

Researches on "Lin Tai Gu Shi"

【作者】 王海英

【导师】 李无未;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《麟台故事》是综合记述北宋馆阁制度的一部专门性史料工具书,记载内容以元丰改制为详,而兼及南宋初。作者程俱编写此书的直接目的是为了整理和保存北宋典章,给重建的南宋秘书省树立一个据以遵循模仿的典范。研究宋代馆阁制度,以及与馆阁制度相关联的各种具体制度,尤其是探讨馆阁制度的沿革方面,《麟台故事》一书很重要。本文从文献学、历史学等角度对《麟台故事》的研究价值;《麟台故事》编撰;《麟台故事》的著录与版本;《麟台故事》的史料价值;程俱的馆阁管理思想;《麟台故事》与后代典籍编纂的关系等六个部分进行了阐释。第一部分:绪论。首先对《麟台故事》作了概要性的介绍。其次,对《麟台故事》的研究现状进行了简单的归纳,最后强调了《麟台故事》的研究价值,指出了本课题的研究思路。第二部分:《麟台故事》的编撰。首先,介绍了《麟台故事》编撰者程俱的生平情况及其著述条件。程俱作为南宋秘书省秘书少监,他深感典籍散乱缺逸,诸事无章可循,于是根据切身体会和经验写成了《麟台故事》这部专著。其次,《麟台故事》编撰特点。一是类例分明 体裁得当。程俱原书分五卷,共十二个专题,即所谓“事以类聚”,专题之下以时序排次掌故史实,在总体上是分类编年,即各篇题下按年月先后排列史料,但在其具体材料的组织方面,能够注意到以史实完备为准,采取不同的叙述方法,这保存了很多的史料。二是《麟台故事》记录内容包罗全面,涉及面广,以元丰改制以后为详,而兼及南宋初。他对这一时期的资料作了系统的收辑和采纳,反映了本书编纂上求详求细、宁繁勿简的原则。最后以列表的形式归纳了《麟台故事》(几种主要版本)的编纂结构。第三部分《麟台故事》的著录与版本。 <WP=47>各家对本书的著录,包括《文献通考》和《四库全书》在内,大都入于史部职官类,而《宋史.艺文志》入于史部故事类。现在所能见到的《麟台故事》的版本主要有《麟台故事》3卷残本(残本)、《永乐大典》本(辑本)等。第四部分 从两个方面充分挖掘《麟台故事》的史料价值(详写)。一、保存了馆阁资料。首先理顺了馆阁沿革之脉络。其次对于保存的有关馆阁职官的史料,如馆阁所设职名,馆职选任沿革情况进行了追溯,馆职在赵宋王朝中发挥着举足轻重的作用。二、保存了宋代的文献资料。在储藏、修纂两门中我们可以看到,宋王朝十分重视对散佚古籍的搜集与庋藏,正是在这一前提下,宋代馆阁逐步形成了一套严格的制度,馆阁对于藏书,总是有所搜集,有系统地进行收储、点校、补写和著录。可以说,馆阁保存了记录宋代官府藏书的第一手资料,宋代的馆阁藏书既是对唐五代以来的藏书进行了整理和总结,又为明清的藏书建设奠定了基础。第五部分 主要从以下三个方面对程俱的馆阁管理思想进行研究一、程俱对馆阁的认识。程俱的研究对象是馆阁,研究的内容涉及到馆阁的作用、职能、馆职的选任、馆舍建筑、工作内容等各方面。二、强调馆阁的职能。程俱对馆阁培养人才、资政参考、利用官府藏书等方面有其独到的见解,宋代的三馆秘阁兼具编目、校勘、修纂、利用等一系列综合职能。三、馆阁管理。即对馆职人员的管理以及文献管理上的举措。第六部分 余论。《麟台故事》实施之后,成就卓著,效果见诸于后代。后世的馆阁之书在体例上内容记载上都有所效仿。我们可以说《南宋馆阁录》就直接宗承了《麟台故事》一书,在体例上是《麟台故事》的变通。因此我们今天在研究《麟台故事》的时候可以说——《麟台故事》在记录馆阁制度方面有着承前启后的作用。

【Abstract】 Lin Tai Gu Shi is a special comprehensive historical reference book on the system of the Three Houses and Eleven Cabinets. It is focused on the Yuanfeng Reform and covered the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty. Cheng Ju, the author, compiled this book in order to sort out and preserve the institutions of the Northern Song Dynasty and set up a paradigm for the Secretary Ministry of the Southern Song Dynasty to follow and imitate. The book is very important to the studies of the system of the Houses and Cabinets of the Song Dynasty, the reforms of the system, as well as other specific relevant systems. This paper forms an attempt to interpret from the philological and historical perspectives six sections, i.e. the research value of the book, its compilation, record and versions, its historical value, Cheng Ju’s ideas on administration through the system of Houses and Cabinets, as well as the relation between the book and the later compilation of the ancient books and records.I. IntroductionFirst, a brief introduction to Lin Tai Gu Shi is presented. Secondly, the present author gives a description of the status quo of the researches on the book. Finally, the research value of the book is emphasized on and the present project is outlined.II. Compilation of Lin Tai Gu ShiFirst, the life of Cheng Ju, the compiler of Lin Tai Gu Shi , and the conditions of his compilation are introduced. As the Secretary in Chief of the Secretary Ministry of the Southern Song Dynasty, Cheng Ju had a deep understanding of the chaotic situation in which ancient books and records were missing and disheveled and laws and regulations were lacking. Therefore, he <WP=49>wrote Lin Tai Gu Shi according to his own experience and understanding.Secondly, the present author discusses the characteristics of the compilation of the book.First, the categories and events are clearly recorded and the types of literature are appropriately arranged. The original book by Cheng Ju is divided into 5 volumes, covering 12 topics. This is the so-called “events of one kind come together.” Under the topics, the historical events are arranged according to the temporal order, and the chronicle is on the whole compiled according to the categories. That is, under each article, historical data are arranged according to the temporal order, while in the organization of the specific materials, attention is paid to the standard of complete historical facts and the adoption of different narrative methods. In such a way, many historical data have been preserved.Secondly, the book is comprehensive in content and covers a wide range of events. It focuses on the time since the Yuanfeng Reform and also deals with the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty. Cheng Ju made a systematic compilation and adoption of the materials at that time, which is a reflection of the principle of maximal information in the compilation of the book.Finally, forms are listed to present the structure of the several major versions of the book.III. Record and Versions of Lin Tai Gu ShiThe records of the book, including Comprehensive Review of Historical Literature and Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature, mainly categorized the book as historical literature on posts and officials, whereas History of Song: Record of Arts and Literature classified the book as historical literature on anecdotes. The existent versions of the book are mainly the 3-volume incomplete book of Lin Tai Gu Shi and the Yong Le Da Dian (collection), etc.IV. Research Value of Lin Tai Gu Shi from Two Perspectives (Detailed) <WP=50>First, the book preserved the materials concerning the System of Houses and Cabinets. It sorted out the development of the reforms of the System and traced the preserved materials concerning the official positions of the System, such as the names of the positions and the reforms of the choice of officials. The official positions played a significant role in the Song Dynasty.Secondly, the book preserved the literature materials of the Song Dynasty. From the two

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】243

