

American Small and Medium Business Policy and Its Enlightening for Our Country

【作者】 张凤春

【导师】 张宝仁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 美国在其不算长的历史时期内,实现了经济的快速发展,成为世界上最发达的强国,与其重视中小企业发展是分不开的。数量众多的中小企业在美国经济中占有非常重要的地位,发挥着不可替代的作用。21世纪初,我国面临重要的发展机遇期,正在全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化建设,而且还要实现第三步战略目标,任务十分艰巨。充分借鉴美国政府扶持发展中小企业的成功经验和做法,对于我国通过实行法律、经济等综合手段,加快发展中小企业,推进经济持续快速协调健康发展,不断增加国力,切实改善人民生活,具有十分重要的意义。美国中小企业定义的内涵是逐步演变的,在质和量的方面均有不同的标准。中小企业类型主要是单人业主制或独资企业及合伙制或合伙企业。在美国,中小企业是经济发展的基础,是技术创新的重要力量,是就业岗位的主要创造者,是出口收入和对外投资的重要增加者,大量商品和劳务的提供者。在不同的经济社会发展阶段,美国政府对中小企业发展采取了不同的政策措施,主要经历了不重视甚至歧视、促进自由竞争到一定程度保护扶持的过程。二战前,19世纪末到20世纪初,随着资本集中进程加快,自由竞争资本主义进入垄断资本主义,大企业兼并小企业愈演愈烈。美国政府对小企业漠不关心,放任自流,任其自生自灭,鼓励并组织大企业吞并、改组小企业。二战后,美国政府认识到垄断限制、扭曲甚至破坏了市场机制,是造成20世纪30年代世界性经济危机的重要原因之一。再加上垄断企业的吞并与政府的歧视不但没有消灭小企业,反而使小企业更顽强地生存和发展,特别是小企业在资源配置中表现出来的难以为大企业所替代的灵活性,使得美国政府开始对小企业采取保护政策,小企业作为自由竞争的象征被政府所重视。美国政府相继制定并实施了一系列保护竞争、限制垄断的法律,在一定程度上改善了小企业的生存环境,客观上起到了保护小企业的作用。同时,美<WP=45>国为保持经济稳定和解决就业问题,还制定了扶持小企业发展的政策。进入20世纪90年代,美国经济保持了长达8年多的稳定增长,一般认为与政府实行扶持高科技型小企业发展的政策有着密切关系。美国的中小企业政策是市场主导型政策,强调市场对小企业发展的基础推动作用,突出表现为十分注重市场竞争规则的建设与规范,通过限制市场垄断和解除制约中小企业发展的法规与体制因素来维护公平、自由的市场竞争。同时,在对中小企业采取必要的扶持政策中,也强调必须顺应市场经济的规律,一般不直接介入到企业具体的管理、运营事务中去。实施方式主要是依靠法制保障、政策鼓励、金融支持、服务帮助等,具有鲜明的美国特色。一是设立职能机构。从20世纪40年代开始,美国就开始设立扶持中小企业发展的官方机构,包括隶属国会的中小企业委员会、隶属总统的中小企业会议、隶属联邦政府的中小企业管理局。制定和完善中小企业的相关法律,向小企业或个人提供贷款或其他帮助。二是创建法律环境。美国从1890年就开始有关中小企业立法,其后建立和完善了有关小企业的一系列法律法规,为中小企业发展提供了坚强的法律保障。三是财税金融支持。美国政府支持小企业发展的财税金融政策大致可以分为三个方面:政府贷款或担保、政府采购及风险投资建设。四是技术创新支持。美国联邦政府及各部门设立多种项目,通过向小型企业提供资金来帮助其进行研究和开发工作,其中规模和影响最大的是小企业投资创新研究计划(Small Business Innovation Research,简称SHIR)。五是鼓励合作联盟。国政府鼓励小企业与小企业之间进行联盟,引导小企业与大企业进行合作,甚至从属或依附于大企业,在资金、设备、技术、管理等方面得到大企业的支持。小企业也热衷与其他机构,特别是与消费者形成联盟,并以此来促进新技术和新产品商业化进程。此外,还鼓励小企业与大学以及科研机构形成合作机制。分析美国中小企业发展的实践,可以发现,它不仅立足于美国的基本国情,而且遵循了市场经济的规律,顺应了时代发展的趋势,特别是<WP=46>在制定并实施的有关法律和政策中所采取的方法及手段,对于我国调整和制定促进中小企业发展的政策,有着非常重要的借鉴意义。我们认真分析我国中小企业发展现状特别是存在的问题及产生的原因,从加快多种所有制经济发展、全面建设小康社会出发,提出有针对性的政策措施。第一,完善中小企业法律体系,为中小企业创造一个公平竞争的法律环境。第二,大力推进中小企业市场化改革,加快完善企业内部经营机制。第三,加快信用担保体系建设,增加中小企业发展资金来源。第四,加强对中小企业技术创新的财税支持,使企业能有更多的资金投入到创新产品上来。第五,鼓励中小企业走联合发展的道路,增强中小企业发展的推动力。第六,健全中小企业社会化服务体系,促进中小企业的发展。

