

The Household Myth and the Culture Choice of 《The Door of the Sheep》

【作者】 郝崇

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上篇:家族神话秩序的建立与陷落一、形象的叙事功能 李佩甫借助《圣经》里的神喻以呼天成为依托建立了一个中原现代乌托邦,然而在现实与历史的交错中,展示给我们的却是沉重的喟叹和艰难的反思。呼天成与呼国庆两人作为呼家堡神话的缔造者和传承者,分别成功地完成了作者所赋予的文学使命,让我们在以两人为线索的叙事中沉入梦境尔又在痛苦中清醒。 作者的笔触涉及到历史和现实,描摹了开放的社会和封闭的呼家堡,公开代表家族的呼国庆只是浮在社会关系网表层的一个棋子,一个影子人物。他承载着两种叙事功能:一方面,可以把呼国庆看作是呼天成的影子,呼天成的经历与呼国庆极其相似,都是在权与欲的交锋中痛苦挣扎的悲剧人物,而呼国庆在现时世界中抗争和沉沦,也恰好补充了呼天成走向神坛之后的隐藏的空白,凸现了呼天成人格的复杂侧面。另一方面,呼国庆最后的抉择呈现出文本的开放性结构,是向政治权力妥协,还是听从于欲望的指挥安排?如果选择了前者,表明了悲剧的历时性形态,如果是后者,表明了新时代“新人”突破了囚笼的决心,暗示了“呼家堡”神话覆灭的必然归宿。 《羊的门》以呼天成登上权力之颠始,又以呼天成病危终,显然,暗示了权力的更迭与危机,呼天成是这个家族神话的中心,他的悲剧性格决定了神话谱系的建构与毁灭。 李佩甫有意地让呼国庆成为明线人物,以他的政治浮沉作为结构线索,而让呼天成隐化成一条暗线,甚至是一种氛围、背景,但历史与现实最终在矛盾斗争的关键时刻交汇,也就是说呼天成与呼国庆的命运有着惊人的相似性,仿佛是命中注定的重演。而随着两个主人公悲剧命运的定格,我们似乎可以得出这样的结论:《羊的门》是一部家族神话,这个神话建构由主人公对权力意志的追求和大众心理的服从性决定的,根源在于对传统文化的坚守与自恋,颠覆使本文具有悲剧性反讽的美学特征。二、“信仰”的悖论 表面上看,呼天成一生追求,或者说是梦想构筑的“信仰”是“集体主义”,即一个“公”字。他也是如此实践的,整齐的住宅、陈设、公费的医疗、福利、教育,甚至连死亡的墓地都是统一编号、泯灭差别的“地下新村”。但实际上,他的人生轨迹是 一次精彩的人格表演,为了让自己活得有尊严,不惜借孙布袋的“脸面”;为了不授人以柄,拼命压抑自己的情欲,出卖了秀丫的青春和痴情……呼天成的生命中,随时处于挣扎和奋斗的漩涡中,并伴有扭曲、变态、孤独、恐惧,可以说,呼天成对权力高峰的追逐和沉入情欲深渊的绝望,构成了这部长篇小说最深刻的精神母题,同时,也构成了诸多无法挣脱的人生悖论:“物”的繁荣的背后是人的主体性的压抑;“公”的信仰下面是利的极度膨胀……三、权的高峰和欲的深渊 23<WP=28>读者清晰地看到呼天成的心路历程:孤独、受歧视的童年和接受权力后地位的反差,倍加激发他对权力的攫取欲,使他具备了酒神狄俄尼索斯的攻击意志。而呼家堡的村民皆具有集体意识与大众心理,二者的冲突、对立与调和,形成了“控制与被控制”、“操纵与被操纵”的二元关系。 呼天成的权力影响之巨大并不仅仅局限于他的呼家堡,且不提他为冯主编破例升迁、也不说他面对地方长官挑战时的从容自若,单说他不动声色的调动社会各个阶层各个领域的精英拯救他物色的接班人呼国庆的事件中已经体现得很突出,然而这还不是全部,只是冰山一角,从那些不经意的描写中更能显现出呼天成时时刻刻散射出权力的锋芒,比如他花甲大寿时祝寿官员的官阶之高令人难以想象,可他却偏偏敢不领盛情反拒人于千力之外,再如那年春天的交通意外,损失不大但轰动全省——八个电话竟惊动了三个县的警力、封锁了国道,而这并非他所授意。 当然,这样的膜拜也让呼天成付出了代价,在登上权力的高峰的同时又跃入“欲”的深渊无法自拔。或许,在他的心里更重要的不是占有肉体,而是征服别人心灵的快感,是权力征服意识的延续。最终呼天成必将跌进权欲空洞性欲变态、神性完整人性缺失的深渊。 在《羊的门》中,我们看到的是本末倒置的、异己的集体主义。 “呼家堡”所谓的集体主义是一个怪胎,实质是一个家族神话,由英雄崇拜和大众的盲从心理共同建构起来,这是因为在中国,真正的英雄崇拜未能得到充分发育,而往往逡巡、退缩到家族崇拜即祖先崇拜的形式。 下篇:小说世界的文化选择一、神的福祉与人的背叛 《圣经》里有两组意象值得我们注意,其一是开启生命之门的“羊的门”和舍己为众生的“人之子”,其二是驱使羊群的“牧羊人”和拥有权柄的“人的主”。这样以来,在所谓基督教的变体学说中,动物世界与植物世界是相通的,而神与人也并无二样,植物世界中人化的基本形式:食物和饮水、面包与美酒,构成了绵羊的躯体和血液,而绵羊也就成了人与上帝的化身,一方面具有神的光环与荣耀,一方面保留了人的卑微和原罪。二、对传统文化的选择 农耕经济和宗法制度下的社会是以家庭为基础单位,来贯彻它的行为规范和道德准则的。所以在“义”与“利”的选?

