

Study on Fuzzy Control of Automobile ABS Performance Detection Stand and Simulation

【作者】 杨运生

【导师】 苏建;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车从发明到今天已经一个多世纪了,随着现代科学技术的飞速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对汽车性能的要求也越来越高,从最早对汽车动力性和越野性的要求逐渐向经济性、舒适性和安全性方向发展。 未装备ABS的汽车在紧急制动时,车轮将很快抱死,在这种情况下汽车基本丧失了抵抗侧向力的能力,很容易发生跑偏、失去转向能力以及甩尾等危险工况,不利于行车安全;而装备了ABS的汽车,在制动时可以极大地提高汽车制动过程中的操纵稳定性,有效地缩短制动距离,从而在一定程度上保障了行车安全性。由于ABS的优越性,在汽车普遍安装ABS是不可避免的趋势,而且随着我国对汽车性能法规的严格要求,进行ABS台架检测是势在必行的。由于现在国内还没有适合检测线使用的、性能可靠、功能齐全的ABS检测试验台。本论文在此基础上对适合汽车综合性能检测线应用的ABS检测台进行较详细的研究,提出了一种适合在台架进行ABS检测的ABS检测台设计思想,并对试验台进行理论分析和模拟仿真。汽车的制动性能是汽车的主要性能之一。随着我国高速公路通车里程的增加,汽车速度的提高,汽车制动性对保障交通安全尤为重要,此时作为保证汽车行驶安全性能的ABS就显得重要了。然而,随着车辆的使用以及其它一些因素都可能导致汽车制动防抱死系统(ABS)工作性能下降或失灵,给车辆的安全行驶带来了隐患。现有的检测手段无法满足在检测线上对整车ABS快速准确检测,需要研究一种满足这种要求的ABS检测设备。文中分析了ABS的基本原理、结构、ABS不同通道数与布置方式及其对ABS性能的影响。分析了汽车ABS在不同附着系数路面上制动时压力调节过程。对装有ABS的汽车在道路上制动时进行运动和力学分析,建立了汽车制动时车辆模型。文中对汽车在不同附着系数滑移层上制动时进行受力和运动分析,滑移首先出现在低附着系数层面上。由于现有的试验场地和检测设备一般只<WP=96>能提供一种固定的附着系数,在ABS检测中无法为其提供使其进入工作循环的低附着系数路面。根据汽车在滑移层上受力分析,假如我们可以提供不同附着系数的滑移层,则可以为汽车提供不同附着系数的路面,解决在实际中低附着系数难模拟的缺点。文中根据这一思想,在台架试验时的滑移层用台架滚筒来代替,用电磁滑差离合器来模拟不同附着系数路面,这样汽车在台架上制动时,由于滚筒与轮胎间的附着系数大,而电磁滑差离合器端的模拟附着系数小,滑移最先出现在电磁滑差离合器端,控制电磁滑差离合器的输出端扭矩,就可模拟不同附着系数路面,为在台架上检测时ABS进入工作循环创造了条件,也解决在台架检测时附着系数固定的问题。在台架检测时,为了真实的模拟汽车在道路上的状况,需要在台架上对汽车的惯量进行模拟。在一般情况下,采用具有一定旋转惯量的飞轮来模拟汽车在道路上具有的惯量。由于飞轮具有确定的模拟惯量,在试验台上,为了精确的模拟各种不同型号汽车惯量,需要配备具有不同模拟惯量的飞轮,以根据需要来选择不同模拟惯量的飞轮进行组合,这样为了比较精确的模拟各种车辆惯量就需要不少的飞轮,结果设备的结构很庞大,造价成本高,占用很大的地方,不方便室内安装使用。为了减少模拟飞轮的个数和对汽车的运动惯量进行无极模拟,在此试验台设计中采用一个飞轮模拟汽车中最小的运动惯量,而相对别的车型,采用电模拟作为补偿的方法。电模拟方法是为了模拟机械惯量,利用调整系统及计算机控制进行补偿,使试验系统的动力特性与具有大惯性飞轮系统一致,即转速变化与具有相应惯性飞轮的转速变化一致。由于变频调速电机具有调速范围广、性能稳定等特点,所以在试验台上采用变频调速电机作为电模拟惯量的动力源。文中详细分析了在试验台上电模拟方法的实现过程,为实际应用提供理论依据。在试验台上为了对汽车的惯量进行实时模拟,需要对变频调速电机进行实时控制,使电模拟惯量与汽车具有的惯量相同。由于检测台是一个复杂的系统,呈现出较强的非线性,要想精确地对其进行控制是非常困难的。模糊控制是基于模糊推理,模仿人的思维方式,对难以建立精确数学模型的对象实施的一种控制,是处理控制系统中不精确性和不确定性的一种有效方法,对非线性系统具有很强的鲁棒性。由于基于人工知识和经验的模<WP=97>糊控制可以很好的解决复杂系统的控制问题,此方法无需建立系统的模型,所以本文采用这种先进的控制方法对整车ABS检测台进行控制。针对整车ABS检测试验台,本文设计了双输入单输出的模糊控制器系统,详细分析了输入和输出变量的模糊化、输出变量的反模糊化和相应的控制规则。模糊控制器的设计重要的是模糊控制规则的设计,它的好坏直接影响到模糊控制器的性能,由于规则是根据人的知识和经验设计的,本文设计的模糊控制器具有25条控制规则。计算机仿真技术是研究复杂问题的重要方法和手段。它与常规的试验分析方法相比,不仅具有分析速度快、精度高、周期短等优点,而且还能解决一般常规方法不能解决的问题等。由于试验条件的有限,本文对基于整车ABS检测台的模糊控制器进行了MATLAB仿真分析,仿真中最大误差为3.1%,表明本文设计?