【Abstract】 That America became the most advanced and powerful country in the world and accomplished the rapid economy development within a short period of history had a close relation with its much attention had been paid to the Small and Medium Businesses development。A great number of Small and Medium Businesses in America plays an extremely important role in American economy, which works in excellence more than that of others。In early 21st century,China met with the crucial development chance with heavy and tough mission for the well-to-do society construction in full scale and quickening the steps of socialism modernization construction。Furthermore,the third strategy objectives shall be realized。 Learning from the successful experience and practices on supports and assistances in the development of Small and Medium Businesses,China should accelerate the development of Small and Medium Businesses to facilitate rapid and sustainable development in well condition in order to strengthen the nation forces and better the people‘s life。This will be of critical importance。The notion of American Small and Medium Businesses is gradually changing for its different standards in quality and quantity。 Small and Medium Businesses types mainly include Sole proprietorship,Joint venture, General partnership and Limited partnership。In America, Small and Medium Businesses are the foundations of economy development, the important technology innovation forces, the major creators for the employment,the important groups for the increase in export revenue and foreign investment and the providers for the large quantities of commodities and labor forces。American government adopted different policies and measures in different stages of economy society development and its process experienced from non-attention and discrimination to free competition and support and assistance providing to certain extent。 Before World War II,with the rapid development of capital centralization,free competitive capitalism stepped into monopoly capitalism, with merger spread overwhelmingly. American government paid no attention to Small and <WP=48>Medium Businesses and let them be, she also encouraged and organized merger and reorganized Small Businesses. After World War II, American government got to realize that monopoly restricted, distorted and even destroyed the market mechanism; it was one of the important causes to lead to the worldwide economy crisis in 1930’s. Merger from the monopoly and government discrimination failed to destroy Small Businesses, Small Businesses survived and vigorously developed instead. Especially, Small Businesses showed the flexibilities, which big enterprises could not did in resources allocation drew attention by American government as a free competition symbol, American government began to adopt supportive policies towards Small Businesses. American government also formulated a set of laws to protect competition and restrict monopoly. These improved the survival environment and played a part in protecting Small Businesses correspondingly. Meanwhile, America made supportive policies for keeping economy stable and solving the employment problems. In 1990’s, America had maintained stable economy growth for eight years, it is generally thought that this had a close relation with government’s supportive policies to the high-tech Small Businesses development.American Small and Medium Businesses policies are market-orientation. They emphasized on the fundamental propelling function of market to Small Businesses. Much emphasis on the market competition rules construction and regulating were shown in the policies for protecting fair and free market competition by control market monopoly and abandoning those restrictive laws and systems to Small and Medium Businesses. In the meantime, much emphasis were required to be tuned in with the market economy laws in adopting necessary support and assistance policies for Small and Medium Businesses. In general, government did not involved in the business management and opera

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1254

