

From Ancient Lofts for Collecting Books to Modern Library

【作者】 苏薇

【导师】 李书源;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国近现代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 从古代藏书楼到近代图书馆是中国图书馆史上一次重大的变革,探索它的发展过程,研究其嬗变原因多年来一直成为史学家、图书馆学家们研究的重要课题。但由于它的成因复杂,因此研究结果众说不一,出现争议。综观学术动态,学者们的分歧不外乎有二种观点:一种观点认为在历史发展过程中,任何事物的发展都应该是循序渐进、前后衔接的,因此可以说近代图书馆是藏书楼发展的历史必然,或者说近代图书馆与藏书楼是同一事物的两个不同的历史发展阶段。另一种观点则认为近代图书馆与藏书楼是两种不同的事物,近代图书馆是源于西方思想文化和图书馆观念、技术传入中国的直接产物,是以西方图书馆为模本创建发展而成的新事物。本文在借鉴已有成果的基础上,对古代藏书楼到近代图书馆的发展脉络做一梳理,揭示近代图书馆产生的背景、条件及其意义,阐明古代藏书楼与近代图书馆的联系,以丰富这一课题的研究。本文除前言以外,分为三个部分:第一部分 中国古代藏书楼的产生、发展及其衰落(一)中国古代藏书楼的产生与发展古代藏书楼产生于殷商时代,最初为保存甲骨典籍的处所,随着经济文化的发展,不同的历史发展阶段藏书楼都有相应的发展。到了明代及清代,藏书楼进入鼎盛时期,《永乐大典》、《四库全书》以及皇家藏书楼丰富的藏书对中国图书馆事业有很大影响。但是藏书楼是封建统治阶级为收集各种珍本秘籍而设立的私人书库,只重收藏,不向社会公开,因而社会价值不大。本文通过对古代藏书楼产生、发展过程的分析和研究,阐明了古代藏书楼特点、作用及局限性。 <WP=40> (二)中国古代藏书楼的衰落1、太平天国革命战争对封建藏书楼的直接冲击 太平天国首领洪秀全在反对封建政权的同时,用拜上帝来否定封建传统的儒家思想,否认孔子的神圣地位。太平天国革命初期就对儒家经典采取严厉的禁绝政策,因此从历史唯物主义的态度看,太平天国在其整个战争期间,使中国传统公私藏书遭到严重破坏,是导致封建藏书楼逐渐衰落原因之一。2、封建经济的逐步解体导致了封建藏书楼的衰落。鸦片战争后,西方对华的物资倾销,打击了中国传统的手工业和农业,因而封建的自然经济遭到破坏。随着资本主义的入侵,出现了一批为西方资本主义服务的买办阶层,沿海通商口岸的开放形成了一些半殖民地性质的城市,这些为中国封建经济半封建化开辟了道路。在封建自然经济解体的过程中一些藏书之家家道中落,濒于破产,无力维持藏书楼的局面,逐步把藏书典当出卖,使封建藏书楼的图书逐渐转向城市,成为新的商品,封建地主官僚阶级独占图书的情况逐步改变,地主阶级的破产和转向城市,直接导致封建藏书楼的衰落。3、藏书高度集中于数家后转向藏书公开。十九世纪前中国私家藏书十分兴盛,著名的藏书家多达500人。其中著名的藏书楼有“皕宋楼”、“八千卷楼”、“海源阁”、 “铁琴铜剑楼”。十九世纪后半叶,随着社会的逐步变革,一部分读书人迫切要求了解政治、经济时事和外国情况,他们对图书不能普遍购置,固有对公私藏书公开的呼声。一部分藏书家因战祸连年,生活无定,保藏困难,促使他们将藏书寄放公众之处,或公开出借,这一时期较为有影响的是国英的共读楼。 通过对藏书楼衰落原因的社会背景分析阐明,在封建藏书楼逐步衰落的过程中,孕育着向社会公开的趋向,这种趋向为近代<WP=41>图书馆的产生创造了条件。第二部分 中国近代图书馆的产生主要阐述了中国近代图书馆的产生过程:(一)西方传教士对中国近代图书馆产生的影响。在近代特殊历史条件下,西方传教士最先在中国创办了一些新式图书馆,并将西方图书馆的理论、管理和技术方法等带进中国。西方传教士所创办的新式图书馆突破了单纯的藏书性质,把大门面向社会,并逐步形成组织读者利用图书馆藏书这一近代图书馆的特点。所以,从某种意义上讲,西方传教士在中国创建的图书馆客观上促进了中国古代藏书楼向近代图书馆的转变。 (二)早期维新派对近代图书馆的认识和介绍鸦片战争后,早期维新派在内忧外患、民族危亡之际积极主张向西方学习。作为向西方学习的重要内容之一,他们积极宣传介绍了欧美各国的图书馆事业。其中林则徐的《四洲志》、魏源的《海国图志》为中国人认识西方图书馆开拓了最初道路。此后郑观应、王韬、马建忠等人在对欧美图书馆考察、比较后,看到了中国藏书楼的落后,提出了兴办新式图书馆具体设想和主张,这些对中国近代图书馆思想的形成产生了实质性的飞跃。(三)资产阶级维新派对近代图书馆的倡导及实践活动在维新变法运动中,维新派提出一系列有关政治、经济、文化的改革方案,并把广建学会,开学会图书馆作为一项重要措施。他们认为,封建社会封闭、保守的藏书楼已不能适应社会发展的需要,主张大力开办公共图书馆,讲求西方新学、启迪民智,唤起民众的革新意识。维新派先后在北京、上海等地组织了强学会。《上海强学会章程》制定出当时最重要的事之一是:开大书藏。近代学会创办的书楼,从图书馆性质上,已具备近代图书馆的特点,可视为近代图书馆的先声。 <WP=42>本文从西方传教士创建新式

