

Study on Environmental Protection Countermeasure of Tourism in Jinyuetan, Changchun

【作者】 包清华

【导师】 马小凡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业是21世纪的朝阳产业,已成为世界上主要行业之一,旅游业在创造繁荣的经济效益的同时,也创造了显著的社会效益和环境效益,但由于我国现行传统、粗放的观光旅游,缺乏全面、科学的总体开发规划和环境保护规划;旅游资源盲目、过度开发;环境监督与执法不力、管理不严、旅游开发者、管理者及游人环境意识淡薄等诸多原因,致使我国大部分旅游区产生了不同程度的环境污染和生态破坏。长春净月潭旅游经济开发区是长春市委、市政府1995年决定,并经吉林省政府批准成立的省级经济开发区。其总体发展战略规划目标为:把净月潭建成国内一流、并具国际水准的综合性、多功能、高品味的生态旅游、冰雪旅游和度假旅游目的地;形成以旅游业为主导产业,其他相关新型产业部门为辅助产业的集约化新兴经济区,建成环境优美、生态平衡、设施配套、资源可持续利用的长春市山水型新城区。开发区管委会本着资源开发与环境保护并重的发展定位,寻求资源开发与环境保护的最佳切入点,在保护环境的同时利用现有资源适当发展区域特色经济,在资源开发的同时注重保护生态环境,实施可持续发展战略,促进经济、社会和环境协调发展。尽管如此,开发区旅游业仍存在着许多亟待解决的生态环境问题,如区域内过多过滥采石开矿,造成山体破坏,恢复工程巨大;林相较单一,观赏性不强,生物多样性较差,生态环境脆弱;景区内沿流下来的耕地较多,施用化肥农药造成潭水污染,已处于富营养化状态;环境治理和保护经费投入仍显不足,上述环境问题对净月潭旅游资源造成了一定不利影<WP=55>响。因此,研究并提出完善的旅游资源开发环境保护对策和生态环境重建建议是十分必要的。净月潭地区旅游资源种类齐全,自然旅游资源、人文旅游资源都很丰富。自然旅游资源中有沙滩、洞穴、山体等地文景观;水库、河湾等水域风光;森林、草原、苗圃、动物等生物资源;塔楼、广场、寺庙、人类文化遗址等古迹建筑景观;还有具有东北特色的购物类资源及最具特色的林海雪原、滑冰场、滑雪场等冰雪资源。 森林资源、冰雪资源、水体资源是净月潭特色的旅游资源,是旅游业赖以发展的基础,其中以森林资源特色最为鲜明。规划综合考虑净月潭旅游经济开发区内资源特性、区位条件、地形地势及土地利用现状,保护程度高低和开发强度大小,《长春市旅游发展总体规划》中将长春净月潭旅游经济开发区分为五大功能区:综合服务区、游憩观光区、别墅区、农业观光区、生态控制区。各区又根据其功能划分为若干个亚区。根据生态旅游环境承载力的定义与内涵、组成及特征、影响因素、计算模式以及净月潭景区现状和未来状况预测,计算的日旅游环境承载力:近期(2005年)为25500人/日,中期(1010年)为43300人/日,远期(2020年)52300人/日。净月谭旅游资源开发中必须保护生态环境,在旅游区内兴建新的旅游项目景点和旅游接待设施,必须进行环境影响评价。旅游区内人工景点与服务设施的建设,规划布局、高度、造型及色彩等应与自然景观应相协调。拟建的旅游设施应采用清洁能源或集中供热,所产生的生活污水不得排入净月潭水库。景区内旅游服务中心应为游客提供不产生污水的快餐服务。真正实现游玩在园内,吃住在园外的规划原则。通过林相改造、退耕还林、造林绿化,增加林地面积,调整林<WP=56>木组成结构,使平面上点、线、面、带、网、片联成一体;立体上乔、灌、花、藤、草组成多品种、多层次、多功能的植物群落和优化的资源配置,提高植物景观和群落环境质量,形成具有明显地带性植被特征、良好的生物多样性的森林生态系统。进行裸露山体植被恢复和采石矿山区景观恢复。应进行排水管网与污水集中处理厂建设,完成开发区排污管网进入市政系统工程,完善风景名胜区和森林公园内的排水管网,确保净月潭开发区污水进入城市污水处理厂处理。完成净月潭水体生物、生态治理工程和水库上游小流域生态治理工程, 风景名胜区内的旅游服务设施,其所排污水不能进入污水管网,则必须进行单独治理。采用清洁能源,避免空气污染。冬季采暖用热和工业企业生产用汽必须实行集中供热,修建集中供热锅炉房。不能集中供热的区域,现有和新建旅游服务设施冬季采暖采用无污染的电锅炉。控制汽车尾气污染,限制燃油的游客车辆进入景区内。园内旅游观光车一律使用燃气的绿色环保车辆。风景名胜区各主要景区设立清洁队,游人丢弃的垃圾随时被收集。加强固体废物的分类收集和处理,在风景区内建立多功能垃圾箱和水冲公共厕所。不宜在开发区内内建垃圾填埋场和垃圾焚烧站,由长春市区垃圾场统一进行填埋处理。

