

Research on Divorce System

【作者】 于涛

【导师】 黄文艺;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 婚姻是人生的大事,家庭是社会的细胞,人们的婚姻家庭关系是最重要的社会关系之一。婚姻家庭关系的稳定,是社会稳定的基础,正确调整婚姻家庭关系,涉及到千家万户,男女老少的切身利益。近几年来,人民法院在审理各类民事案件中,离婚案件仍在逐年增加,给人民法院在人力和物力方面带来巨大的压力,随着案件数量的扩大,处理难度也在加大。所以,本文仅对我国现行《婚姻法》中离婚制度的相关问题作了浅层的分析和论述,并对具体审理离婚案件中有关实务问题处理提出了自己的看法,全文共分两大部分。 论文的第一部分对夫妻离婚制度进行了概述。明确夫妻离婚制度主要包括协议离婚制度和判决离婚制度。协议离婚制度是指夫妻双方一致同意离婚,并就与离婚有关的问题全部达成了协议,双方当事人亲自到婚姻登记机关办理解除婚姻关系的法律制度。其特点是简单、快捷,利于社会的稳定。判决离婚制度是指夫妻双方基于法定理由,向人民法院提出离婚诉讼,人民法院依照有关法律、法规,予以判决准予或不准予离婚的制度。其特点是具有国家强制力。同时回顾了我国古代的离婚制度,是许可加限制女性离婚的制度,是不完善的。同时阐述了西方社会离婚制度,其中着重阐述了美国离婚制度的现状,其离婚的理由已从“过错”发展到“无过错”,已完成了从家庭本位到个人本位,从义务本位向权利本位的立法理论的转变。另外,阐明我国现行夫妻离婚制度的具体规定及其离婚后的法律后果,离婚最直接的法律后果是夫妻间的权利义务关系消灭。同时,对‘我国判决离婚法定标准应以“婚姻破裂”作为法定概括性标准加以评析,认为,判决离婚的法定标准在我国法学界历来是争论的焦点问题之一,我国五十年代起就有“理由论”和“感情论”之争。此次《婚姻法》修改又引发“感情破裂”还是“婚姻关系破裂”再一次争论,本文主张“感情破裂”。因为,破裂主义离婚原则的实体应当是感情,以感情作为破裂实体,可以涵盖婚姻关系中的全部,夫妻之间的感情作为夫妻精神生活的内容,具有更大的包容性,能更科学,更全面地反映夫妻无法共同生活时的全貌。 论文的第二部分主要对我国离婚制度中儿个有争议的问题进行了探讨。首先,针对当前审判实践中处理夫妻共同债务存在的突出问题,分析了现行夫妻共同债务处理制度所存在的缺陷,为有效解决这些问题,本文从分析处理夫妻债务所涉及的法律关系出发,从有利于保护债权人利益的角度,提出了完善夫妻债务制度的若干设想。即,采取夫妻约定财产公示制度,建立财产补偿制度,采取夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间所负债务推定为夫妻共同债务的原则,确立第三人不头「!情的情况下,判决及调解一协议效力不及于第三人诉请的原则,明确第三人主张债权,法院应受理审查制度,同时强调债务的前置性和认定清偿责任的灵活性。其次,谈到离婚损害赔偿的司法适用,这个问题是新《婚姻法》所涉及的一个新课题。关于离婚损害赔偿,我国的立法和最高人民法院《关于适用婚姻法若干问题的解释》(一)、(二)中对离婚损害赔偿问题作了进一步阐释,进一步明确了损害赔偿的含义、赔偿义务主体,提出赔偿的方式等问题,也提出精神损害赔偿适用最高人民法院《关于确立民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》。这些内容的明确对于指导离婚损害赔偿诉讼工作有着极为重要意义。改革开放以来,婚姻家庭领域出现了新问题,重婚现象增多、包养情妇、包二奶、娇居、家庭暴力问题在一些地方和家庭比较突出,导致离婚中人身、精神等损害赔偿。本文认为,应坚决遏制重婚及纳妾、包二奶、养情妇(夫)等事实上的重婚。这些行为严重破坏了一夫一妻的婚姻制度。另外,阐述了损害赔偿责任认定和损害赔偿数额的确定、以及法律适用。然后,谈到新《婚姻法》增加了不直接抚养子女一方父或母,享有对子女的探望权,使我国探望权制度得以确立,探望权纠纷的执行案件也成为一种新型的执行案件。这一规定,具有重大意义。本文就当事人协议行使探望权的方式、时间及法院是否予以完全确认、未成年人子女在案件中的地位如何、如何确定不利于子女身心健康的探望、中止探望权应由谁主张、探望权的中止及恢复应当适用何科,程序及何种法律文书、一方不履行判决书或调解书确定的探望权内容,另一方申请强制执行,人民法院如何处理?等种种问题的存在,发表看法。再次,倡导无过错离婚自由原则为离婚制度中的一项基本原则,认为,它能减少过错离婚当事人的敌意与痛苦,杜绝为离婚而“迁居”或“伪造证据”,消除书本上与实际应用中法律的鸿沟,能够更准确地反映婚姻关系的当代含义。最后,本文还认为应增设分居制度,构建完整的离婚法律制度。在离婚制度中明确设立分居制度,从立法技术而言,与同居制度相呼应,体现了法律制度的配套,对分居的定义、主要理由、法律后果作出明确规定,不仅可以规范当事人的行为,防止权利的滥用,同时由于对不能同居的“正当理由”加以明确、具体地规定,也可以预防法官对法律作随意解释,从而真正

