

Parallelism and Its Quantitative Analysis in Discourse

【作者】 陈瑜

【导师】 潘怡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 语言体现思想。英语学习者非常熟悉亚伯拉罕?林肯的伟大思想:民有、民治、民享的政府。但并不是每个伟大的思想都能产生同样的反响。是平行结构的运用使“民有、民治、民享”打动人心,记忆深刻。 平行结构广泛应用于散文,诗歌,政治演讲等语篇以及写作练习和测试中。本文通过对平行结构的描述和定量分析,以期了解母语为英语的人在实际语言交流中使用平行结构的情况,从而便于英语学习者准确而自然的运用这种语言表达方式。本文共分六章。第一章是引言。第二章首先从狭义和广义两个角度定义平行结构。狭义的平行结构是一种重要的修辞手段,帮助更有效地使用语言。广义的平行结构是指它不仅是一种修辞手段,还是一种语法结构和衔接手段。本章接着分析平行结构的自然属性及两种重要的平行结构:二项平行和三项平行。第三章首先介绍平行结构的修辞功能。平行结构具有使行文简洁、强调、对比鲜明,承上启下等修辞功能。本章还指出平行结构经常与反复、对偶、一笔双叙、共扼、层进等修辞手段混用和套用。第四章揭示平行结构的语言特征。平行结构中的语言成分必须相互平衡。很多句子成分都可以排列成平行结构。平行结构按照其组织成分的不同分为语音平行,单词平行,短语平行,句子平行和段落平行。第五章是本文的主体,该章采用定量分析的方法分析平行结构在散文和政治演讲语篇中的实际应用情况。笔者在选取的典型文章中统计分析平行结构出现的次数和类别等数据,得出结论:母语为英语的人倾向于在政治演讲中大量使用平行结构;平行结构的运用以二项平行为<WP=7>主,三项平行次之;以小型平行为主,以大型平行结构为辅。第六章结论,总结全文。平行结构是常见语言现象,不仅是修辞手段,还是语法结构和衔接手段。王佐良指出“平行结构是语言对于常规的偏离和变异,平行结构使文章和演说更有效更具有说服力。”平行结构在英语有着十分广泛的运用,有必要对它进行研究。本文通过描述和分析平行结构旨在促使英语学习者更好地了解和掌握这种语言表达方式,并自然流畅地应用于实际交流中。希望本文对英语学习和研究有所帮助。

【Abstract】 Ideas are mainly embodied in languages. Great idea such as the one given by Abraham Lincoln “that government of the people, by the people, and for the people” is quite familiar to English learners. Since not every great idea is well remembered as this one, there must be something that helps to imprint the idea on people’s mind. It is no doubt that, the parallelism or parallel structure that has made this statement particularly impressive and easy to remember. Parallelism finds wide applications in different discourses, such as in prose, political speeches and many other sub-literary uses of language, such as proverbs, folk songs, slogans, etc. It is also used in writing practice and testing. The author makes comprehensive study and quantitative analysis of parallelism to see how native English speakers use it in actual language communication. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter I is the introduction. The concept of parallelism is put forward in this chapter. Chapter II defines parallelism in narrow sense and in broad sense. In narrow sense, parallelism is an important figure of speech. In broad sense, it is a grammatical structure and also a cohesive device. The chapter also presents nature of parallelism and concept of double parallelism and triadic parallelism. These two forms are used widely in English.Chapter III deals with the rhetorical features of parallelism. This chapter first explains its rhetorical functions, such as brevity, emphasis, contrast and coherence. Then it tells that parallelism often blends other figures of <WP=5>speeches such as repetition, antithesis, syllepsis, zeugma, climax, etc.Chapter IV states the linguistic features of parallelism. It is necessary to balance linguistic elements with each other. Almost any kind of sentence elements can be placed in a parallel construction. These features are discussed in phonological parallelism, lexical parallelism, phrasal parallelism, syntactical parallelism, and discourse parallelism.Chapter V is the focus of this thesis. It presents a quantitative analysis of parallelism in different discourses. Special attentions are paid to prose and political speeches. By the collection and processing of the statistical data, the author finds that native English speakers tend to use parallelism in formal political speeches; tend to use double parallelism much more than triadic parallelism and other forms of parallelism and tend to use small-sized parallelism much more than large-sized parallelism. Chapter VI is the conclusion. In the conclusion, parallelism is the deviation use of language as Wang Zuoliang, the distinguished Chinese scholar, points out. It is greatly discussed as a rhetorical device as well as a grammatical structure and a cohesive device. The author hopes the thorough description and the quantitative analysis of it will help English learners to master the use of it and contribute to English learning and research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H315
  • 【下载频次】655

