

Study and Application of Optimization Method Based on TransCAD for Urban Public Transport Network

【作者】 孙燕燕

【导师】 赵淑芝;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,国内外各大城市都在加紧寻求能有效改善城市交通状况的措施,其中城市公交线网优化研究的宗旨在于运用现代化的交通规划理论及现代计算技术,在现有城市道路系统和公共交通运力的基础上,通过对城市公交线网进行合理布局,对现有公交运力进行优化组合,最大程度地发挥系统的最佳效益。可见,公交线网优化是解决大城市交通拥挤、乘车难问题的一项投资少、见效快、易于实施的有效措施。城市公交线网的布设情况,直接影响着城市居民的出行,因此线网的优化就显得尤为重要。公交线网优化是公交系统整体优化的首要任务,目前我国在这方面的研究不少,也存在很多种优化方法,但计算和实际操作起来都非常的复杂,实用性不是非常强。基于这一背景,本文结合项目《长春市城市公共交通发展规划研究》课题中线网优化部分,利用TransCAD软件对城市公交线网,主要是常规公交线网进行优化研究的。本论文是按照下面的思路来展开的:首先,系统论述了公交线网优化的一般目标、原则、约束条件、优化的主要内容和线网调整优化的常用模式。接着论文对TransCAD软件进行了概述,介绍了软件的一些基本功能,以及如何利用软件进行交通规划,并对软件采用的一些基础模型和模型参数的设置进行了叙述。然后论文以2002年月票调查得到的148个小区的基年OD和长春市的一些资料为基础,对长春市的公交客流进行了预测分析,并对预测结果进行了分配。最后,论文在对长春市的公交现状、客流预测及客流分配结果进行分析的基础上,结合长春市政府的一些城市发展规划策略,对公交线网进行了优化调整,给出了几点建议,并对其进行了测试分析。论文在以长春市为例进行公交客流预测时,主要是以月票调查得到的现状公交方式(包括常规公交、轨道交通、出租车)的出行分布和长春市各行政区的人口等基本资料为基础,通过预测长春市各行政区未来年的人口,参照国内一些城市的规划情况,采用原单位来预测未来特征年公交方式出行分<WP=73>布的,然后通过方式划分,来得到常规公交的客流。随后论文利用TransCAD软件对近期客流预测结果进行了分配,此过程选用软件中的随机用户平衡法(SUE)。通过对客流预测结果和客流分配结果的分析,可以看出长春市1、2、3交通中区将成为主要公交出行吸引区,同时由于部分外围及长春市南部新城区未来人口将大幅增加,其公交出行量占规划区域比重也随之扩大,未来也必将成为主要的交通发生源。从空间分布看,长春市区居民公交出行以南北方向为主,但重心有所偏离。原先以人民广场为中心的东西向客流,现在由于经济技术开发区、净月旅游开发区、高新技术开发区等新城区开发规模的逐步扩大,在南部客流将明显上升。这些都说明以后应增加外围区及新城区间的公交线路,以提高该区域公交通达性和公交服务水平。通过这些分析从根本上把握住了城市客流的主流和方向,为线网的优化调整提供了依据。论文在对长春市公交现状及客流预测和分配的基础上,根据长春市政府做出的“工业北上,政府南移,科教东迁,生态西行”的整体规划思路,和城区改造及居民出行的需要,对近期长春市的公交线网进行了优化调整,并给出了几点建议。围绕经济技术开发区、高新产业技术开发区、净月旅游开发区、汽车贸易开发区及兴隆团和富锋团,建议新增公交线路14条,新开线路主要以大公交线路为主。同时基于小公共的诸多弊端,建议长春市到2010年前逐步取消复线及三环内的小公共线路40条。复线小公共取消后,可通过加大发车频率和增加线路的大公共配车数来满足沿线居民的出行需求。本文的意义及主要研究成果:1.系统地阐述了线网优化的原则、目标和单条线路及线网整体的约束条件,并介绍了公交线网优化调整的一般模式及常用的基本方法。2.在线网优化过程中,使用了TransCAD这一专门的交通规划软件。四步骤的各个过程只需选取模型和设置相应的参数利用软件来实现,避免复杂的编程和计算过程,节省了大量劳动量,大大提高了工作的效率和优化过程中的直观性,方法具有很强的实用性。3.将方法具体应用到长春市城市公交线网优化中,结合长春市的实际情况,给长春市近期公交线网规划提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 In recent years,many large cities are making great efforts to look for effect measures to improve the city traffic condition. The objective of the optimization of public transport network is to make the public transport system produce the best benefit by using modern theory of transportation planning and modern computing techniques. The optimization process is to make the public transport network distribution reasonable by optimizing and combining the existing public transport capacity. It lies on the existing city road system and public transport capacity. The optimization of public transport network is an economical and effective measure to solve the traffic congestion and the difficulty in riding in large cities. It is also a measure that is easy to put in practice.The optimization of public transport network is very important, because the distribution of city public transport network will have direct effect on the travel of city residents. The optimization of public transport network is the most important task of the optimization of public transport system. Now many people concentrate on the research of this aspect .The are many methods to optimize, but most of them are difficult and complex to compute and perform. This dissertation was finished in combined with the project“Research on the development and planning of the Changchun city public transport ”. It utilizes the special software of TransCAD to optimize the network and mainly researches on the bus transport network.The thread of this paper is as follows:At the beginning of the dissertation, systematically describing the ordinary objectives, the rule, the constraints, the main content and the common patterns of the adjustment and optimization of public transport network. Then, introducing the TransCAD software, which mainly includes its basic functions, how to use it to do transport planning, its fundamental models and how to set the parameters of <WP=75>the model. After that, on the basis of the OD matrix of the Changchun resident trips between 148 zones, which was got by the investigation of commutation tickets, carrying out the processes of trip prediction and transit assignment. At last, by analyzing the public transport actuality of Changchun city and the result of trip prediction and transit assignment, and by combining with the strategies of the city development and planning given by the Chunchun government, optimizing and adjusting the public transport network and giving some advice.During the process of the trip prediction of the Changchun city public transport, the prediction of the number of population is on the basis of the basic data of the districts and the investigation result of commutation ticket, which includes all the public transport modes, bus, rail and taxi. It uses original unit technique to predict the trips of public transport in the future year. The trips by bus can be obtained by mode split. After that, the paper chooses the SUE method of TransCAD to carry out transit assignment. It can be found from the result of transit assignment that the medium areas of the no.1, 2 and 3 will be the main districts of tip attraction. At the same time, the percentage of trip generation of some surrounding districts and the south new city zone of Changchun will increase, because of the significant increase of the number of population of these regions in the following years. These regions will be the main source of trip generation in the future. We can find from the space distribution of trips that the main trip direction of the public transport of Changchun city is one from north to the south, but the center of gravity will deviate. The trips from east to the west centered by the People Square will increase in the south with the extending of exploitation scale of new city zones such as Economic technique development area, Jingyue travelling development area and High and new technique development area. All of above suggest that we should add new public transport routes between the surrounding districts and the new city zones, so that

【关键词】 公交线网优化TransCAD
【Key words】 public transportnetworkoptimizationTransCAD
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】U12
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】2049

