

Geological Features of Huangbuling Gold Deposit and the Enrichment Regularities of Gold Mineralization Zhao Yuan, Shan Dong Province

【作者】 张艳彬

【导师】 张渊; 孙丰月;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 黄埠岭金矿位于招莱金矿带的中偏南部,凤凰山—黄埠岭断裂的上盘,属蚕庄金矿管辖。黄埠岭矿区内太古宙胶东群变质岩主要以残留体形式存在,岩性以黑云变粒岩、斜长角闪岩为主,出露的岩浆岩为玲珑花岗岩和郭家岭花岗闪长岩。矿区2B线750m钻孔ZK7已验证上部岩体为玲珑花岗岩下部为郭家岭型岩体,构成双层花岗岩结构。玲珑花岗岩为矿体的直接围岩。凤凰山—黄埠岭断裂是区内的主要控矿构造,而不是以前所认为的灵北断裂。含矿断裂分布在该断裂的上盘。黄埠岭矿区内脉岩发育。在空间上与金矿密切伴生,在时间上与金矿床成穿插关系。区内主要有煌斑岩脉、闪长玢岩岩脉、伟晶岩脉及次安山岩脉。其中与金矿关系密切的为煌斑岩和次安山岩脉。煌斑岩脉走向以NE为主。次安山岩脉走向近NNE向,倾向NE,倾角46°,穿切了早期矿脉。可见黄埠岭矿区受到浅成构造的影响。矿区内已发现15条矿脉,规模大小不一,其中含有工业矿体的有7号、10号、4号、6号和15号。7号脉走向北东45°左右,长度1000余米,该矿脉是由两条SE倾和一条NW倾的脉组成。NW倾脉是SE倾脉的支脉,剖面上呈“入”字型,它们分别控制7-1、7-2、7-3矿体。矿体呈脉状、透镜状产于矿脉内,走向NE。矿体大小不一,最大为7-1号矿体,长275m,延深至-150m。7号脉含矿率35%,矿体均向NE侧伏,侧伏角30°左右。10号脉走向65°左右,长8000余m,倾向SE,倾角50°~<WP=70>85°。10号脉已发现五个矿体,大小不一,矿体呈柱状、脉状或透镜状产出,尖灭再现,含矿率40%,矿体均向NE侧伏,侧伏角40°~60°。研究表明,北北东向与北东向断累交切处,金矿床的品位显著增高。黄埠岭矿区内矿石物质成分复杂,组成的金属矿物有黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、辉钼矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、辉铋矿、硫铋铅矿、碲铋银矿、硫铋银铅矿、硫铜铋铅矿、辉银矿、自然银、碲银矿、金银矿、银金矿、自然金,磁铁矿、赤铁矿和镜铁矿。非金属矿物有石英、钾长石、方解石、绢云母、绿泥石等。矿区的金矿物以以银金矿为主,银矿物以辉银矿为主,其中镜铁矿、镜铁矿、辉铋矿、硫铋铅矿、碲铋银矿、硫铋银铅矿、自然银、辉银矿、碲银矿是本次研究首次查明的。辉铋矿、硫铋铅矿、自然银、辉银矿产于多金属硫化物阶段,晚于磁铁矿、镜铁矿、钾长石和早阶段的石英、黄铁矿。根据矿石组构构造及其矿脉穿切关系,可将黄埠岭金矿早期的成矿阶段划分为石英脉阶段—黄铁矿阶段—多金属硫化物阶段—碳酸盐阶段。晚期成矿期由黄铁矿石英脉组成。区内围岩蚀变发育,有钾化、绢英岩化、硅化、碳酸盐化、绢云母化和绿泥石化,其中硅化、绢英岩化与金矿化关系密切。蚀变具分带性,由矿体到围岩依次为:矿体—硅化—绢英岩化—钾化。根据石英流体包裹体测定结果表明,黄埠岭金矿成矿压力为363~925bar,成矿温度为主要集中在250℃。同位素测定结果表明,成矿热液由岩浆水和大气降水混合而成,金矿床中硫来自重熔花岗质岩浆。说明黄埠岭矿床为中深成中温并有浅成叠加的热液矿床。根据矿床地质特征、勘查地球物理、勘查地球化学信息以及找矿矿物学等的研究总结了该矿床的矿化富集规律:矿体产于矿脉内,矿体规模大小不一。斜列侧伏产出,分段富集。7号脉矿体延长>延深,SE倾矿体深/长比值为0.88,10号脉矿体延深>延长,矿体深/长比值为2.4,但二条工业矿脉内矿体均向NE向侧伏,7号内矿体侧伏角30°左右,10号脉内矿体侧伏角40°~60°。凤凰山—黄埠岭断裂次级构造控制矿脉,二者剖面上呈反“Y”型。不同构造交<WP=71>切处控矿:F4和F6交切处控制了4号与6号矿体;“入”字构造控矿:SE倾F7-1与NW倾F7-3呈“入型构造,控制了7号脉7-1、7-3矿体;构造产状由缓变陡部位控矿:7-2、7-3矿体等均产于构造产状由缓变陡的部位;构造交汇部位控矿:F10与F11的交汇部位控制着10-1、11-1两个工业矿体。根据矿区内440个原生晕样品分析结果,针对7号和10号脉分别进行了元素相关分析。结果表明,7号脉各元素之间的相关性较弱,与金相关的元素有Ag、Cu;10号脉各元素之间的相关性强于7号脉,与金相关的元素有Ag、Pb、Zn、Bi等,说明7号脉和10号脉在成因上有一定的差异。根据原生晕分带指数求得7号脉元素分带序列为:Cu-Au-Co-Ag-Ni-Zn-Pb-Bi-As- Hg-Sb;10号脉元素分带序列为:Hg-Cu-Ni-Co-As-Sb-Zn-Ag-Au-Pb-Bi。二者均呈“反分带”,表明矿化向下延伸又出现头晕,深部还有矿体。据研究统计,矿石中40%的金矿物赋存在黄铁矿之中,矿区内7号、10号脉内黄铁矿热电性特征分析结果表明,矿体从地表到-150m,黄铁矿热电性由P型—P+N型,表明为矿体中上部,7-3矿体黄铁矿热电场属N型,为矿体下部。10号脉黄铁矿热电性特征分析结果从地表至-150m,黄铁矿热电场为n-p型,说明矿体向下部延深。根据矿床地质特征及矿化富集规律,预测四处生产探矿靶区。Ⅰ 10号脉1/2B-1/2线四中段(-40m)以下为很好成矿找矿远景区段。Ⅱ 10号脉13线至17线间地表以下为一隐伏的矿体。Ⅲ 10号脉5线至9线四中段以下矿化强度向下延伸,为成矿远景区段。Ⅳ 7号脉的7-1、7-2深部和7号脉主脉延伸浅部为找矿远景区?

