

On Legal Control of the Government Acts

【作者】 董建锴

【导师】 崔卓兰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “政府是一套制订和执行政策的结构,是在一定领土上对一定人民具有约束力的权威”。作为一个特殊的行为主体,政府拥有无限的社会资源,拥有强大的国家权力。政府行为也有着较为广泛的表现方式,主要是行政行为,但也包括大量其他具有政治性质、民事性质等特征的行为。政府行为实施的出发点,应是保护和增进社会及社会成员的权益,但由于政府行为自身所具有的特殊性,我们不能确保它总能在这一轨道内运行。如何对政府行为实施有效控制,使其符合人们建立政府的初衷,一直是我们探讨的话题。笔者提出,发挥法律对行为特有的控制功能,把政府行为看作社会行为的一种,将其置于法律控制之下,应当是行之有效的途径。对政府行为实施法律控制,主要是发挥法律对行为的规范功能,将人民的共同意志上升为法律规则,以此指引、预测和评价政府行为,同时对不法的政府行为进行矫治。现实中政府行为存在的问题,一方面是其企业化和逐利化倾向浓厚,既凭借其在经济生活中的多重身份牟取小集团私利,又不能放弃计划经济时代沿袭下来的对经济活动的过多干预和管制,最终导致政府行为性质变异,丧失了其公共性地位。另一方面,政府行为仍然遵循着非民主化的运作方式,排斥公民等其他社会主体的参与,不能严格遵守既定程序,自由裁量权容易滥用,行为领域随意扩张,对公民及社会的权利构成了威胁,对政治文明建设产生了不良影响。对政府行为实施法律控制,就是要把政府作为一种特殊的行为主体,为其设定权利能力,制定完备的行为规则体系,健全行政组织法,调整政府内部各子系统之间以及上下级政府之间的权力结构,避免出现行为的“盲区”和交叉点,消除政府行为的缺位和混乱状态;同时,完善经济法、行政法等法制建设,突出行政程序法的功能,为政府行为创制完备的实体和程序性规则体系;此外,要加强和完善对政府行为的法律监督机制,通过完备的立法使监督对象明确化、科学化,把监督政府行为的权力真正交给公民和社会,从而使政府的行为显现在阳光之下,消除腐败、提高效率。对政府行为实施法律控制,要致力于通过法律建立起责任政府。建议通过立法创新政府效绩评价机制,为政府行为设定科学、权威的目标,消除短期性、盲目性的政府行为;同时确立和推行政府官员问责制,追究对不法政府行为有直接责任的政府官员的行政性甚至政治性责任。对承担政府行为具体执行职责的行政执法人员,则应完善和落实过错责任追究制,在其违法行使职权时,给予应有的法律制裁。在政府行为侵犯公民权益的条件下,必须予以合理赔偿。我们虽然建立了国家赔偿制度的框架,但其体系还不够完善,在执行中存在诸多弊端,必须加以改进。惟其如此,我们才能使政府成为一个具有完善“人格”的“政治人”,使其回归于人民的仆从,而政府行为也最终成为广大公民维护和增进自身权益的“保护神”和社会稳定发展的“推进器”。

【Abstract】 “Government is a set of structure for drafting and enforcing policies, and is also an authority of binding force to certain people on certain realm.” As a special subject of act, government has limitless social resources and powerful national rights. Government act gets a much wider mode of expressing, which is act of administration briefly. At the same time, it also consists of many other acts of politics and civil. The starting point of carrying out government acts is to protect and to promote the benefits of society and society members. However, because of the particularity of the government acts itself, we can’t not keep it on the right orbit. Here our topic is how to control the fulfilling of the government acts efficiently in order to make it operated according to the people’s original intention of establishing government. From my point of view, it should be an efficient method to put the government under the control of law when we regard it as a kind of social act, therefore, it can get the controlling function of law to acts performed. When we talk about the fulfilling of legal controlling of the government acts, we mean that we should make full use of regulatory function of law, and make common will of the people turned into laws. Then it can guide, predict and evaluate the government acts, and correct the illegal government acts.In reality, there are two problems in the government acts. One is that it has a clear tendency to make enterprising and making profits. That means it tries to seek small group profits by its multiple characteristics in economy, and it can’t give up the much interference and control in economy followed from the planned economics. All these lead to the deteriorated in quality and make it losing the publicity. On the other hand, there are many related issues, such as the government acts is still adapting the mode of non-democracy; it excludes the participants of citizens and other social subjects; it can not obey the fixed procedure, abuses the judicial discretion and expands the scope of acts freely. Therefore, it can make some menaces to citizen and social rights, and has a bad influence on the political and spiritual construction.If we want to regard the government as a special subject of act, we must implement legal control on government acts. In order to do that, we must set power ability, make complete system of acts, get administrative and constitutive act healthy, adjust the power structure of both inter-government and the different levels of the government, and avoid the absence and chaos of the government acts. At the same time, we should try to perfect the legalization of the construction of economic law and administrative law, give the prominence to the function of the function of administrative procedure and make a perfect entity for the government acts and procedural system. Besides, we should consolidate and perfect the supervising mechanism of the government acts. By legislation we can make the supervised object being clear and of science, and we should give the power of supervising the government to citizens and society. By this way, the government acts are clear under the sun, and we can get rid of corruption and raise the efficiency of the government.As for the fulfilling the legal control of the government, we should pay much attention to the establishment of liability government with the help of law. I propose to set a new evaluation mechanism of the achievement of the government and then we should make scientific and powerful target to get rid of the short-term and blind government acts. To be together with this, we should make and carry out the hearing responsibility of the government, and investigate and fix the administrative and political responsibility of the charged administrators who are in charge of the illegal government acts. For those who are the performers of the government acts, tort liability should be adopted. When they violate the powers, legal sanction should be given to them. If the government acts violate the citizen’s benefit, reasona

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】316

