

Thoughts on Leisure Industry Development of Changchun Jingyuetan Tourist & Economic Development Zone

【作者】 刘燕翀

【导师】 张亲培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济社会的发展和人们生活水平的提高,人们用于休闲的时间和对休闲的需求越来越多,休闲产业也随之蓬勃兴起,呈现快速发展之势,具有广阔的发展前景。对休闲产业进行深入研究,结合实际发展休闲产业,对于充分发挥其对经济的拉动作用,加快开发区的发展具有重要意义。休闲产业是一门新兴的产业,国内外的研究还处于初始阶段。笼统地讲,休闲产业是指与人的休闲生活、休闲行为、休闲需求(物质的、精神的)密切相关的领域。特别是以旅游业、娱乐业、服务业和文化产业为龙头形成的经济形态和产业系统,一般包括国家公园、博物馆、体育(运动场馆、运动项目、设备、设施维修)、影视、交通、旅行社、餐饮业、社区服务以及由此连带的产业群。在我国,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,国内法定节假日的增加以及国家鼓励带薪休假政策的出台,人们越来越开始重视休闲消费,通过近几年“五一”、“十一”黄金周的情况来看,越来越多的人们要求走到户外,回归大自然,追求健康的生活方式。由此可以预见中国休闲产业的高潮即将来临,休闲产业将成为我国新的经济增长点。长春市作为全国15个副省级城市之一,近几年的发展有目共睹。虽然同发达地区相比还有较大的差距,但快速的经济发展,尤其是以汽车制造业为代表的第二产业的迅速发展,不仅提高了人民的生活水平,也带动了第三产业的发展,各类休<WP=36>闲场所如雨后春笋般涌现出来。但我们看到,这些场所并不集中,也没有形成特色,还不能满足人们休闲娱乐的消费需求,更没有形成产业规模。长春净月潭旅游经济开发区(以下简称净月开发区)是1995年8月经吉林省人民政府批准设立的省级开发区,是以旅游业为主导产业的开发区。从目前发展形势来看,开发区之间的竞争将长期存在,产业越趋同,竞争越剧烈。净月开发区独特的发展定位,为发展赢得了广阔的空间。但我们也看到,旅游业作为主导产业的带动作用还没有得到充分发挥,在GDP中的比重还没有占到绝对优势。实现由旅游业向休闲产业的升级,是提升净月开发区经济发展水平的重要途径。作为长春市南部新城的一部分,休闲产业的发展将为整个长春市提供一个综合性的休闲区域,将成为长春市民休闲娱乐的理想之所,为长春市产业结构布局做出贡献。从净月开发区自身来看,在发展休闲产业方面具有独特的优势。一是环境和区位优势。净月开发区内四季分明,风景秀丽,独具特色的人工森林景观和完整的森林生态体系,为亚洲之最,净月潭被誉为中国北方的一颗明珠,是春踏青、夏避暑、秋赏红叶、冬玩冰雪的旅游胜地。净月开发区位于长春市市区中部,是长春市南部新城的核心。因其良好的生态环境而独立于市区之外,又因作为城市的一部分而与母城息息相通。经过八年的开发建设,净月开发区形成了良好的基础设施环境、独特的城市风格,为发展休闲产业提供了必要条件。二是资源和体制优势。净月开发区规划面积371平方公里,具有广阔的发展空间。作为市政府的派出机构,净月开发区享有市级经济管<WP=37>理权限和部分省级经济管理权限,对开发区实行封闭管理。2000年净月开发区与长春市旅游局的合并,创立了独特的“长春模式”。在新体制的推动下,旅游局与开发区共同发展。净月开发区在发展区域经济的同时,站在全市旅游发展的角度,对全市旅游资源进行整合,保证全市旅游业健康发展。在新体制的推动下,净月开发区的影响力不断提高。三是产业和意识优势。休闲产业与旅游业是一对孪生兄弟,休闲产业中包涵着狭义旅游的内容,大旅游的概念又与休闲产业的内涵多处重合。净月开发区的产业主要是以旅游业为主的第三产业,具备了发展休闲产业的先天优势。另外各级领导也高度重视,提出了净开发区要打造成“消费型开发区”的要求。发展休闲产业,就是将大旅游的部分内涵进行强化,走“旅游-旅游休闲-休闲旅游-休闲”的发展道路。先进的发展理念,使这种优势得以快速转化为对经济的推动力。当然,在发展中还有一些欠缺因素,制约着净月开发区休闲产业的发展。一是开发区的城市功能并不十分完善,一些社会服务设施还很欠缺。二是城市化水平不高,自身的消费拉动作用不强。三是市民的观念滞后(与经济发展水平有关),用于休闲的消费比例不大。四是建设资金不足,进行大规模的建设难度较大。这些问题,都是我们在发展中急需解决的。依托净月开发区的环境优势,大力发展休闲产业,力争用10年左右时间,把净月开发区建设成为以休闲产业为主导产业,其它辅助产业高度发达的具有国际性的中国北方著名的休闲消费区,成为内容丰富、功能齐全、人气旺盛、四季皆宜的休闲产业聚集区。在发展中,我们要遵循突出特色、建设精品、<WP=38>可持续发展、参与性、有文化内涵和产业高度集聚化的原则,依托区域环境特点,与山水型新城区建设和开发区发展有机结合,通过制定高标准的发展规划、加强环境建设、完善服务体系、加强宣传引导以及广泛利用外资等保障措施,重点实施建设八大主题休闲区:中心商务服务区、自然生态休闲区、汽车文化运动休闲区、影视文化休闲区、文化休闲区、休闲度假区、现代高科技农业休闲区和历史遗迹休

