

The Component Management System Based on the Principle of Reasoning Arithmetic Independence

【作者】 陈光

【导师】 刘大有;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 “智能化农业信息系统集成开发平台”课题属于国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),课题开展以来一直面向农业信息化领域,该领域的研究一直是农业科技革命的先导。另外,在基于组件的软件开发中,开发人员利用已有的软件组件,通过集成组装以生成新的系统。但是独立于组件的应用系统开发组件时通常会遇到一些问题,这主要是由于组件开发过程中没有得到应有的信息。其中和组件本身相关的一类问题是,组件接口、前置条件、后置条件、非功能性组件特征如可靠性、资源需求、时间需求等。另一类问题和组件与系统其他部分的关系紧密相关。总结起来,即组件描述问题、组件配置问题、组件间依赖性问题。随着软件复用的深化,对组件的管理技术也越来越被人们重视起来,组件管理的目的就是解决上述问题,然而,由于组件应用的复杂性,应用领域的多样性,使得这些问题非常复杂不能寻求统一的解决标准,各种已有方法利弊兼有。因此,组件管理被逐渐局部化,集成化,即缩小问题域,将组件管理集成到特定应用系统之中,针对应用系统的特殊要求解决组件管理中的问题,从而使组件管理简单化。本文也是针对这一思想,将组件管理集成到应用系统“智能化农业信息系统集成开发平台”中,并根据实际应用需要,着重解决组件的描述问题以及组件的配置问题,并为用户提供方便得操作界面和使用工具,使本文的组件管理器实用行更强,操作更简单。在过去的几年里,课题组已经相继推出了几个版本的开发平台,功能也不断的完善。特别是在过去的两年里,在最新版本的研发中,提出了一种基于微软.NET框架技术的开发模式,使用基于.NET装配件标准的软件构件技术,高度集成新旧软构件,并采用C#语言开发,同时将人工智能、专家系统的技术与ASP.NET、XML等软件新技术有机地的集成起来,设计了一个组件式专家系统开发平台,与前相比,具有集成度高、灵活性强、界面友好、支持多媒体等特点。另一方面,本着软件高度重用的思想,也出于将平台从面向农业信息化领域的专有软件逐渐过渡为纯计算机领域的可重用软件的目的,在平台研制中提出了推理组件无关性的设计原则,使推理相关的部分独立化、组件化、规范化,减少平台对推理组件的依赖性,使得平台今后的应用中能更多涉及其他信息化领域,如工业、医疗、经济、教育等。组件管理系统及推理组件集成规范就是在这个原则下开发和制定的。在组件管理系统中实现了组件管理功能7个,包括组件载入、组<WP=68>件分类、组件存储、组件查询、组件配置、组件升级、组件卸载;并本着用户友好的思想开发了相应的可视化管理工具4个,包括可视化组件载入工具、可视化组件查询工具、可视化组件升级工具、可视化组件配置工具。通过以上功能及其可视化工具可以轻松的完成平台组件的管理,保证为平台提供良好的组件环境。在实现中将组件管理系统设计成为三层结构。最低层为系统数据核心组件库层,中间层为业务逻辑层,顶层为应用层。这个三层结构的设计有点类似于MVC编程模型,底层组件库可以看作是数据中心,是系统的核心(M),中间层的业务逻辑主要提供数据管理的各个功能,是系统的控制中心(C),而顶层的应用主要是与用户的交互,以窗口的形式显示底层的数据给用户,是系统的操作界面(V)。组件库层是整个系统的核心层,业务逻辑层和应用层建立在该层之上组件库的库结构依据数据库设计范式自行设计,并应用面向对象的思想,将各种不同类型的组件分别存储,同时也提供一个公用的表结构,将不同类型组件的相同信息统一管理起来,方便了组件的查询和定位。同时,组件库并不单纯依附于特定的数据库工具,采用OLE对象的访问方式,依据配置文件的配置,支持多种关系型数据库(如SQLSERVER2000,MS-ACCESS等)。业务逻辑层的基本功能是提供管理数据的具体操作方法,完成维护组件库的功能。将数据库基于事务的操作封装,提供数据缓存机制,不但在速度上和空间上优化了整个系统,更使系统的结构清楚,进一步进行功能扩充和维护很方便了。应用层是整个系统的窗口,是与系统用户的可视化交互接口,用Win Form的形式实现,所有对组件的操作都以菜单的形式进行调用,既考虑了不同用户在操作上的个人习惯,同时保证了用户操作的正确性,使整个系统更加严谨和用户友好。为实现推理组件无关性原则制定的推理组件集成规范中接口规范1个,设计简单,实现容易,在论文中介绍不多;重要的数据规范2个,包括推理知识数据规范、推理相关代码描述数据规范,其中对应于代码描述数据规范的组件配置文档还引入了元数据理论,提出了元功能描述的概念;论文中还介绍了与规范的实现相关的重要算法2个,分别是配置文件验证算法和元功能描述文档解析算法。总之,通过组件管理系统的开发和推理组件集成规范的制定,不但完成了平台组件管理的功能指标,保证了平台推理组件无关性的原则的实施,而且也在一定程度上为实现专家系统平台从面向农业的专有领域软件过渡为纯计算机领域的可重用软件奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 The research of “Integrate Platform for Developing Intelligent Agriculture Information System” belongs to the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program). Since the beginning of the research, it has all through faced to the domain of Agriculture inforizing, and the domain is the forerunner of revolution in Agriculture Technology all along.Beside, in the development based component, developers assembled a new software system with existing component. But in the development of the component without application system, many problems occurred because we can not get any necessary information then. Some problems about components themselves are component interface, prefix condition, postposition condition, and unfunctional component impress such as reliability, resource requirement, timing requirement and so on. Some other problems are about the relationship between component and its application