

Participation in Regional Economic Cooperation of East Asia and China Strategy

【作者】 于涛

【导师】 徐文吉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 1997年亚洲金融危机,进一步促进了东亚国家和地区加速区域经济合作的意向,2001年中国入世,领取了国际化的入场券,党的16大提出了抓住21世纪头20年战略机遇期的决策。外部环境的变化和内部现实需求的增大,客观地要求中国应对新时期对外开放战略和区域化政策进行再定位。本人旨在探讨我国的国际化战略定位和区域化政策选择,总计2.5万字。设6章进行了分别的探讨。第一章探讨了当前中国参与东亚区域合作所拥有的优势与所能发挥的作用。其中关于中国的优势认为当前中国具有天时、地利与人和三大优势。所谓占天时系指处于历史最好时期,所谓地利是指中国位居东亚区域中心,所谓人和是指同属东亚文化圈,拥有文化认同感。正因为拥有这种优势,所以中国参与到东亚区域合作之中,有利于中国作用的发挥。这种作用将集中体现在:第一,发展态势良好,可发挥大国作用;第二,辐射能力强,可发挥带动作用;第三,为地区事务负责,可发挥稳定作用;第四,作为地区大国,可发挥建设性作用。第二章对重要的且又通行的两种区域合作理论作了简要介评。其一为自由贸易区理论,其二为区域一体化理论。此两种理论内容虽有交叉,但又各有侧重。此两种理论既为西方区域合作实践经验的总结,又为区域合作的发展提供了理论模式参照和指导原则提示。该理论揭示的要义之一,首先在于中国区域化战略选择不能脱离所在的地理区域范围,其次才是根据区域经济特点来探讨合作模式、合作目标以及合作方案的探讨和动作。第三章考察了东亚区域合作的发展沿革,概括了其特点,分析了特点成因所在。其中对发展沿革,梳理为三个阶段。第一阶段是从20世纪60年代中期至70年代末期,称为徘徊期;第二阶段是从20世纪80年代初至90年代后期,称为蓬勃发展期;第三阶段从20世纪90年代末期至现今,称为深化、整合期。通过东亚区域合作发展沿革的考察而概括出三个特点:其一为起步慢、起点低、发展快;其二为类型单一、功能欠缺、交叉重叠;其三为组织松散、非机制化、非排它性。此种特点的形成原因,<WP=41>经分析认为与如下三种情况关系很大,一是,因为东亚区域内各国经济发展水平落差过大;二是东亚区域内各国的历史积怨过深;三是以美国为首的外部势力的阻挠。第四章重点论述了中国参与东亚区域经济合作的现实意义。认为其意义将集中体现在东亚为中国的发展提供了多项战略依托,这里概括为四项:1、东亚市场态势决定中国经济的发展必须以东亚为依托。包括三点:第一,任何国家经济的快速发展,都需要有一定量的资金投入,中国亦莫能外。第二,东亚国家的经济资源状况有差异,使各国的生产要素具有不同的优势。第三,东亚的产业结构具有明显的梯次性特征。2、东亚互补优势决定中国经济发展必须以东亚为依托。包括三点:第一,东亚地区的自然环境优越。第二,东亚人文优势突出。第三,东亚经济发展环境优势明显。3、东亚重要作用决定中国经济发展必须以东亚为依托。4、改革开放大业决定中国的发展必须以东亚为依托。包括两点:第一,必须坚持走有中国特色的社会主义市场经济发展之路。第二,中国要继续坚持走扩大内需的经济发展道路。第五章着重探讨了新时期中国战略和区域政策的定位问题。其中,关于对外战略由自力更生到国际化定位,中经了一个全面开放战略的过渡阶段。如果说由自力更生到全面开放是一次重大战略选择,那么由全面开放到国际化则是又一次的重大战略选择。但国际化战略不是对全面开放战略的扬弃,而是以其为基础,以“入世”为标志,在开放层次上的跃进,其本质上的不同在于不再是被动地适应国际规则,而可以参与国际规则的制定。其中,关于区域化战略由“不结盟”到“重点参与”定位,也中经了一个“共同发展”战略阶段的过渡。这里如果说由“不结盟”到“共同发展”战略的转变是一次非区域化的区域政策,那么,由“共同发展”到“重点参与”则是区域化政策的真正确立。其意义十分重大。第六章从宏观战略与具体对策两方面阐述了笔者的思考。首先在宏观战略上提出了三点主张:一是高瞻远瞩、积极参与;二是正确定位,担当角色;三是处理好大国之间的关系。其次提出了关于东亚合作的具体政策建议共有五点:第一大力推进东亚区域合作的机制化建设;第二循序渐进<WP=42>地推动“10+3”向东亚区域合作过渡。第三进一步明确东亚区域合作的远景目标;第四认真处理好东亚区域合作的内外关系;第五以发展经贸交流合作关系为先导,进而带动政治安全问题的解决。最后得出结论认为东亚区域经济合作以及我国参与东亚区域经济合作的步伐由渐进到快速的转变过程,实质是生产关系适应生产力发展而做出的积极调整。区域经济发展有其自身的内在规律性。只有把握好自身生产力之现实,并遵循区域经济一体化的内在规律性,才能发挥优势,翻译潜能,增强竞争力。人们有理由相信,在中国的积极参与之下,东亚区域经济合作的发展能够在适应世界经济全球化、区域化两大趋势的过程中,逐步走向成熟。

