

Research on Traffic Accident Scene Diagram Drawing System & Its Integrating with Accident Reconstruction

【作者】 矫成武

【导师】 李江;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,我国的道路交通安全形势日趋严峻,大量的交通事故一方面带来巨大的财产损失,另一方面也带来了诸多社会问题。如何应用信息技术为代表的高新技术,公正、客观、科学、快速地处理交通事故已成为基层交通管理部门的迫切需求。交通事故快速处理技术及系统在事故处理流程、现场勘查技术和事故再现技术等方面,应用高新技术,能够解决传统事故处理过程存在的低效率、不精确、主观性强等诸多问题。因而,成为道路交通事故处理问题的研究焦点。本文针对交通事故快速处理过程中的现场图绘制环节,依托吉林大学交通安全课题组自主开发的《交通事故快速分析系统》,对交通事故现场比例图绘制系统进行了研究和设计;在此基础上,研究了以数字化现场图为基础的交通事故再现数据流整合及碰撞后轨迹模拟的修正问题,设计了现场图与事故再现一体化系统的结构框架。具体地:基于我国现行交通事故处理的流程、手段、技术,分析交通事故现场及其勘查,概述事故现场图及其绘制问题。首先,从事故现场的构成和特性出发,阐述了事故现场勘查的概念和主要内容;分析比较了几类事故现场快速勘查技术的特点和功能。之后,依据我国现行事故现场图绘制的相关标准,阐述了现场图的涵义和道路交通事故现场图的分类、定义、绘制内容;归纳了现场比例图的特点,即,按比例绘制、位置关系图和俯视正投影平面图。最后,结合大量的文献阅读,阐述了现场比例图绘制技术从纯手工绘制、绘图模具辅助绘制到计算机辅助绘制的发展过程,分析了各类计算机辅助绘制软件的优缺点,为研究现场图的绘制问题奠定了基础。交通事故现场图计算机辅助绘制系统的设计。首先,从标准要求、绘制过程、图形元素特点三方面分析了现场比例图的绘制需求,给出了现场图绘制系统的设计原则。之后,针对现场图绘制系统,定义了模块,研究、设计了模块间的关系、结构;设计了数字化现场图的数据结构。最后,结合交通事故处理的实际情况,对现场图绘制中的定位<WP=68>问题、道路设施绘制向导和现场线状痕迹的绘制问题的算法、体系进行了研究和设计。给出了常用的定位方法:两基点法、两基线法和基点-基线法的计算机算法;设计了道路设施绘制向导以实现现场图中道路设施的便捷绘制;设计了运用三次样条插值绘制现场线状痕迹的方法。基于事故再现技术和系统的现状,分析其存在的问题和现场图能够起到的作用。在对事故发生过程各个阶段的特点进行分析的基础上,阐述了事故再现系统对各个阶段的再现方法。结合事故再现系统软件的实际使用情况,分析得出该系统存在的三个问题:(1)与现场勘查间存在数据上的沟通不畅和重复录入,影响了整个事故处理的速度;(2)事故再现需要进一步面向事故管理的实际;(3)事故再现需要与现场的实际情况比对,从而提高说服力。针对这些问题,结合运用现场图绘制系统绘制的数字化现场图的特点,分析了这种现场图在解决事故再现问题中的潜力,引出了交通事故现场图和事故再现的一体化问题。现场图与事故再现系统的数据流整合。现场图与事故再现系统的一体化问题,首先是现场图与事故再现的数据流整合问题。本文通过分析事故再现的数据需求和现场图的数据结构发现,通过引用或扩展现场图的类属性、增加计算模块和对数据结构的重构,能够将事故再现需要的数据输入量减少一半,进而,分析了与现场图整合后的事故再现数据流程。事故再现中碰撞后过程轨迹模拟的修正。从事故碰撞后过程轨迹模拟的复杂性出发,分析了对轨迹模拟进行修正的必要性和利用数字化现场图中对现场线状痕迹的描述方程进行轨迹模拟修正的可行性。在此基础上,研究了四轮车在碰撞后过程的受力情况,建立了四轮车在碰撞后过程的运动学微分方程。通过对碰撞后过程的必要假设,提出了碰撞后过程轨迹模拟的修正算法。限于时间,本文没有对该算法进行深入的研究和实现,但对需要进一步探讨的问题给出了初步的思路。现场图与事故再现一体化系统框架。通过上述研究,进一步整合现场图与事故再现的工作流程,设计了一体化系统的框架。在这一框架下可以进一步开发一体化的事故再现系统,完善和提高事故再现的功能<WP=69>和效率。本文力图从事故处理的实际过程出发,以解决交通管理中的实际问题为目的,设计了道路交通事故现场比例图绘制系统,研究了现场图与事故再现的一体化问题,能够为开发快速、方便的现场图绘制软件和更科学、实用的事故再现系统提供新思路,并奠定基础。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of economy, the situation of traffic safety in our country becomes more and more rigorous. Plenty of traffic accidents bring us not only enormous property loss, but also many social problems. How to apply high and new technique represented by information technique to handle traffic accident fairly, objectively, scientifically and fast is becoming urgent need of the bottom level of traffic management departments. In the aspects of procedure of traffic accident handling, investigation technique of traffic accident scene and reconstruction technique of traffic accident, traffic accident fast handling technique and system using high and new technique can solve the problem of traditional traffic safety procedure low efficiency, inaccuracy result, strong subjectivity. Therefore, it becomes research focus of problems of road traffic accident handling. To the phrase of traffic accident scene drawing,based on “Traffic Accident Fast Analysis System” developed by research group of traffic safety lab in Jilin University, this paper researches and designs traffic accident scene