system. In one word, that are the problems on component description, the problems on component configuration, and the problems on the dependence each other.With the deepening of component reusing, the management technology for components are impressed more person. However, component application is so complex and the application fields are so multiplex that there is no consistent solution for them. Even some solutions has got other problems, so as that Microsoft company descript COM component with REG table, and track the dependence when COM run on first time, by which way some component self problem were settled, but some new problems are fetched out such as version problem and so on. Since, component management are more localized and integratized, i.e. shrinking the area of the problem, put the problem into special application system, and analysis the especial requirement to simplify the problems. When developing my component management system, I have integrated it into its application system of “Integrate Platform for Developing Intelligent Agriculture Information System”, and put my emphases on the problems of component description and component configuration. In another hand, I have offer visual tools to users for the practicability and the simpleness. <WP=70>In the past several years, the group of the research was fetching out several version of Integrate Platform with the function improving. Especially in the past two years, a new pattern based on .Net technology of Microsoft brought forward in the new version. And using software and component tech. based on .Net assembly criterion, highly integrating the former or later component, we designed a componential Developing Platform for expert system with C# programming language, at one time we organic combined the AI and ES technology with new software technology of ASP.NET and XML. Compared with former version, the new one has the following characteristics: higher integrate degree, better agility, more friendly interface and multimedia affordable. On the other hand, according to idea of software reusing, also for converting the Platform from a specialties software on Agriculture inforizing domain to a reusable software on pure computer domain, we fetched out a principle for reasoning component Independence with Platform, so as to make the reasoning part independence, componential and standardization to reduce the dependent degree for Platform. Aftertime with the principle, Platform can deal more with the other inforizing domain, such as industry, medical, economy, education and so on. Management System of Component and Integrate Criterion of Reasoning Component are developed and constituted on the principle.In Management System of Component, there are 7 functions for management, including Component Loading, Component Classifying, Component Storage, Component Querying, Component Configuration, Component Upgrading and Component Unloading; 4 visual tools of User Friendly, including Loading, Querying, Upgrading and Configuration tools. Using all the function and their visual tools you can manage component easily, and confirm to provide

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】68

