

The Design and Implemenntation of Multimedia Sentry Post Check Duty Monitoring System

【作者】 常斌

【导师】 赵国相;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们针对当前武警部队执勤中勤务组织不严密,查勤制度不落实,执勤实施不正规,执勤中“常见病”和“多发病”屡禁不止的实际,结合武警部队特点,研究开发了多媒体哨位查勤监控系统。系统的投入使用使武警部队的执勤方式产生了质的飞跃。使勤务组织更加严密,勤务检查更加方便有效,勤务实施更趋正规。执勤中的“常见病”、“多发病”得到了有效遏制。执勤的正规化程度和目标的安全系数明显提高。多媒体哨位查勤监控系统是利用计算机技术,集通信、报警、监控、查勤管理、文件传输于一体的自动化系统,系统满足了以往哨位通信、监控系统不能简捷、全面的综合部队执勤管理与日常管理的需求,既实现了勤务值班室与哨位之间的声像一体化的通信与报警,又实现了报警与查勤声像资料的保存与查询。还实现了文件的远程传输。同时,系统实现了远程访问功能,即上级机关可以通过普通的电话线或ISDN、ADLS专线,直接访问本地多媒体哨位查勤监控主机,对干部查勤情况、勤务值班员制度落实情况和哨兵履行职责情况进行有效的监督和管理。系统主要有八项功能:监控功能、对讲和监听功能、呼叫和报警功能、录音和录像功能、查勤功能、远程监控功能、文件传输功能、人工和自动播放军号功能。系统有五个特点:一是信息采集方便;二是保密性好;三是图像质量高,系统稳定性强;四是传输介质要求低,便于组网;五是系统扩展性好。系统由硬件和软件两部分组成。硬件部分包括多媒体计算<WP=58>机、查勤监控主机、查勤监控子机、视频处理器、音频处理器、哨位查勤机、哨位摄像机、云台(球形全向摄像机)、云台控制器和红外灯等设备。多媒体计算机是系统的主要控制部件,通过RS-232串行口采用异步通信方式实现与查勤监控主机间的通信,并控制查勤监控主机。通过视频采集卡接收来自查勤监控主机的视频信号,对视频信号进行处理后,显示在计算机的屏幕上。通过声卡接收、发送语音信号,接收来自哨位的报警信号,并实现与哨兵间的语音通信。查勤监控主机是系统的核心部件,包括CPU、视频控制器、音频控制器等。CPU采用8051处理器,与计算机间的通信使用RS-232串行口,通信采用异步方式,收发采用查询控制方式。8051通过并行口P0,P2控制视、音频控制器。对查勤监控子机的控制是通过并行口P1,P3.1,P3.2,P3.3以及扩展芯片74LS138,74LS244共同完成。查勤监控子机是系统的主要部件,包括CPU,哨位摄像机,哨位查勤机,云台,云台控制器和红外灯等设备。CPU采用的是8051处理器,使用并行口P0与主机间通信,使用并行口P1,P2,P3控制哨位摄像机,哨位查勤机,云台,云台控制器和红外灯等设备。系统的软件部分由注册与运行检测子系统,导航子系统,视频处理子系统,音频处理子系统,加密子系统,解密子系统,通信子系统,解压缩子系统,控制子系统和注销(自毁)子系统等10个子系统构成。其中,注册与运行检测子系统采用数字签名技术,根据系统硬件信息产生注册码,并负责系统运行前用户的合法性检查,防止非授权用户的非法操作。导航子系统<WP=59>采用数据库和图形数字化处理相结合的技术,完成数据库记录的图形化显示,并负责数据库的维护。视频处理子系统主要是实现对视频信号的处理、显示和保存等功能。音频处理子系统主要完成远程端、本地端与哨兵间语音传输的控制与处理。实现本地端与哨兵间一对一、一对多两种模式的语音传输。加/解密子系统采用公开密钥密码系统的RSA算法和数字签名技术,完成对数据的加/解密过程。通信子系统帧格式为自定义,流量控制采用滑动窗口协议,差错控制采用滑动窗口协议的回退n自动重复请求方法,实现远程端与本地端计算机间的通信。解压缩子系统采取硬件压缩的方式进行压缩,用软件方式进行解压缩,此系统解压缩速度快,音、视频信号还原质量好,图像和声音清晰、流畅。控制子系统的主要功能是接受远程端和本地端的控制命令,通过查勤监控主机和子机控制系统的硬件设施,如哨位摄像机的选择,云台的开启和控制等。注销(自毁)子系统的主要功能是注销系统,删除程序和数据。系统运行时,当累计3次发现硬件信息和注册信息不符时,自动注销系统,删除程序和数据。在系统安全上,通过硬件与软件结合的方式。使用硬件保护和多层密码防护体系,并采用公开密钥密码系统的RSA算法和数字签名技术,对数据进行加密,有效地防止了数据被窃取和篡改,保证了系统安全。总之,哨位多媒体查勤监控系统是为了适应现代条件下执勤和处置突发事件的需要而研制开发的自动化系统。系统利用计算机技术,采用硬件与软件结合的方式,集通信、报警、监控、勤务管理、文件传输功能于一体,是一个图像、声音、文字传输、远程访问、数据库技术、数据加密/解密、数据压缩/<WP=60>解压缩、系统安全相结合的综合处理系统。系统硬件体积小,成本低,抗干扰能力强,扩展性好,运行稳定。系统软件界面友好,操作简单,数据压缩率高,加密解密速度快,加密算法抗攻击能力强,系统安全、可靠。本系统经过我总队XX个支队的XX个中队近两年的使用,系统稳定性良好,图像清晰,语音清楚,在圆满完成新形

