

Theoretical Study of Upconversion Ultraviolet Laser Based on 4f5d State in Pr~(3+): ZBLAN Fiber

【作者】 方爱平

【导师】 戴振文; 蒋占魁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 光学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 世界上第一台激光器诞生四十多年以来,激光技术和激光器的种类取得了长足的发展。但是现代学科技术的进步对激光器本身提出了更高的要求,使激光技术向全固化、小型化、宽波段、可调谐、紫外和远红外、易操作等方向发展。 由于介质中稀土激活离子的 5d 电子和晶场的强相互作用,4fN-15d 能级呈现准连续分布,其宽带荧光发射位于紫外区域。显然,稀土离子的 4fN-15d能级可能是产生宽带可调谐紫外激光的理想激光工作能级。在 Ce3+:LiCaAlF6/LiLuF4 晶体中已经实现基于 5d 能级的直接激发可调谐紫外激光。由于稀土离子的 4fN-15d 能级的直接激发位于真空紫外或近真空紫外波段,增加了激光系统的复杂性。所以,通过频率上转换激发实现基于 4fN-15d 能级的紫外激光输出具有重要意义。 为了实现稀土离子掺杂激光材料中基于 4fN-15d 能级的上转换紫外激光输出,理论上研究其上转换激发和激光过程的动力学行为是十分必要的。本论文的研究目的是,从理论上研究上转换泵浦稀土掺杂离子 4fN-15d 能级产生紫外激光的可行性。 首先本论文研究了在 Yb3+:Pr3+:ZBLAN 和 Pr3+:ZBLAN 光纤中 4f5d 能级上转换激发动力学过程。结果表明,在 Yb3+:Pr3+:ZBLAN 光纤中,通过 Yb3+敏化激发 Pr3+离子和 Pr3+激发态共振吸收的上转换激发途径,可以实现 4f5d能级的上转换激发,而且该能级与 I6或者 S0能级之间存在明显的粒子数反 1 1转;在 Pr3+: ZBLAN 光纤中,通过两步共振激发可以实现 4f5d 能级上转换激发,该能级与 I6、1S0能级以及 H4、3F4的最高 Stark 能级间可形成粒子数反 1 3转;比较而言,在 Pr3+:ZBLAN 光纤中比较容易实现 Pr3+的 4f5d 能级和 4f2能级之间的粒子数反转,进而实现 4f5d 能级上转换紫外激光。另外,还计算 第 107 页 共 114 页<WP=110>吉林大学硕士学位论文了光纤中泵浦光的衰减过程、吸收系数、各能级的粒子数密度分布、有效光纤长度、4f5d 总荧光功率和泵浦效率等上转换激发过程参量。 另外,本文分别以 H4和 I6作为激光能级,研究了 Pr3+:ZBLAN 光纤中 3 14f5d 上转换紫外振荡器的激光特性。计算结果给出两种激光系统的第一和第二阈值泵浦功率、激光输出功率、斜率效率和最佳光纤长度等激光参量。结果表明,3H4 为激光能级的激光器中,阈值都随光纤长度的增加而增大。激光器的斜率效率随着光纤长度的增长而增大,当光纤足够长时,斜率效率趋于常数(10%)。给定激光器基本特征参数,存在一个最佳光纤长度使激光输出功率最大,在大泵浦功率的极限下,最佳光纤长度大约为 14 m。1I6 为激光能级的激光器中,较短的光纤长度和较高的输出镜反射率需要较低的阈值。低 Pr3+浓度和高背景损耗不利于高输出功率。斜率效率与光纤长度有明显的关系。给定光纤长度,存在一个饱和泵浦功率使得输出功率最大。第一和第二泵浦光的饱和泵浦功率随光纤长度的增加线性地增大,而且第二饱和泵浦功率比第一饱和泵浦功率大得多。给定激光器基本特征参数,存在一个最佳的光纤长度使输出功率最大。 我们的计算表明,4f5d 上转换紫外光纤激光器的斜率效率只有 10%左右,而光光转换效率更低,如果能够构建 4f5d 上转换紫外光纤放大器,实现对前一级激光振荡器的功率放大,从而实现较大功率的激光输出,将具有十分重要的现实意义。本文以 H4为激光下能级,研究了 Pr3+:ZBLAN 光纤中 34f5d 上转换紫外放大器的工作特性。计算结果给出放大器的信号光饱和功率、输出功率、斜率效率和最佳光纤长度等激光参量。结果表明,输入信号光存在一个饱和功率,当大于饱和功率时,输出功率几乎与输入信号光功率大小无关。信号光饱和功率几乎不随泵浦功率和光纤长度而变化,大约为 2mW。在相同条件下,放大器的输出功率和斜率效率(输入信号功率大于 1 mW)比振荡器的高 2 至 3 倍,所以,利用放大器可显著提高激光器的输出功率和斜率效率。给定放大器基本特征参数,存在一个最佳光纤长度使得输出功率 第 108 页 共 114 页<WP=111>吉林大学硕士学位论文达到最大。当放大器的输入信号功率大于 1 mW 时,光纤放大器的最佳光纤长度比振荡器的长得多。 由于放大器需要另外提供信号光输入,这将给整个激光器系统的结构带来复杂性。主振荡器功率放大器(MOPA)激光系统可以很好地解决这个问题。本文以 H4为激光下能级研究了上转换紫外主振荡器功率放大器的激光动力 3学行为,计算结果给出最佳主振荡器光纤长度以及 MOPA 输出功率、斜率效率和最佳光纤长度等激光参量。结果表明,存在一个最佳主振荡器长度使输出功率最佳,最佳主振荡器长度与 MOPA 长度和泵浦功率无关,约为 1 m。随着 MOPA 长度的增加,斜率效率趋于常数(27%);和单纯的放大器相比,MOPA 的输出功率和斜率效率与相同条件下放大器的相当,所以,MOPA 完全可以替代

