细设计三个部分来论述。第五章 为了测试不接触电法接收机的性能,设计了室内实验模型,<WP=66>针对室内模型的测试结果,证明了仪器的可行性。同时,还给出了高Q值窄带带通滤波器的测试数据。第六章 全文总结,全面总结了本文的主要研究工作,并分析设计中还需进一步完善的地方,为以后工作提出相应的建议。

【Abstract】 The electromagnetic method exploration is one of the main courses of geophysics, and is an applied science in science of electricity (the electromagnetism and electric chemical) realm. The electromagnetic method exploration makes use of the difference of various rocks, ore science of electricity in lithosphere realizes geology target. It is a prospecting method which was used to observe and to research electromagnetic field (natural field or artificial field) space and time distributed regulation in order to check the geology structure and look for the useful mine.CCR (Capacitively Coupling Resistivity) is a new electrical method developed in recent years, which widely applied in mineral exploration, groundwater, terrestrial heat, environment investigations, engineering studies, municipal engineering, archeological survey, salt and alkali soil, and so on. Soviet geophysicists established the theory of CCR. Geometrics Corp. developed the exploration instrument ohmMapper based on CCR and is a leadership in this field. There is no such instrument in our country and this is blank filed to us except Petroleum geophysics Exploration Office of China National Petroleum Corporation imported an OhmMapper. So developing the theory and designing the exploration instrument of CCR is very important in theory and social economy, and will play a greet role in our country soil and resource investigation and west developing. Therefore, in the important Application and Fast Research of untouched electrode method in electromagnetic method”, we start to develop the measure instrument of untouched electrode method.This paper researches on the development of untouched electrode measurement receiver. In untouched electronic measurement, the scheme of designing the intelligent instrument is described so that the weak signal which is transmitted by transmitter and coupled by medium is measured. The procedure is that using the embed PC104 as the control unit, programming reliable acquiring driver and sample function by Borland C++ language based on UCDOS, using appropriate interface electric board to complete the signal acquisition with real time controlment. The results show that the data acquired is the real reflection <WP=68>of medium..The thesis includes 6 chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the theory and the development of the electromagnetic exploration, summarizes domestic and international developing actuality and developing tendency of the same type instruments, and discusses the background and significance of this subject. Chapter 2 describes the measurement theory of the CCR and the process of the untouched electrode measurement receiver, the hardware structure of the system in detail, then narrates the function of the each part and introduces the instrument measurement mechanism. Chapter 3 especially discusses the hardware realization of the analog signal process and data acquirement. On the basis of describing the theory of measuring the resistance, gives the flow chart of the system hardware as well as describes the key technology about every part in particularly.Chapter 4 discusses the implement of system software. It mainly describes the realization of interface, software structure, and the embedded real-time application software.Chapter 5 In order to learn about the performance of the untouched electrode receiver, the experiment model in the lab is designed, the result of the test is given out. The realization is proved. Meanwhile the test data of high Q value band-pass filter is given out. Chapter 6 summarizes the research work and conclusions of the thesis. The shortages of the design and corresponding suggestions for future work are also made.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P631.33
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】232