【Abstract】 We are taking into account the reality that the People’s Armed Polices who are on duty do not perform their responsibility well .The " common disease" and" frequently-occurring disease" remain incessant after repeated prohibition during duty. It combines the characteristics of People’s Armed Police research and development whistle consult the duty monitoring system by location multimedia. Systematic coming into operation makes the way on duty of People’s Armed Police produce the leap of the quality. " common disease"," frequently-occurring disease" have gotten the effective containment, The regular degree on duty and safety coefficient of the goal have been improved obviously.Police check duty monitoring systems utilize computer technology by multimedia sentry post, Collect communication, report to the police, control, check duty management, file transfer in the integrative automated system, The system has satisfied the demand of managing and daily management on duty of comprehensive army that the location communication of the sentry post , monitoring system can’t be simple and direct overall in the past, the system has already realized the communication with integrated audio video between the guards’ room of the duty and sentry post and then reported to the police, The picture and text have the vivid image show , which can inquire about the video and record while reporting to the police promptly and checking conveniently swiftly . Besides, the system can also carry on file transfer etc. Meanwhile, the system also realizes accessing by long-distance. The superior can access to the ordinary system, the supervisory control host computer, the condition of checking the duty and the situation of the sentry post by ordinary telephone wire or ISDN, ADLS special line. The system has eight chief functions :Control and monitor function, Call out and report to the police function, record and video function, check the on duty function, file transfer function, artificial and broadcasts the bugle automatically by long-distance.. This system has five characteristics: First, the information is gathered conveniently; Second, the privacy is good; Third, the quality of the picture is high, systematic stability is strong; Fourth, requires for the transmit medium is low, it is easy to organize networks; fifth, the expanding of the system is perfect. In the realization of the system, the function is the combination of hardware and software. Hardware partly include multimedia computer, Check control host computer, control and monitor machine, sentry post cameras, cloud platform ( spheres all in camera) Equipment, such as a controller of cloud and infrared lamp etc.. <WP=62> Multimedia computer is the main part of the control system, which adopt asynchronous communication to realize the control of communications of host computer through RS—232 , video card is received and come from the video signals of host computer through video, After dealing with the video signal, they will be showed on the screen of the computer. The signal is received, delivered and pronounced through the sonic card, and then realized communication among the sentry. The control host computer is a key part of the system including CPU, video controller, etc.. CPU adopts RS—232 processors, which keeps in touch with the computer through serial port and adopts asynchronism communication, the receive and delivery adopt inquiry control model. 8051 controls video and audio through parallel of P0 and P1.The control about the monitor of the computer is realized through P1,P3.1,P3.2,P3.3 and Expand chip of 74ls1388 and 74ls244.Supervisory control on the sub computer is the main part of the system, including CPU, the camera of sentry post , Sentry post checking machines, cloud platform, cloud platform controller and infrared lamp etc. CPU adopt processors of 8051, it communicates with the host computer through parallel port P0. It controls the camera of sentry post, Sentry post checking machines, cloud platform, cloud platform controller and infrared

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【下载频次】167