【Abstract】 Huangbuling gold deposit is located at the westnorth of ZhaoYe gold deposit zone and in the hanging wall of Fenghuang Moutain –Huangbuling fault. It is controlled by Canzhuang gold deposit .Archaean Jiaodong group metamorphic rock remained some xenoliths in Huangbuling ore filed. Its lithology characterize Biotite granulitite ,amphibolite. Magmatic rocks mostly crop out Linglong granite and Guojialing granodiorite. Linglong granite is crop out in superficial part, and Guojialing granodiorite is plunged into deep part of Huangbuling ore field, which form double granite structure.Fenghuang Mountain –Huangbuling fault is the major ore-controlling structure in the ore filed. And ore-bearing fault are distributed in the hanging wall of this fault.The dykes are found in the deposit include lamprophyre, diorite diabase, pegmatite and subandestite.Lamprophyre is closed associated with gold mineralization in the both time and space .In the deposit, there are two groups of lamprophyre based on their orientation: NE and NNE oriented.NE oriented lamprophyre is altered and mineralized while the NNE oriented ones crosscut the auriferous veins .The scale of the lamprophyre is generally quite small. It should be pointed out, that at the eastern side of the deposit, NNE trending dykes <WP=73>are altered and mineralized also and contain maximum up to 1.2g/t of gold.15 gold veins of different scale have been found ,among which 7#,10#,11#,4#,6#,and 15# contain industrial ore bodies.7# vein is oriented in the NE45°±and is about 1000m long ,It consists of two southeastward dipped and one northwestward dipped veins and the later is the subordinate vein of the former .The three veins Make up a “入”pattern in the profile and contain 7-1#,7-2#,7-3# ore bodies .These ore bodies are vein –or lenticular shaped .In the southeastward dipped veins, the ore bodies occur in the major vein, while in the northwestward dipped subordinate vein, the ore body dips NW. the ore bodies are different in the scale. 7-1# ore body is the largest one that is 275m long ,extends to –150m along the dip direction. The mineralized ratio in the 7#vein is some 35%, and the ore bodies pitch NE with a pitch angle of 30°.10# vein trends in the NE65°,being 800m long and dipping southeastward at a 50-85°angle.Five different sized ore bodies have been found in 10# vein .the ore bodies are prismatic, veined and lenticular shaped .They pitch NE at 40°-60°angle with apparent pinching out and reappearing. The mineralized ratio of the vein is about 40%. Research indicates that the ore bodies at intersecting sites of the NE and NNE trending faults contain higher gold grade.The make-up of the deposit is very complicated. The metallic minerals in the ores include pyrite, colloid pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, bismuthinite, lilianite, argentite, native silver, hessite, electrum, goldargentid, native gold, magnetite, hematite, siderite, specularite and so on. Non-metallic minerals include quartz, potassic feldspar, calcite, chlorite and so on. The gold-bearing minerals in the ores are mainly electrum while the silver-bearing minerals are mainly argentite. Among the minerals mentioned above, specularite , colloid pyrite, bismuthinite, lilianite, native silver and argentite are associated with base metallic sulfide stage that is later than the formation of the magnetite, specularite, potasic feldspar and early generation of <WP=74>quartz and pyrite.Mineralization stage Based on the structures and textures of gold ores and on th cross-cutting relationship of gold veins in the deposit, four mineralizing stages→quartz →pyrite→base metallic sulfide →carbonate minerals, have recognized, with the second and the third mineralizing stages dominating.Alteration of host rocks. Alteration found in the deposit includes potassic alteration, berecitization, silicification, carbonatization, sericitization and chloritization. Among all these alteration, silicification, berecitization are most closely related to gold mineralizatio

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P618.51
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】464

