

The Countermeasures on Eco-environment Problems Caused by the Natural Rresources Exploitation in Changbai Mountain Area

【作者】 周伟

【导师】 康春莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 长白山地区位于吉林省东南部,中心为以长白山天池为主的火山群,区内分布河谷、沼泽、台地、山坡、高原、高山湖泊、火山口等地貌类型,是第二松花江、图们江、鸭绿江三江的发源地。自然条件复杂、资源十分丰富,森林、野生经济及珍稀动植物、水力和矿产等资源均在全国占有重要地位。在各种资源的开发利用中,形成了自己的特色,但由于不合理的开发利用已经造成各种自然资源的巨大浪费,同时也使生态环境遭到一定程度的破坏。本文通过对长白山地区的森林资源、水资源、土地资源、野生植物资源、野生动物资源、旅游资源等各种自然资源的现状分析,得出本区自然资源特点是:树种繁多,珍贵树种丰富,森林覆盖率较高,生态效益显著,林区物种繁多,自然景观独特,地表水、地下水资源异常丰富,土地类型复杂,野生动植物种类繁多,是保存相对较完好的自然环境及生态系统,独特的自然景观和人文景观为旅游业提供了丰富的物质基础。通过对长白山地区森林资源、土地资源、地表水资源、地下水资源、野生植物资源、野生动物资源、旅游资源等自然资源的开发利用的现状,分析了长白山地区各种自然资源在开发利用中存在的各种问题:资源底数不清,影响开发利用的方向和规划的制定,开发方针与资源的客观存在不相适应,开发与保护不协调,可更新资源的环境与其增殖发展的要求不相适应;资源开发无统一方向和长远的规划,缺乏整体和综合的观点;集约化程度不高,综合利用深加工不够,商品生产水平低;资源的开发、生产加工和供销相脱节,经济、社会和生态效益不统一,法制不健全。通过对长白山地区资源开发的优势和劣势分析,总结出本区的优势主要有:山地广阔,类型多样,有利于农业、林业的发展;野生动植物资源丰富,有利于发展多种经营和商品生产,矿产丰<WP=63>富,有利于发展矿产基地;独特的自然环境有利于发展旅游业。本区的劣势是:开发利用不合理引起了生态环境恶化,自然灾害较多;交通不便,产品运输困难;科研、技术力量不足,生产水平低,产品的深加工、综合利用程度不高。长白山地区生态经济系统存在的问题就是结构不合理、功能不健全,系统表现属性并非良性循环。合理开发森林资源、保护森林生态环境的对策主要有:合理开发利用森林资源,协调好人口、经济和发展林业的关系;全面贯彻落实“以营林为基础”发展林业的方针;采用现代科学技术手段,全面提高林业的经济效益;实行新的技术政策;必须对林业经济政策进行改革;改革林业管理体制;加强管理,建立健全地方性法规和条例,以法治林、管林;合理调整林龄结构和林种结构。确定长白山地区土地利用的合理结构必须做到因地置宜,必须考虑经济效益问题,应能发挥长白山地区土地的优势,使生态环境得到保护和改善。在长白山规划设想中,提出了农、林、牧、副、渔、旅游等发展的初步规划设想,并建议采取推广科技,狠抓粮食生产,开展引进技术、人才、资金,重视市场信息,作好市场预测,在“建设”山区上下工夫。从而提出了开发与规划的重点和开发利用方向,达到的总体战略目标以及需要解决的几个具体问题。 <WP=64>本文初步揭示了长白山地区自然资源开发和利用中存在的问题,从生态环境的角度提出了该区资源开发与保护的方向和途径,相信上述研究会对开发和利用长白山自然资源具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Changbai Mountain locates in the Southeast of Jilin province. The center of it is the volcanoes groups of which Changbai Mountain pool is the most important one. There’re such types of physiognomy in the area as river valley, marsh, mesa, brae, altiplano, alp-lake, crater and so on. It is the headstream of Secondary Songhua River, Tumen River and Yalu River. The natural condition is complex, and the resources are abundant, which play an important role in our country. They are forest, wild propagations, waterpower, minerals, and etc. The feature has come into being with the exploitation of the various resources. Since the exploitation is irrational, all kinds of resources are largely wasted, and the eco-environment is destroyed in some degree.The actualities of the resources in Changbai Mountain area was described in the thesis, mainly on the status quo of forest resource, water resource, soil resource, wilding resource, animal resource, tour resource and so on, and the character of the natural resource in the area was put forward. They were shown as following: There are various trees and species especially wildlife and rarity ones with high forests covered degree, marked eco-benefit, particular natural resource, abundant resource no matter of surface or subsurface water, and complex soil types, so it is a natural environment and ecology system in relatively good condition. The particular natural and literal sight offered plenty substance basement to tour operation.Then, the resources’ exploitation actualities were discussed in the thesis. The problems in resources’ exploitation were found after the analysis. They were as following. The truth of the resource is in dark, it drew back the constitution of the programming and the use direction, the exploitation course was not suitable to the true resource and was not assorted with protection, renewable resource in the environment was not correspondent to the demand of proliferated development; There was no united direction and long-term layout for the resource exploitation, that is, lack of the point of view in whole and in general; the intensivism degree was <WP=66>low, and the deep machining for integrated use was not enough, the production level of the commodities was low; it was out of joint among the exploitation, production, supply and marketing, legal system was not right, and the benefit among economy, society and ecology could not be unified.According to the analysis on the superiority and the inferior position of the resource exploitation in the area, on one side, the superiority was as following: field was amplitude and there was various styles, so it was vail to develop agriculture and forestry; wildlife resource was abundant and it was in favor of developing mixed farming and goods production; mine resource was enriched and it was made for building mine base; It was favor to develop tour operation that the particular natural environment. On the other side, the inferior position was found. The unreasonable use caused the depravation of the eco-environment, and frequent nature disaster; the discommodity traffic brought on difficulty in goods’ transport; the power was not strong enough in scientific research, and production level was not high enough that the degree in deep machining and integrated use was very low. The problems existed in the eco-economical system of Changbai Mountain area was that the structure was illogical, the function was distempered, and the system was not in good circulation. To exploit the forests resource in reason, and protect the forest eco-environment, the countermeasures were brought forward: exploite and use the forests resource in reason, and harmonize the relation between populace, economy and forestry development; Follow out the guide line in whole taking forestry operation as the base; Adopt modern technology measures to entirely increase the economy benefit; Carry out new technology policy; Must innovate the economy policy and managing system of forestry; Reinforce the management, found and perfect local rules and s

【关键词】 长白山资源生态环境对策
【Key words】 Changbai Mountainresourceeco-environmentcountermeasures
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X37
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1025

