

Simulation and Behavior Analysis of Loader’s Hydraulic Steering System

【作者】 荆小怀

【导师】 刘昕晖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 装载机主要用来装卸散状物料,也能进行轻度的铲掘工作,并且具有良好的机动性能,广泛使用于工厂、矿山、建筑、水电工程、道路、码头、农田乃至家庭,是工程机械中保有量较大的品种之一。目前,我国装载机行业占据了世界装载机市场的半壁江山,已成为世界装载机第一产销大国。随着工程作业的日趋繁重,要求不断提高生产率,工程机械的重量亦相应增加,这就要求转向系统能克服更大的转向阻力矩,并要求转向过程具有相当的速度,这就意味着转向功率的增长。采用液体作介质的液压动力转向系统,操作人员只需很小的操作力和一般的速度操纵控制元件,而高速克服巨大阻力的能量由发动机来提供,这不仅改善了驾驶员的劳动条件,提高了生产率,同时也提高了行驶的安全性能。液压转向系统是装载机中最为重要的系统之一,它的功用是操纵车辆的行驶方向,既要能保持车辆沿直线行驶的稳定性,又要能保证车辆转向的灵活性。转向性能是保证车辆安全行驶,减轻驾驶人员劳动强度和提高作业生产率的重要因素。本文研究的转向系统是“双泵合分流同轴流量放大转向优先卸荷液压系统”,简称“同轴流量放大卸荷系统”,采用全液压转向、同轴流量放大、卸荷系统。其核心是同轴流量放大转向器,它由中国农机院液压所、镇江液压件总厂等单位共同研制的,集流量放大系统中转向器本身体积小、重量轻和大排量转向系统简化之长,又集负荷传感转向节能以及小排量转向系统可实现人力转向应急功能。这是一种新型的液压转向系统,目前已先后被国内几家主要装载机生产厂家所采用,但国内尚没有对其转向性能进行相关的研究。本文着重研究这种新型转向系统静、动态特性,以提高转向性能的稳定性和可靠性,使产品得到更广泛的应用。通过在开拓者装载机上所做的原地转向试验曲线可看出,由静止到转向开始时油缸工作腔压力急剧升高,其原因是此时摩擦系数最大,开始运动以后,摩擦系数降低,故压力降低。随着转向油缸位移的增加工作腔压力逐渐降低的原因是,随着油缸位移的增加,转向力臂逐渐变大。出现压力波动的原因是转向器内部反馈及非匀速运动方向盘的输入而造成的。通过对液压转向系统的动、静态特性进行计算机仿真可大大地缩短液压系统或元件的设计周期,避免因重复试验及加工所带来的昂贵费用,且<WP=67>可及早地认识到该系统在动静态特性方面所存在的薄弱环节并加以消除。计算机仿真不仅可以在设计过程中预测系统性能,缩短系统的调试时间,还可以通过仿真对所设计的系统有更深入的了解。本文在分析液压转向系统工作原理的基础上建立了转向系统的数学模型,利用MATLAB中的Simulink工具箱对所建立的数学模型进行了仿真。在厦门工程机械有限公司公司的大力帮助下,在开拓者装载机上测试了转向液压系统在不同工况下转向油缸工作腔压力,试验结果验证了所建立数学模型的合理性。其后,在所建立数学模型的基础上对液压转向系统的静态特性与动态特性进行研究,并运用传递函数法对液压转向系统的结构特性进行分析,指出了其结构参数对液压转向系统的影响规律,得出如下结论:1. 速度放大系数kv影响系转向统的稳定性和响应速度,它与转向器结构参数有直接关系。如果减小kv(增大流量增益kq或阀芯直径d),转向系统的稳定性提高,但系统的响应速度会降低。对于小排量的转向器来说,kq、d较小,故kv较小,稳定性好,但响应速度较慢;对于大排量的转向器来说,kq、d较大,故kv较大,稳定性较差,但响应速度较快。2. 液压系统固有频率与转向器的结构参数无关,但对于转向系统的响应速度影响很大。因此,在实际应用中,应采取措施在保证转向系统稳定性的前提下尽可能地提高,从而提高系统的响应速度。3. 系统对阶跃输入的稳态误差为零;对于方向盘等速输入,系统的稳态误差与输入速度成正比,而与系统的速度放大系数kv成反比;该系统不能跟随等加速输入。本文所得结论不仅能为装载机同轴流量放大液压转向系统的设计计算提供理论依据,而且亦适用于由全液压转向器组成的工程车辆液压转向系统的研究。

【Abstract】 Loader is primarily utilized to load and unload piles of balk cargo and also do some light excavations. It has good mobility, applied widely in factory、mine、construction、water and electricity、road、dock、farmland even house, and it is a most important model of construction machinery. As far now, the portion of the loader industry of our country has already reached 50 percent of the whole world, and our country has become No.1 production and market of the world.With the construction performance becoming more and more strenuous, it is requested to enhance productivity consecutively, meanwhile, the increase in the weight of construction machinery request the steering system of the construction machinery to overcome larger steering inoment of resistance and possess some steering speed, this means the enhancement of steering power. Runners only need little operating force and general speed to control steering components with liquid being the transmitter of hydraulic powered steering system, and the energy to overcome great resistance with high speed is provided by engine, this not only improves driver’s working condition and enhances productivity, but also increases safety performance on driving. Hydraulic steering system is one of the most important systems of the loader, and its functions are to manipulate the driving direction, guaranteeing both the vehicle stability of linear driving and flexibility of steering. Steering performance is a important factor to guarantee driving safety and alleviate driver’s working intension and enhance productivity. The steering system the paper discusses is “dual-pump unloading hydraulic system with merge and division flow and coaxial flow amplification, steering on priority”, whose shortened form is “unloading system with coaxial flow amplification”, adopting full hydraulic steering、coaxial flow、unloading system. Its core is coaxial flow amplifier, produced by Chinese Hydraulic Institute for Farm <WP=69>Equipment Academy and Zhenjiang Main Hydraulic Components Company, bearing advantages both of small volume、little weight and little output volume for flow amplification system、of energy-saving for load sensing steering, and of realizing manual steering to meet an emergency for the steering system with little output volume. This is a new hydraulic steering system, adopted by several main domestic loader-producing companies recently, but there is no relative study on its steering performance. This paper focuses on static and dynamics characteristic of the steering system to enhance the stability and reliability of steering performance, thus, the product is applied more widely. Because the steering system is the newest one applied to the loader, and it is a very important to affect safety property and productivity of the loader, it is necessary to study the static and dynamics characteristics of the hydraulic steering system and make the loader with it apply more widely.From the in-place steering experiment pressure curve made on the Exploiter loader, it can be seen that pressure in the working chamber of oil cylinder surge greatly at the beginning of steering, the reason for it is that the value of friction factor is the largest at that time, after that, the value will decrease, thus resulting in low pressure. The pressure fluctuation is caused by internal feedback of the steering system and steering wheel input of non-uniform velocity.To simulate the static and dynamics characteristics of the hydraulic steering system on the computer can shorten the period of hydraulic system or components design greatly. So the costly expense can be reduced in duplicate experiments and manufactures. Meanwhile the drawbacks in static and dynamics of the system can be detected and eliminated. Computer simulation can not only predict the function of the system during design, but also shorten the period to test the system and make the best understanding of the system.The paper establishes mathematics model of steering system through analyzing the working principle of the hydraulic s

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TH243
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1006

