

Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Structure Database Information Service System Based on WebGIS

【作者】 叶娜

【导师】 许惠平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文所研究的内容是国土资源部专项研究计划“中国岩石圈三维结构数据库项目”(200010101)的组成部分,是在中国岩石圈三维结构数据库桌面系统的基础上实现的。本论文的最终成果是把目前收集到的中国岩石圈三维结构数据库的六个子库,18个图层数据发布到互联网上,在本地甚至全世界用户间实现信息和数据的共享,客户只要用普通的客户端浏览器就可以实现对这18个图层数据的GIS管理与查询并进行简单的分析功能。WebGIS作为一种新兴的GIS发展发向,它能让GIS不再是某领域专家所掌握的专业技能,使GIS走向大众化。ESRI公司作为GIS软件产业的行业标准,它的WebGIS产品ArcIMS具体强大的扩展性,而且这种扩展是不受任何限制的。本论文的研究重点是把收集到的中国岩石圈三维结构数据库的六个子库:深地震测深子库、重力磁力子库、深地震反射子库、宽频带地震子库、大地电磁子库、大地热流子库的18个图层数据发布到互联网上,客户只要用普通的客户端浏览器就可以实现对这些数据的GIS操作。如何利用计算机强大的图形界面,利用互联网开放性、廉价性、操作简单性、支持多媒体、超级链接能力开发出功能齐全,界面友好的网站是本论文的主要问题。通过分析中国岩石圈三维结构数据库信息服务系统和目前国内外的软硬件条件,借鉴万维网上地理信息发布系统的得失,考虑到本系统涉及空间数据库、属性数据库等复杂海量数据以及将来系统的扩展,本系统的开发方案采用客户端/代理与应用服务器/数据服务器的体系结构。本论文采用ESRI公司的WebGIS产品ArcIMS4.0.1作后台支持,使用网页制作语言HTML、编程语言JavaScript和与ArcIMS服务器进行通讯的ArcXML标记语言开发客户端界面及基本GIS功能,并使用ArcXML的GET_IMAGE和GET_FEATURES特殊请求进一步开发有针对性的GIS功能。服务器端操作系统使用Windows 2000,Web服务器为微软公司的IIS 5。本系统是在ArcIMS的基础上开发的大众化产品,面向广大的网络用户,他们通过互联网登陆该系统查询相关的中国岩石圈的地理信息,他们不是GIS方面的或某一领域的专家,所以该系统的功能设计力求简单易懂。本系统是一个地图查询系统,是一个简单的地理信息系统平台。实现了一<WP=80>般桌面地理信息系统所具有的功能,所不同是把它们应用到Internet上,把它嵌入到网页中,供广大用户查询。 系统的特点是对客户端的操作平台和硬件性能要求都比较低。在操作系统为Windows系列平台,网页浏览器为IE 4.01以上版本的客户机上都能正常运行。响应速度比较快,一般提交的请求在2~3秒内就会将结果返回到客户端。从界面设计上看,就本系统而言,由于面向用户的是客户端,而客户端就是Web浏览器中的网页,所以界面设计也就归结到网页的设计上,在构建这个界面的时候,使用网页中的框架技术把网站的门户网页分为六个区,使相关信息尽量集中到一个页面上提供给用户。这六个区分别为:标题栏区:显示网站名称等。内容表区:用树的形式显示网站中的图层,层次分明,操作方便。地图显示区:显示每次请求返回的地图影像数据,包含鹰眼区。工具栏区:把网站中的工具按功能分类显示,有助于那些对GIS不很熟悉的用户对数据的操作。文本提示区:提示用户当前活动图层以及选用的工具。功能区:这个区用来与ArcIMS Servlet连接器进行通讯。从功能上来看,本系统实现了一般桌面地理信息系统所具有的功能,既有GIS的基本功能:放大、缩小、漫游等;也有复杂的地理数据的管理和查询功能,比如对地理要素的空间定位和属性查询,对某个要素做缓冲区和运用SQL查询空间对象等。而且,在该网站实现了对GIS数据的点对面和点对点的查询方式,点对面即通过选择图层来查询这个图层中所具有的所有要素,点对点是指选择图层中要素的某一属性字段,就可以查询这个要素的属性信息及空间信息。另外,利用树结构的特点,把图层可见性和当前图层设置放在树的图层节点上实现。从实现方式上,在客户端书写ArcXML格式的GET_IMAGE和GET_FEATURES各种请求,利用请求中元素的特殊作用达到获得特殊数据的目的,然后,根据用户的需求截取响应中返回的信息,以更改地图影像或显示给用户要素的属性信息。在学习并初步掌握ArcIMS的系统结构以及工作原理基础上建立了基于WebGIS的中国岩石圈三维结构数据库信息服务系统。能够成功的发布中国岩石圈三维结构数据库中已收集的6个子库18个图层的数据,客户只要用普通的浏览器就可以实现对这些图层数据的GIS管理与查询并进行简单的分析功能。这是目前为止国内第一个发布中国岩石圈数据的Web站点,基于ArcIMS网络地理信息系统(WebGIS)的成功开发,为网络地理信息<WP=81>系统(WebGIS)的建设提供了又一个成功的范例。