【Abstract】 The marriage is a major issue in life, the family is a cell of the society, people’s marriage family relationship is one of the most important social relationships. Marriage stability of family relationship, foundation of social stability, correct to change the marriage family relationship, involve the huge numbers of families, the vital interests of men and women, old and young. In recent years, people’s court among handling civil case all kinds of, divorce case still in increase year by year, bring the enormous pressure in manpower and material resources to the people1 s court, with the enlargement of the quantity of case, deal with degree of difficulty strengthen. This text divorce to our country current " marriage law " relevant problem of the system make the shallow analysis of layer and describe only. And to concrete to is it divorce case deal with and put forward one’s own view about the practice problem to handle, the full text divides into three major parts altogether.First part of thesis divorce to couple system go on the summary. Define couple divorce system mainly including divorcing by agreement system and divorcing by judgment system. Divorce by agreement system mean couple is it divorce to agree to unanimously, all reach an agreement on the questions related to divorcing, both parties go to the registering organ of the marriage to handle the legal system which removes the marriage relation in person. Characteristic its simple swift to benefit the stability of the society. Judgment divorce system mean couple because of the legal reason, put forward divorce proceedings to people’s court, the people’s court adjudicates the system that permit divorcing or not according to relevant laws and regulations. Its characteristic hasstrength of forcing in the country. Review divorced system of ancient times such as our country divorce with western society system compare in early days at the same time, explain U.S.A. divorce current situation of system, understand the east, current to divorce the origin and development of the system the west emphatically.Gentle two parts prove of our country current couple divorce concrete regulation of system and divorce legal consequence. Think new one chapter of" divorcing " of" marriage law ", nearly each one is changed. Content that revises these divorces by agreement system divorce judgment the system clearly. It prevents to be false to divorce, not rash to divorce and is it divorce to break in divorcing by agreement. In addition both sides must reach one party household register marriage registration authority of site apply to apply for divorcing registration in person. Mention soldier, prisoner divorce by agreement issue divorce agreement concerning foreign affairs law of issue applicable to. Divorce to of our country judgment legal standard should is it regard with marriage as legal generality standard evaluate and analysis to break, think legal standard that judgment divorce law circles focus issue one of that dispute always in our country, our country is it have " reason theory " and " emotional theory " battle to blow the fifties. " marriage law " this is it cause " emotion break " " marriage relation break " hand in and dispute " " to revise, I maintain is it replace from marriage emotion break , break doctrine divorce entity of principle should marriage to break, but not the emotion. Is it break entity to regard marriage as, can contain marriage of the relation all, emotion of couple regard as couple content of cultural life one of, only marriage a part of life, it varies and totally substitutes all respectsof forming the marriage entity either, marriage have heavy person who forgive, take with science, overall reflection couple unable to live together overall picture when. Mention of our country people’s court is it divorce case assert couple emotion is it should is it 4 think to insist to break to handle too in addition, one see marriage foundation, two watch emotion after marriage, three watch reason for divorce, four think possible to become reconciled, i

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1186

