

Free Abrasive Wear Behavior of hte Biomimetic Non-smooth Surfaces with Convex Domes

【作者】 贾兵云

【导师】 佟金; 马云海;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自由式磨料磨损现象在农业机械、工程机械、煤炭机械、建筑机械等工程领域中广泛存在,是导致这些机械与自由式磨料接触的工作部件的主要失效形式之一。以往人们对磨损部件的研究主要是从材料角度出发,即针对不同的磨料和机械部件服役条件研究各种耐磨材料,取得了重大进展,但仍存在着某些不足和局限。仿生学的诸多观察和研究发现步甲、蜣螂等许多土壤动物爪趾和体表具有凹坑、凸包、鳞片等几何非光滑形态。生物体表非光滑形态的形成不仅与其种属遗传有关,而且与生物习性和环境等有直接的关系,是生物为适应其生存环境优化而来的。这为从形态方面研究耐磨问题提供了新的思想和依据。设计并制备了七种分布的凸包型非光滑表面,在JFY50型热压机上通过热压成型的方法制备了轻质碳酸钙填充酚醛树脂基复合材料凸包结构,并通过粘接方法将凸包固定在45钢底板上,制备了凸包型仿生非光滑表面试样。探索使用LSV50型三维激光扫描系统和逆向工程软件及三维造型软件Pro/E2001相结合来测定非光滑表面体积磨损量的方法。结果表明该方法的数据可重现很好,有效解决了仿生非光滑表面磨损测量问题。在JMM型转盘式磨料磨损试验机上对所设计的试样进行了磨料磨损试验,探索了凸包分布、凸包尺寸变化、磨损环境等对凸包磨损的影响。结果表明凸包与凸包之间的组合分布方式对凸包型非光滑表面的自由式磨料磨损特性有很大影响;钢包试样上目标包的耐磨性远不如同分布的酚醛树脂基复合材料包试样,即凸包在磨损过程中的动态尺寸变化倾向于获得更轻的磨损;在试验范围内,对于同一种尺寸的磨料,随着滑动速度的增加,目标包的体积磨损量增加;当滑动速度为1.68m/s和3.02m/s时,随着磨料粒子尺寸的增加,体积磨损量增加,当磨料尺寸达0.420-0.840mm时又有所减小;当滑动速度为2.35m/s时,随着磨料粒子尺寸的增加,体积磨损量一直增加。结合逆向工程技术和三维造型技术及统计数值分析技术,引入凸包结构近中线概念,进行了非光滑表面磨损形貌分析。分析表明,随着磨料尺寸的增加,近中线变化区域变得狭长,磨损表面积增加,磨损深度减小。 <WP=85>凸包型仿生非光滑试样目标包的体积磨损量随滑动距离的回归分析表明其体积磨损量与滑动距离近似呈线性关系;利用正交多项式回归方法求出了非光滑表面与磨料尺寸和滑动速度的数学模型,回归方程为:,表明滑动速度和磨料粒子尺寸对非光滑表面的磨损量影响大小顺序为:滑动速度z2,磨料粒子尺寸z1。选用泥沙流变模型为宾汉模型,其模型为。使用ANSYS/FLOTRAN模块对单包试样在泥沙中的运动形式进行了ANSYS有限元探索。其分析表明,泥沙在较高滑动速度、较大凸包尺寸及凸包与基底无过渡圆角时凸包分布对自由式磨料磨损的作用更大,倾向于获得较轻的磨损。

【Abstract】 The phenomena of free abrasive wear widely occur in the working components of agricultural machines, earthmoving machines, coal-mining machines, construction machines and others. Free abrasive wear is one of the reasons resulting in failure of the components of those machines. The abrasive wear of the soil-engaging components of agricultural machines against soil is a typical free abrasive example.Ones pay more attention to the materials of these components in order to improve their anti-abrasive resistance, such as the development of varied kinds of anti-abrasive materials in the specific wear environment and service surroundings. The development of the abrasive wear resistance materials has played an important role in increasing the abrasive wear resistance of many working parts or components. But, there existed some disadvantagements and limits from anti-wear materials. It was demonstrated that cuticles of some animals such as dung beetle and ground beetle, display the varied non-smooth or textured morphologies, For examples, the convex domes, dimpled or scaly form morphologies. The formation of these non-smooth morphologies is not only related to their inherit, but directly to the surroundings they survive. The morphologies are the results of the optimization for survival of the animals. which gives a new clue for engineer to find answers to some engineering problems. It was shown that the non-smooth or textured morphologies possess high anti-adhesion and anti-resistance properties. This thesis reported the research work of the free abrasive wear behavior of the biomimetic convex non-smooth surfaces. Seven kinds of biomimetic surfaces with convex domes were designed. Phenolic resin (50%wt) composite reinforced with lightweight calcium carbonate (50%wt) were selected for preparing convex texture. The convex non-smooth surfaces were formed by gluing convex domes on the 45 steel plate.One method to measure the wear volume of the convex non-smooth surfaces was worked out. In this method, a 3D laser scanning system LSV50, a reverse engineering software and a 3D style software (Pro/E2001) were used. The results showed that this method is feasible and the repeatability of this method for wear volume measured is satisfactory. <WP=87>The free abrasive wear properties of the biomimetic convex non-smooth surfaces were examined on JMM type free abrasive wear tester. the behavior in different arrangements and dimensions of the convex domes and the test conditions were examined. The results showed that the arrangements of the convex domes are crucial for free abrasive wear behavior. The anti-abrasion resistance of the surfaces with steel convex domes is lower than that without steel convex domes. For the effects of test conditions, the volume wear value increased with the sliding velocity and the abrasive grain size except for the sliding velocity of 1.68 m/s and 3.02 m/s. during this two velocities the volume wear value decreased with the grain size of the abrasive increased to 0.420-0.840mm.The wear morphology of the biomimetic convex surfaces was described by Near Middle Line (NML), which is generated by reverse engineering software, 3D style software and statistical analysis software. The results showed that the area of variation NML changed became more narrow as the grain size was increased.The wear volume value is linear to the sliding distance for the convex non-smooth in free abrasive wear. The free-abrasive wear property was a function of the sliding velocity and the grain size of the abrasive material. The regression results showed that the factors affecting volume wear heavily including sliding velocity and grain size.The free-abrasive material used was simplified as Bingham model. The parameters of the model was determined. The movement of the abrasive material on the biomimetic convex non-smooth surfaces was analyzed by finite element method. The movement state of the abrasive material on the single convex dome was simulated using ANSYS software. The result showed that convex surface is tend to possess

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TG73
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】431