【Abstract】 With the development of economic society and the improvement of people’s living standards, people have more and more time and more and more demands to enjoy their leisure and the leisure industry develops vigorously accordingly and maintains a good momentum of rapid growth, which there is a great promise for future development. Further study on leisure industry, combined with its real development, will be of great significance that it will fully play a roll of fueling economic growth and speeding up the development zone’s development. Leisure industry is an emergent industry and study on it is still at its initial stage. Generally speaking, it has much to do with people’s recreation, recreation behavior, recreation demands (both material and spirit), esp. with economic form and the industry system formed by tourism, recreation, show business, service trade and the cultural industry playing leading roll, including national park, museum, sports (sports places, sports events, equipment and facilities maintenance), film and television, transportation, travel agency, catering trade and community service and the group industry involved hereby.With the improvement of the people’s living standards here in China, increase on the legal domestic public holiday and the state policy of encouraging people going on holiday publicized, more and more people are beginning to pay much attention to leisure consumption and considering the situation of the golden week for tourism during the May Day, and the National Day, more and more people would like to go out and be more close to nature, seeking healthy lifestyle. It can therefore be estimated that the climax of leisure industry in China will come soon and it will become a new point for economic growth in our country. <WP=40>As one of the fifteen vice-province level cities in China, its development over the past few years is obvious to all. Although there is still relatively big gap comparing with the developed area in China, its development speed, esp. repaid growth of the secondary industry here represented by auto industry, not only have improve the local people’s living standards, but also have fueled the growth of tertiary industry shown by recreation places being mushrooming. But it should be pointed out that these amusement places are not centralized enough to form their unique characteristics and meet the people’s needs and even much lack of having formed a certain scale the industry. Approved by the Jilin Provincial People’s Government, Changchun Jingyuetan Tourist & Economic Development Zone (hereafter referred to as Jingyue development zone) was established as provincial level development zone, in August 1995, which takes tourism as its leading industry. To look at it from its recent development, there is still competition between or among the various development zone and the competition will last for long time. The industry developed in the development zones tends to be more convergent and therefore, the more violent the competition is. The unique development orientation of Jingyue development zone has found the wide space for development. But it should also be pointed out that, as its leading industry, the induced effect of travel has not gotten giving full play to its best capacity yet and the proportion in GDP has not been constituted to the absolute predominance yet. To get upgraded from tourism to leisure industry is an important way of upgrading the economic development level of Jingyue development zone. As part of the new urban area in southern Changchun, developing leisure industry here will provide the whole Changchun City with a comprehensive recreation area, which will become an ideal amusement place for the citizens here in Changchun and make contribution to the overall arrangement of the industrial structure of Changchun City. Considering from Jingyue Development Zone itself, it has special <WP=41>dominance in developing leisure industry. First, it has the advantage of nice environment and location. There is a clear-cut weather between the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】597