【Abstract】 The Asian financial crisis in 1997 has further promoted the intention of speeding up regional economic cooperation among East Asian countries and regions. China got the entrance ticket for the internationalization after WTO entry in 2001, and the 16th Party Committee has made the decision of taking the strategic opportunity in the first 20 years of the 21st century. The change of external environment and internal real demand increase has objectively required that China should make re-orientation for the strategy of opening to the outside and regional policy. This article is trying to study on the China’s internationalized strategy orientation and regional policy selection, with a total of 25,000 characters, illustrated in 6 chapters respectively. Chapter 1 discusses on the current advantages and roles for China to participate in the regional cooperation of East Asia. Among them, China’s advantages are regarded as the three advantages: favorable opportunity, geographical location and support of the people. Favorable opportunity means China is now at the best period in history; favorable geographical location means China is located in the center of East Asia; and support of the people means it is in the same cultural circle of East Asia, having the cultural recognition. It is because of such advantages that China’s participation in the regional cooperation in East Asia will be good for China to play its role. Such a role will be concentrated on the following aspects: firstly, good development trend, capable of playing the role of a large country; secondly, strong radiation ability, capable of playing the driving role; thirdly, responsible for the regional affairs, capable of playing the stable role; fourthly, as a regional large country, capable of playing the constructive role. Chapter 2 makes brief evaluation on the two important and feasible regional cooperation theories. The first theory is free trade zone theory, and the second one is regional integration theory. These two theories have both <WP=44>overlapping in content but also difference focus. They are both the summary of the practical experience of the western regional cooperation, and the theoretical mode reference and guideline principle prompting for the development of regional cooperation. One of the key points disclosed in this theory lies that the China’s regional strategy selection can’t get away from its geographical location, and then it is followed by the discussion of cooperation mode and cooperation target, and cooperation scheme discussion and action based on the regional economic features. Chapter 3 studies on the development history of the East Asian cooperation, summarizes its features, and analyzes the reasons. The development history is divided into three stages. The first stage is between mid 1960’s and late 1970’s, called lingering period; the second stage is between 1980’s and late 1990’s, called vigorous development period; the third stage is from late 1990’s till now, called deepening and integration period. Three features are summarized through the study on the development history of the East Asian regional cooperation: firstly, slow start, low starting point, and fast development; secondly, monotonous type, insufficient function, and overlapping; thirdly, loose organization, non-systemization, and non-exclusiveness. Regarding the reasons of forming such features, the analysis shows they are closely related to the following three situations: firstly, there is a big difference for the economic development level of different countries in East Asia; secondly, there is a deep historical conflict among the East Asian countries; thirdly, the external force with USA as the head is blocking such a regional cooperation. Chapter 4 is focused on illustrating the realistic significance for China to participate in the regional economic cooperation of East Asia. The significance is mainly reflected that East Asia provides multiple strategic foundations for the development of China. It is summarized into four items: 1. The situatio

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F114.46;F120.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】428