proportion diagram drawing system. Based on the system, this paper also research on traffic accident reconstruction data flow integration and track simulation amendment after vehicle collision, design structure frame of traffic accident scene diagram and traffic accident reconstruction as a whole system. In detail the contents of the paper includes:Based on procedure, means, technique of current traffic accident handling in our country, analyze traffic accident handling and investigation of traffic accident scene, summarize traffic accident scene diagram and its drawing problem. Firstly, start from structure and feature of traffic accident scene, narrate concept and main contents of investigation of traffic accident scene, analyze and compare features and functions of investigation of several kinds of traffic accident scene. Then based on corresponding criterion of traffic accident scene diagram drawing in our country, expound meanings of traffic accident scene diagram and kinds, definition, drawing contents of road traffic accident scene diagram, sum up features of traffic accident scene diagram, that is drawing according to proportion, position relations diagram and top projection platform. At last, combining lots of references, introduce development process of diagram drawing technique from pure artificial drawing to drawing model aid then to computer aid drawing, analyze all advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of computer aid drawing <WP=71>software, all these make a firm foundation stone for research on drawing problem of traffic accident scene diagram.Design of traffic accident scene diagram computer aid drawing system. Firstly, analyze drawing needs of traffic accident scene diagram from three aspects of criterion need, process of drawing and features of diagram elements. Then as to traffic accident scene diagram drawing system, define models , research and design relation and structure of models, design data structure of digital traffic accident scene diagram. At last, combined practical situation of traffic accident handling, research and design arithmetic and system of position problem, drawing guidance of road equipments and drawing problems of line track in traffic accident scene, give normal computer position arithmetic, two benchmark points method, two benchmark lines method, benchmark point and line method, design road equipments drawing guidance to complete drawing expediently, design cube spline curve interpolation method of drawing scene linear track.It analyzes the effect of the problems of traffic accident reconstruction and traffic accident scene diagram drawing on the base of the current development about it. And it expatiates the methods of all phases be used of traffic accident reconstruction systems. There are three flaws of this system linked practice using of traffic accident reconstruction system software which are: firstly, there is some degree of obstruct of communicate and rep

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U491.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】494