【Abstract】 From automobile invention to today ,more than one century have gone through, with the modern science and technology fast development and the unceasing raising of people’s living standard, the requirement of people for automobile performance is higher than before, from the earliest requirement for automobile power and cross-country gradually to economy、comfortableness and safety. The automobile having no ABS in urgent braking ,the wheels will be very rapidly to hold to die, under this kind of condition, the automobile having lost the ability of resistance side force basically, and occurring the dangerous conditions easily such as sideslip、losing the changing direction ability and swinging etc, and having disadvantages of vehicle safety. But the automobile having ABS, when urgent braking can raise the controlling stability maximumly in the course of automobile braking, and shorten the braking distance efficiently, so ensured the safety of travelling vehicle on certain level. Because of the superiority of ABS, the installation of ABS on automobile generally is unavoidable tendency, and along with our country strict requirement of automobile performance regulations, it is imperative to carry out ABS indoor detection. Since our country have not the ABS testing stand which fitting the vehicle detection line using、reliable performance and complete function. On this base, the paper carried out more detailed research of ABS detection stand for suiting the automobile integral performance detection line application, had put forward a kind of ABS detection stand’s design thought that suiting the indoor ABS detection , and have carried out theoretical analysis and simulated simulation.The braking performance of automobile is the one of major performances of automobile. With the increase of the highway of our country , and the raising of automobile speed, the automobile braking performance is very important for ensuring traffic safety, with the same time ,ABS is important to guarantee the automobile travelling safety. However, with the vehicle used and some other factors, which can probably cause the automobile anti-lock braking system (ABS) to failure or drop the character of service, and have <WP=99>brought hidden trouble to the safety of vehicle travel. However, the existing detection means can not satisfy the fast and accurate detection on the automobile performance detection line, so it is necessary to study a kind of ABS detection equipment that satisfies the requirement. In the paper, have analyzed the basic principle、structural, have also analyzed the different channels and arranging ways of ABS and their influence of ABS performance. Have analyzed the regulation course of raking pressure and regulation logic when the vehicle is braked on the difference adhering coefficient road. For having analyzed the movement and force of the automobile which equipped with ABS when braking on road, have established the vehicle model when braking. In the paper, having analyzed the automobile’s force and movement when the automobile braking on different adhering coefficient slip layers, the slip first appears on the low adhering coefficient layer surface. Since the existing test site and detection equipments can only offer the fix adhering coefficient normally, in ABS detection can not offer the low adhering coefficient road surface to make it enter into the working cycle. According to the analysis of automobile braking on slip layers, if we can offer the slip layers of different adhering coefficient, so we can offer different adhering coefficient road surface to vehicle, and solve the difficulty of simulation of low adhering coefficient road in reality. In the paper, according to this thoughts, replace the slip layers in experiments with cylinders, and use the electromagnetism slippery clutch to imitate the different adhering coefficient layers, so when the automobile braking on the stand, because of the adhering coefficient between cylinder and tire high, and the simulation adhering coefficient of th

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U467
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】912