【Abstract】 Tourism is a sunrise industry in 21st century and has become one of important trades all over the world, which may get economic benefits and also profound social and environmental benefits. But the currant and extensive tourist system in our country lacks of scientific complete development plan and environment protection such as development based on unrealistic tourist resources, overdevelopment, not excising effective monitoring and enforce laws, lacking of strict control and tourist developers, administrators and tourists not having consciousness of environment protection, etc., which cause environment pollution and ecological damage to some extent in part of our country. Approved by Jilin Provincial Government, Changchun Jingyuetan Tourist & Economic Development Zone was established in 1995 decided by Changchun Municipal Party Committee and Government. Its overall strategic development planning objective is as follows: building Jingyuetan into a comprehensive, multi-functional tourist resort with high standard, which is the first-class domestically and advanced internationally; a new intensified economic area taking tourism as leading industry and other new relevant industries as subsidiary ones; a new urban area with a splendid new of green mountains and blue water, balanced ecology, fine environment and a complete set of facilities. In line with the development position, the management committee of the development zone lays equal stress on resources development and environment protection, tries its best to seek the best breakthrough point between resources development and environment protection and takes the local unique economic development road of proper development before protection, implementing sustainable development strategy, promoting cooperative development of economy, society with good environment protection. Besides what above-mentioned, there are still some problems need to be solve during developing tourism here in the development zone, such as improper mining and quarrying, which damage the mountains and hard to be recovered; unscientific forest form distribution which doesn’t worth viewing, lacking of diversification of plants here, weak ecological environment; there being much more plough land downstream of the scenic spot where chemical fertilizer have been used, have cause serious pollution to the lake; not enough money invested for environment treatment and control and all above-mentioned have caused negative effect on the tourist resources at Jintyuetan. Therefore, it’s necessary for us to find the way to cope with tourist resources development environment protection and rebuild ecological environment. <WP=58>Jingyuetan is rich in tourist resources, both natural and humanity resources such as sand beach, caves, mountains, reservoirs, forest, grassland, plant nursery and animals, towers, squares, temple, etc. and also the local products and ice and snow which are necessary for good skating rink and skiing field. The unique tourist resources here at Jingyuetan are forest, ice and snow and waters, on which we have to rely to develop tourism, esp. the forest. We consider the characteristics, location and topography and the land use, the level of protection and development for us to full make use of resources in the development zone for tourism development. We divide the development zone into Five Functional Area, which shows in “Changchun Municipality Tourism Master Plan”: comprehensive area, sightseeing area, villa area, farm sightseeing area, ecological control area, which are also divided into many sub-areas according to their functions. According to the factors such as the definition and intension, component, features and negative effect, computer mode, Jingyuetan Scenic Spot for the capacity for eco-tour environment and the calculation of tourism environment capacity per day, we have plan for different periods: 25500 visitors/per day for short-term plan (2005), 43300 visitors/per day for mid-term (2010) and 5230 visitors/per day for long term (2020). We must follow the principl

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】636

