

The Research of Labor Unemployment and Reemployment Problem in Jilin Province

【作者】 刘灿

【导师】 景跃军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 人口学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济体制改革的过程中,吉林省的大批下岗、失业人员所形成的就业压力,严重阻碍了其经济、社会的发展。因此,分析吉林省城镇劳动力失业问题的成因及下岗职工再就业的障碍,借鉴国外促进,就业的成功经验,对于科学地制订吉林省的就业政策,解决失业问题,一振兴老工业基地具有特别重要的意义。全文由六部分组成。本研究的理论基础,在这部分介绍阐述失业问题的相关概念与理论。首先,明确介绍“失业”“城镇登记失业率”“劳动力参与率”“下岗职工的涵义”。其次,由于失业问题是因劳动力供给与劳动力需求之间的矛盾所致。所以从劳动力供给与劳动力需求两方面阐述失业的相关理论。劳动力供给方面,其影响因素有人口因素、劳动力参与率和宏观经济的周期波动等。其中人口数量和人口年龄构成是影响劳动供给的人口因素;劳动力参与率,受教育制度与教育供给规范。社会保障制度、就业观念等因素的影响;宏观经济的周期性波动则受工资率、企业商品的市场价格与市场需求,资本、技术等生产要素的成本等因素的影响。二、1995~2002年吉林省失业问题回顾根据1995~2002年,吉林省失业人员人数及失业率,可以清楚地看出,吉林省的失业问题是从1998年开始恶化的,该年是国有企业富余人员下岗分流的第一年。2000年吉林省的失业人员中由就业转失业人员的明显增加,则是由于当年国有企业改革和政府机构改革力度加大。三、目前影响吉林省失业率的主要因素分析(一)劳动力供给的因素:劳动力资源丰富,供给与配置缺口逐年扩大;新成长劳动力大量增加;原有计划经济体制下的劳动力存量大,在劳动制度改革的过程中,隐性失业公开化;农转非劳动力对城镇就业、岗位的冲击;失业累积形成的多余劳动力。(二)劳动力需求的因素:经济增长与就业来增长没有同步发展;经济增长的结构变化导致的结构性失业。四、吉林省下岗职工的再就业问题分析(一)下岗情况的就业:“下岗”即将向“失业”并轨,所以能否解决下岗职工的再就业问题,成为影响吉林省治理失业问题的关键。(二)下岗职工的基本特征:根据宋宝安老师1998年《吉林省主要城市下岗职工调查问卷》数据计算,发现下岗职工年龄由过去的偏老年型向以中年型为主过渡;下岗职工中女性所占比<WP=37>例小,为36.2%。(三)再就业的障碍分析。在问卷回答中,只有14.5%的人参加过培训。因此再就业的重中之重为推广免费培训,加强培训的实效性。下岗人员的文化程度偏低,急待提高,其中大专以上文化程度的仅占24.4%。五、国外促进就业的经验及启示国外促进就业的经验,包括有针对性的就业指导;开辟灵活多样就业形式的新领域;推动发展劳务派遣。根据失业者的特点实施再就业培训;向受训者提供经济帮助,注重对培训者进行培训; 把就业者培训与青年的职前培训纳入再就业培训.国外就业经验对吉林省就业的启示:英、法、德三国在再就业培训上注重解决下岗职工和失业者的心理障碍;模块化形式培训;培训后经考核合格,可获得相关的职业资格。六、对策结合上述分析,借鉴国外就业经验对吉林省的启示,吉林省在解决劳动力就失业问题时,应注意如下几点:积极促进灵活就业的发展;积极推进产业结构调整;积极完善所有制结构;建立健全社会保障体系;改革就业培训与职业教育的办学模式;健全劳动力市场体系;加快建立和完善失业统计监测体系。

【Abstract】 During the course of economic systems reforming in China, Jilin province is suffering from heavy pressure on employment with a great number of the laid-off workers and the unemployed, which has seriously hindered its economic and social development. Therefore, it is of great importance to analyze the causes of the urban labor unemployment problem and the reemployment barriers of Jilin province ,learn from other countries with successful experiences in dealing with the problem ,and formulate the employment policies of Jilin Province in a scientific way to solve the unempolyment problem and develop vigorously the original industrial base .The whole article consists of six parts.1、 Theories Basis of the Research Firstly, introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts, including Unemployment , Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate. Secondly, since the unemployment problem is the result of the conflict between labor supply and labor demand, the following analysis of unemployment theories is unfolded from the two aspects. From the aspect of labor supply, the factors consist of population , labor participation rate, and the cyclical fluctuation of macroeconomic growth. The amount of population and the age—structure of the population are the main influencing factors to the labor supply. As to labor participation rate, the educational system & the educational scale and social security system have their influences on it. The cyclical fluctuation of macroeconomic is affected by salary rate, market price of company commodity, market demand of company commodity, etc. From the labor demand aspect, technological development, macroeconomic surrounding, and salary rate have their influences on it.2、An Review of Urban Unemployment in Jilin Province :1995~2002.With the figures of urban registered unemployment and urban registered unemployment rate. it is clear to see that the unemployment problem of Jilin Province has been worsen from the year of 1998,which is the first year of state_owned companies’ bankrupt, Then ,in 2000,the increase of the unemployment is due to the further reform development in state_owned companies and the government structure.3、The Analysis of Present Factors on Unemployment Rate of Jilin Province . As to labor supply: there is a great number of the labor force, so the distance between labor supply and labor demand has widen year by year; the number of labor force is getting larger and larger; the surplus labor is increasing ; in the course of labor system reform, the concealed unemployment in state_owned companies has been known to the public; the surplus labor from the rural area are competing for the urban jobs ; the accumulated unemployment are becoming more surplus labor. As to labor demand: the increase of labor fail to keep the same speed with economic development and the change of economic development structure resulting in the structural unemployment.4、The Analysis of Reemployment of the laid_off workers in Jilin Province In this part ,the basic characters of the laid_off workers in Jilin Province are shown with <WP=39>the survey paper offered my professor Song Baoan ,The main age stage has transferred from the old to the middle aged; the gender proportion is on a high level. The key factors of reemployment are free employment training and effective training result .5、The Experience of Other Countries on Promoting Employment and the Enlightenment to Jilin Province .firstly, introduce the policies on promoting flexible employment and experience of reemployment training.6、Countermeasures When dealing with the unemployment problem of Jilin Prerince, some points should be mentioned : promote the development of flexible employment ; promote actively the structural adjustment of industries; actively consummate the system of ownership ; establish and strengthen social security system; reform the educational pattern of employment training and profession teaching; strengthen labor market system; accelerate the speed of establishing and strengthening

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F249.27
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】360