【Abstract】 Proceeding: The foundation and falling of the household myth orderA, The visual recounting function of LiPeifu founded a new modern Utopia which is in virtue of the infinite explain in《Bible》 and leaded by HuTiancheng. However, in the actuality and history what it showsus is heavy sigh to think with difficult anti. As the author and undertaker, HuTiancheng andHuTianqing successfully completed the literature mission respectively, and let us sink into thedream world but awake in pain and sufferings at two clue recounting of both of them. The author’s style of drawing involves the history with the actuality, delineate Humanor’s liberal society with close. HuGuoqing who representatives household loads twokinds recount function: On hand, we can look upon HuGuoqing as the shadow ofHuTiancheng. On the other hand, HuGuoqing’s last choose presents the text’s openingstructure: the compromise to the politics power and indicate the tragedy’s character ofperiod, obeys to orectic arrange, expresses the decision of escaping the cage and imply theHu manor’s destroy. 《The door of the sheep 》begins at the time when HuTiancheng stepped on the top ofthe power and ended at his critically ill .Obviously, suggesting the change in successioningof power and crisis, shouting the natural is this center of myth household, personality of histragedy come to a decisioning the myth.Destiny that Li on purpose let HuTiancheng as the clear informant, but at last history meetsthe reality at the moment of truth, and also is to say that Hutiancheng and Hutianqing’s fateare astonishing the same, which is like the fated repeat. So it seems that can we get theconclusion of like this: 《The door of the sheep 》 is a household myth, this myth whatconstruction or purchase be decided by dramatis personae’s pursuing of ambition to power ,the source consist in cultural to traditional guard secure lying and make this stationery containtragedy the esthetics characteristic of the irony.Two, The paradox of believes From the appearance, what Hutiancheng pursue in his whole life or hisbelieves is “collectivity”. But in fact, his life is a wonderful personal program. Inhis life, he is in the trouble of struggle with contort, abnormality, loneliness andtrepidation. So we can say that Hutiancheng’s purchasing for power and despairmake the spirit topic of the novel.Three. The power and the desire The readers can read Hutiancheng clearly: contrast of his childhood and hispower inspirits his desire for power. But all the villagers have the collectivityconscious and commonalty morality. Their conflict, antinomy and consonanceformed the duality relationship between controlling and be controlled. The influence of Hutiancheng’s might is not only located at Hu manor.Certainly, he also has to pay the price that when he stepped on the top of thepower, he can’t escape from the desire. He wants to get the large charge ofconquering which is the continue of power .From《The door of the sheep 》, we see the wrong dissident collectivism. The so-called 26<WP=31>collectivism in the novel is an odd fetus. It’s actually a family myth making up by theadoration of hero and following because that in china the true adoration of hero didn’t developenough, but formed as the family adoration.Next article: The culture choice of the novel worldA, the welfare of the absolute being and the betrayal of the person 《the door of the sheep 》and the son of the myriad living. Second is “flock master” and“hominine owner ”. Like this since, in the changing of so-called Christianity theory the inside,animal world and plant world can be communicated, and person also the same with the deity.The sheep become the avatar of deity that has the honor of the deity and the person’s originalsin.Two, the choice of tradition culturally At last the traditional culture changed into a life wisdom. All the pe

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】282