【Abstract】 It has been over forty years since the first laser system was successfullydemonstrated in the world. In this period, laser techniques and category has beenlargely developed. However, the development in the modern scientific field needsmore improvement on the laser system itself, which make lasers develop towardall-solid-state, miniaturization, tenability, ultraviolet and far infrared,easy-operation. For the trivalent RE ions doped in host materials, the energy levels belongingto the 4fN-15d configuration present continuous due to the strong couplingbetween the 5d electron of the active ion and its crystalline field environment andhence radiative transitions from these levels produce broad-band UV spectralemissions. Obviously, the 4fN-15d levels are possible upper laser levels forbroad-band tunable UV laser. Tunable UV laser based on 5d upper levels havebeen realized in LiCaAlF6/LiLuF4 crystals doped with Ce3+. However, since4fN-15d direct excitation occurs in or near the vacuum UV spectrum region, thisexcitation is not easily accessible by conventional laser sources and brings forthcomplexity of UV laser system. Therefore, realizing 4fN-15d upconversionexcitation of RE dopant is a significant approach. To realize upconversion UV laser based on 4fN-15d state in laser medium,theoretical studies of upconversion excitation kinetics and upconversion UV laserkinetics based on 4f N-15d state are necessary. In this thesis, we theoretically studythe feasibility of realizing upconversion UV laser based on 4f N-15d state inPr3+:ZBLANfiber. 第 110 页 共 114 页<WP=113>吉林大学硕士学位论文 Firstly, by utilizing steady population rate equations and propagationequations, we investigate the kinetics of 4f5d upconversion excitation of Pr3+ inPr3+:Yb3+:ZBLAN and Pr3+:ZBLAN fiber. In Pr3+:Yb3+:ZBLAN fiber, 4f5dupconversion excitation can be realized through Yb3+ sensitized excitation andPr3+ excitated state absorption. And there exist the population inversions between4f5d state and I6 or S0 level. In Pr3+:ZBLAN fiber, 4f5d upconversion excitation 1 1can be realized through two-step excitation. And there exist the populationinversions between 4f5d state and I6, S0 level or the highest Stark level of H4, 1 1 33F4 level. It is relatively easier to realize population inversions between 4f5d stateand the level of 4f2 and even to realize UV laser in Pr3+:ZBLAN fiber than inPr3+:Yb3+:ZBLAN fiber. In addition, the distributions of powers and absorptioncoefficients along the fiber, population density of all levels, the effective fiberlength, fluorescence power and pump efficiency are calculated and discussed. Secondly, we investigate the laser kinetics for upconversion UV oscillatorbased on transitions from the 4f5d state to the H4 state and I6 state in 3 1Pr3+:ZBLAN fiber, respectively. The threshold pump powers, output power, slopeefficiency and optimum cavity length are calculated and discussed. There existslots of difference between these two laser system. In upconversion UV oscillatorbased on transitions from the 4f5d state to the H4 state, threshold pump powers 3and slope efficiency become higher as the fiber length is increased. When thefiber length is long enough, slope efficiency tends to a constant (10%). Given thecharacteristics of the laser, there exists an optimum cavity length to obtainoptimum output power. And the optimum cavity length is 14 m when pumppowers are large enough. In upconversion UV oscillator based on transitions fromthe 4f5d state to the I6 state, high reflectivity R2 and short fiber cavity length are 1better for low threshold pump powers. Great background loss and low pump

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TN248
  • 【下载频次】277