【Abstract】 Work presented is one part of the preject" Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Structure Database ", sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources (200010101). Final achievement of thesis is to set up a WebGIS environment and to publish all collected data on Internet involved in six subsidiary database including 18 layers of Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Database to realize the sharing of information and data among local even users of whole world. The clients can query and simplely analyze these data only by common viewers.As a new GIS developing direction, WebGIS can make GIS popularize, no more a expertise masterd by experts in some domains. ESRI Company is regarded as the industry standard of GIS software, Its WebGIS product, ArcIMS, has strong extension, and this kind of extension does not receive any restriction. The thesis mainly focuses on issue of 18 layers data of Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Database six subsidiary database on Internet. So the customers can realize GIS operation to these data with the ordinary customer end browser. The main aim of the thesis is how to utilize the powerful graphics programing and the opening, cheapness, operation simplicity, multimedia, supported super connection ability of Internet to develop a website with multiple functions and friend interfaces. Through analysing Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Database information service system and common used software and hardware conditions, considering the advantage and disadvantage of online GIS and the complicated magnanimity data, such as the spatial and attribute database and the systematic extension in the future, Client/Broker /Server architecture was to be adopted to design the system.The ArcIMS4.0.1 of ESRI Company was adopted to be the backstage supporter software and the HTML, webpage making language, JavaScript, programming language and ArcXML, mark language communicating with ArcIMS server to design client interface with basic GIS function. The requests like GET_IMAGE , GET _ FEATURES were used to design advanced GIS functions. Server end operating system is Windows 2000 and Web server is <WP=83>Microsoft IIS 5.The system designed in the thesis is a popular product developed based on ArcIMS, it faces to the masses network users who access this system through Internet to inquire relevant information about Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Structure Database. For users usually are not GIS or certain field experts, The functions must be easily understood. The system is a map inquiry, and simple geographical information system which has realized the geographical functions of the general desktop information system. The difference between them is that to apply to Internet to embed them in webpage and to support the user’s inquiry in the same time. The system characteristic is lower demand to the operating system and the same as to the hardware of the client. It can normal be run on Windows series system and web viewers IE 4.01 or higher. The response speed is very quick generally the refered requests will return the results to the users within 2-3 seconds. Regarding of the system, for the client end that faces to users and the client end is the webpage in Web browser, the interface design is only to design webpage. When build this interface, the frame technology in webpages was used to divide the mian webpages of website into six districts to make relevant information be concentrated on a page to users. These six districts are: Title board area which shows website’s name, etc, Content Table area: Show data layer in website in form of the tree, well arranged, easy to operate. Map viewing area which shows the map image data returning in each request including a overview area, Toolbar area which classifies tools of website by function, help those to operate datum who do not familiar with GIS. Text tip area which tip users the active layer and tool selected by use at present, function area which is used for carrying on the communication with ArcIMS Servlet connector respectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】166

