

Discussion on Banking Regulation

【作者】 冯雪丹

【导师】 齐平茹;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国民经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国的经济市场化进程中,对银行等金融部门的监管受到越来越多的重视。决策部门将银行监管职能从中央银行分离出来以及《银行业监督管理法》的颁布和实施,在一定程度上标志着中国银行监管正步入专业化、国际化的轨道。但监管体制的变迁并不意味着银行监管一定能否预期的目标。我国的银行监管中还存在着很多问题,这些问题直接影响银行监管水平的提高和监管作用的发挥,也降低了银行监管防范和化解金融风险的能力。因此,必须采取积极有效的措施,建立有效的银行监管机制,加强监管。本文将从政府监管的一般理论入手,结合银行监管的特殊性以及发达市场经济国家监管经验,对我国银行监管的现状加以详细阐述,并针对监管实践中存在的问题提出改进监管的若干具体建议措施。一、政府与市场的关系及监管一般市场机制的作用,使微观经济主体在追逐私人利益最大化的过程中,会产生诸如信息不对称、过度竞争和垄断等问题,这些问题是市场自身不能解决的,使政府干预成为必要。在长期的实践和理论研究中,在经济监管方面形成了一系列的理论观点体系,主要有:公共产品理论和监管俘虏论。二、银行监管特殊金融监管理论经历了“自由——管制——自由——管制”的过程。伴随着经济的发展,自由与管制不断在新的层次上形成了统一。同一般的工商企业相比,银行所经营的特殊的商品——货币和货币资本。这使得银行提供的产品和服务具有公共产品的性质,并使政府和公众成为银行经营风险的最后承担者。同时,银行的高负债和无抵押经营,大大扩大了银行经营风险。这使银行要受到较其他机构更为严格的监管。 <WP=45>三、银行监管的经济分析监管部门对银行进行监管必然付出一定成本,而且存在一种可能,即监管所付出的成本要大于实现监管目标所带来的收益。因此,监管部门对银行监管追求理想的监管目标时必须要考虑成本的因素,力求以最小的成本实现既定的监管目标。四、银行监管制度体系要使银行监管在实现既定目标的前提下,所耗费的成本最小,就必然需要一种监管制度安排。银行监管制度在现实有两种存在形式:法律制度体系和组织制度体系。而组织制度体系是通过法律制度体系得以确立和实施的,因而法律制度体系直接决定了组织体系。美国、英国、德国和日本作为世界金融活动的中心,分属不同的法律制度体系。而《巴塞尔协议》作为一个国际惯例,反映当今银行监管最新思路和研究成果。它们在银行监管中的成熟经 经验与路径选择,必将对我国的银行监管制度体系具有一定的启示意义。而经过多年的摸索,我国的银行监管制度体系也在改革过程中不断加以完善。五、目前我国银行监管实践中存在的问题我国目前的银行监管存在很多问题,这些问题已经成为制约银行监管水平提高和监管目标实现的障碍。这些问题主要表现在:监管的法规不健全;银行业监管的角色错位;监管合力没有形成;现场监管缺乏连续性和针对性;非现场监管没有实现真实性、全面性和信息化;监管人员缺乏相应的专业配置和培训。因此必须采取切实有效的措施健全银行监管立法和加强银行监管水平,以促进银行业整体健康稳健发展。六、采取有效措施,切实加强和改善银行监管加强和改进银行监管,首先必须正确定位银行监管的目标,监管目标的定位是有效实施金融监管的前提和基础, 要把保护广大存款人和其他客户的合法权益作为监管的前提和宗旨。其次,要创新银行监管制度。<WP=46>有效银行监管制度的实施有助于保障监管者与被监管者的工作与经营行为的开展,我国进行监管制度的创新已刻不容缓。强化审慎监管和风险监管,强化市场准入和非现场监管,降低监管成本,提高银行监管效率,是监管制度创新的重点和方向。银行监管当局和决策部门要在正确监管目标定位的基础上和创新监管制度的原则指引下,大力加强监管法规建设,建立健全金融风险监控、预警和处置机制,大力推进监管协调机制,提高现场检查的效率,完善非现场监管指标体系,用建立一支专业化、国际化的监管队伍,构筑立体监管体系,实施对被监管者和监管者的“双重”监管,使银行监管更好地满足国民经济发展的需要。

【Abstract】 In the process of Chinese market economy, regulation of financial sector like banks, is attracting more and more considerations. The fact that policy-making sector has separated responsibility of banking regulation from the central bank, and the fact of the publication and carry-out of ‘the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision’, to some extent, indicate that Chinese Banking regulation is approaching to the specification and internationalization. However, such changes do not mean the banking regulation can achieve its goals definitely. There are many problems, which directly have the influence on enhancing regulating level to produce a marked effect; meanwhile, such problems may decrease the capacity of the banking regulation’s precaution of financial risks. Therefore, positive and effective measures must be taken, and effective banking regulation system shall be established to strengthen the regulation. The dissertation will, beginning with the general theories of governmental regulations, and combined with the peculiarity of the banking regulation as well as experiences from developed market economies, explain in detail the current situation of the domestic banking regulation system, and provide a series of advice aimed at improving the level of the banking regulation in the light of the problems existing in practice. I. Relation between the Government of the Market and Regulation in General On the effect of market mechanism, problems such as asymmetry of information, over-competition and monopoly occur along with that the micro-economical units <WP=48>pursuing the maximization of their individual interests. There is a need for governmental interference when those problems cannot be solved by the market per se. Over a long period of theoretical researches and practices, a series of systems or viewpoints have been set up, mainly like: Public Product Theory and Capture TheoryII. Banking Regulation in Special The theory of banking regulation has been experienced the stages of ‘ Freedom-Regulation-Freedom-Regulation’. Along with the development of the economy, freedom and regulation have been reunited on some stages continuously. Compared with the industrial and commercial businesses, banks are holding the special commodity- currency and currency capital. This causes the products and services provided by the banks to possess the character of public products, and causes the government and the public to assume the final responsibility of business risks of bankers. At the same time, under the situation of operating with high liabilities and without collateral, bankers are facing more business risks than ever. So more serious regulation shall be executed on the banking sector than others. Economical Analysis on Banking Regulation. Regulation sector must afford some cost when carrying on their responsibilities and there is possible that the cost may exceed the benefit from achieving the goal of the regulation. Thereafter, they must consider the cost when pursuing their ideal goal, in order to achieve their goal with the lowest cost. <WP=49>Banking Regulation Systems. In order for the banking regulation to reach its goal with the lowest cost, arrangements of the regulation is therefore necessary. There are two forms of the regulation systems in practice: legislation system and organization system. The latter is based on the former to play its role; therefore, legislation system determines the organization system. The U.S.A, UK, German and Japan, as financial centers in the world, are practicing different legislation systems. As an established practice, Capital Accord shows a clue about the newest thoughts and achievements of researches. The mature experiences and choices will provide the hint for our domestic regulation system, which has been improved step by step. Current Problems in the Practice of the Banking Regulation System.The domestic banking regulation system is facing many problems currently, which have became an obstacle to

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F830.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】666