【Abstract】 It is a great transformation in the history of Chinese library from ancient lofts for collecting books to modern library. Seeking after its developing course changing reasons have become the important task for historians and librarians. The complex causations lead to the different study results. The demarcations have two kinds: one viewpoint is that everything is going forward in its lockstep way, so ancient lofts for collecting books would certainly progress to modern library. In another word: It is two different stages of a same thing. The other opinion is that they are completely two different things. Modern library is based on western culture and library notion, It is a new thing grafted on the model of western library. This dissertation cleaned up the development from ancient lofts for collecting books to modern library, discussed the background, conditions and significations of modern library. Illustrated the affiliations between them in order to enrich the research of the task.There are three parts in this dissertation.The first part: The emergence, development and decline of Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books.First. The creation, development process of Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books. Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books appeared in Yin Dynasty, which was for storing Jiagu. With the development of economy and culture, Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books developed, too. During Ming and Qing Dynasty it was at the height of evolution. Yongle Da Dian and Si Ku Quang Shu and the royal <WP=44>lofts for collecting books which had many books influenced Chinese library a lot.The author studied the course of ancient lofts for collecting books, illustrated order, function and localization of lofts for collecting booksSecond. The decline of Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books The affection of Taiping Rebellion to the ancient lofts for Collecting books.Hong Xiuquan, The leader of Taiping Rebellion who not only objected the Feudalism but also the traditional Confucianism to deny the Sacred position of Confucius by using God. At the beginning of Taiping Rebellion they Prohibited against Confucianism Classic books. So from the point of view of Marxist History Materialism, Both national and private Chinese traditional storing books were damaged badly during the whole Taiping Rebellion was one of the reasons which caused the decline of Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books.Desegregation of Feudal economy lead the decline ofancient the lofts for collecting booksAfter Opium War, western material dumping to China began which shocked the traditional agriculture and handicraft industry badly and led the breakage of feudal nature economy. With the inbreak of capitalism, a class of Comprador which serviced for western capitalism and many colonial cities around sea emerged. Which opened a way for Chinese feudal economy half feudalism. During the course of Disintegration of natural economy many collectors bankrupt and they felt difficult to keep the situation of <WP=45>the ancient lofts for collecting books. and selling some books which made feudal lofts for collecting books shift to cities and became a new merchandise. The bankruptcy of landlords and the shift to cities directly led the decline of feudal ancient lofts for collecting books.From high concentrating of storing books in few houses to changing direction to opening collecting books Before the 19th century Chinese personal collecting books was very Prosperous, and the famous collectors were over 500 among them the most lofts for collecting books were Bisonglou, Baqianjuanlou, Haiyuange and Tieqintongjianlou. In late 19th century, there were many wars and keeping books was quite difficult, some bibliophiles put their books in public places or began to lend them out, the most famous place was guoying Public Reading Building.From studying of the social background of the decline of Chinese ancient lofts for collecting books. We can see that in the course of the decline of the feudal l

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G259.29
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1186

