

Environmental Impact and Appraisement of the Freeway Widening Project

【作者】 易振国

【导师】 王云鹏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速增长,我国的公路有了长足发展,通车总里程2002年已达到176.5万km,其中高速公路25130 k m。高速公路建设改善了交通条件,促进了沿线地区的社会经济发展,同时也带来了诸多环境问题,主要表现在对生态环境的破坏及周围环境的污染。由于公路工程具有线长、点多、既伸向城镇又伸向农村等特点,对环境的影响范围大,涉及面广,而且贯穿于公路建设和使用的全过程。因此在修建公路过程中,必须考虑高速公路建设与环境保护协调发展,对将建或已建的高速公路进行环境影响预测或评价是非常必要的。 本文针对沪杭甬高速公路拓宽工程对环境影响的实际,主要工作如下: 1.深入分析了沪杭甬高速公路所经地区的自然环境、生态环境、水环境、大气环境及社会环境,确定了对环境影响敏感的主要控制点,为预测和评价沪杭甬高速公路拓宽工程的环境影响奠定了基础。2.通过对原沪杭甬高速公路土壤和土地利用现状、动植物现状、农业生产现状、水土流失防护办法及沿线生态环境恢复措施的分析研究,可预测拓宽工程对评价范围内的生态环境影响较小。通过在公路设计,施工和运营期采取相应的工程防护措施,可以把植被破坏、土地利用和农业耕地变化等不利影响减小到较小的程度,不会对土地和植被的分布格局产生显著的影响。采取工程和植物防治措施可以大大降低水土流失。3.拓宽工程跨越的较大河流为钱塘江,根据监测目前钱塘江区域水质己受一定的污染。拓宽工程对水环境影响主要是桥梁施工钻孔泥渣及施工营地的生活污水,将通过采用泥渣沉淀池固化处理及生活废水统一收集处理、达标后排放等措施来减小对水环境的影响。4.高速公路对周边环境的噪声污染是较严重的。本文通过监测原沪杭甬高速公路沿线居民点和学校等重要地点的昼夜噪声,发现沿线声环境质量差,<WP=99>大都超出国家标准。高速公路拓宽后势必加重噪声污染,经采用《公路建设项目环境影响评价规范》中的有关模型预测,对居民点和学校等敏感地区必须采用声屏障、绿化等措施来解决噪声超标问题。5.通过大气环境现状调查及公路拓宽后车流辆的预测分析可知,施工期对空气质量影响不大;营运期内将对周边大气环境产生不利影响,预测计算表明:汽车排放的尾气在最不利条件下,2025年高峰小时交通量时的最大增量(约5m处)可达二级标准的5倍左右。在最小的情况下则为1.1倍左右。N02将是最主要的污染物,实际超标范围将小于20Om。6.拓宽工程的建设长远看有利于杭州市和嘉兴市的社会经济进一步高速发展,推动三大产业结构调整和发展,改善交通环境,提高人民的生活质量。拓宽工程将占有一部分土地和耕地,对农业生产有一定影响;建设时期将对沪杭甬公路的通行带来一定困难,但影响不大。总之,拓宽工程开发建设和运营将会对沿线生态环境和居民生活、学校教学产生一定的不利影响,但只要认真落实本文提出的减缓措施,所产生的不利影响可以得到有效控制并降至环境能接受的最低程度。拓宽工程路线方案布设基本合理,项目的社会效益和经济效益显著。所以,拓宽工程的建设从环境保护角度论证是可行的。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid increase of our country economic, our highway has developed greatly. The total course of development mileage has been 1,765,000km, in which the mileage of freeway is 25,130km by end of 2002. Although the construction of freeway can improve the traffic conditions and can accelerate the area socioeconomic development along the line, it brings a lot of environmental problems, mostly are the destruction and the pollution of the environment.This article deals with the practical environmental impact of Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway widening project, and the primary job is shown as follows:1. The natural environment, zoology environment, water environment, atmosphere environment and social environment of the area along with Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway has been analyzed deeply, and the main sensitive reference point of the environmental impact has been confirmed, which lay a foundation of forecasting and appraising of the environmental impact of Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway widening project.2. Through the analysis and investigation of the former Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway’s soil, the status quo of soil and propagation and agriculture production, the fence method of water and soil, and the environmental renew measure along the line, the environmental impact of appraisal area is forecasted to be on the small side. And the adoption to project fence methods correspondingly in the freeway design, construction and operation can decrease the adverse impact to the less content of vegetation destruction, soil usage and the change of agriculture plantation, and the same time which has no marked impact on the distributing pattern of the soil and the vegetation. Adoption to the measures of <WP=101>project and foliage can decrease the flows of water and soil greatly.3. The lager river of widening project is Qiantangjiang River. According to the measurement, the current water quality of Qiantangjiang River has been polluted to some extent. The primary impact on water environment of widening project is the bore sediments of bridge construction and the encampment life sewage. Adoption to the measures of the solidify disposal of mud deposition, the life sewage unite collection disposal and let after reaching the standard can decrease the impact on water environment.4. The yawp pollution of freeway to the ambience is rather severe. Through the measurement of the day and night yawp of important spots, such as residential spots and schools, along with the former Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway, sound environment quality is found to be bad, and most of which overstep the country standards. After widening the freeway, the yawp pollution certainly will be aggravated. Though forecasting of adoption to some relational modules in the Environment Impact Appraisement Criterion of Highway Construction Project, the sensitive area such as residential spots and schools must take steps of sound barrier and virescence to settle the yawp superscale problems.5. Through the forecast and analysis of status in quo of atmosphere environment and vehicle flow after the highway widening, it is known that the construction has little impact on air quality, and the operation will have an adverse impact on ambience atmosphere environment. The forecast calculation indicates that at the most adverse conditions the gas emitted by vehicles of the most increment (about 5 meters) at peak hour traffic flow can reach 5 times or so of the second standard. And at the least conditions will be 1.1 times. N02 will be the most primary pollutants, whose superscale will be less than 200m.6. From the long-range point, the construction of widening project can be in favor of high speed development of the social and economic <WP=102>in Hangzhou and Jiaxing, and can promote the structure adjustment and development of three industrials, can improve traffic environment and can improve people’s life quality. The widening project will occupy part of soil and plantation, which will have some impact on agriculture production. And in the period of construction the Hu-Hang-Yong Freeway will have

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U418.8;X820.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】687

