

The Basis on the Principle of Autonomy of Will in Private International Law

【作者】 李红军

【导师】 吕岩峰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 法律适用问题一直是国际私法中争论最多的问题,正如美国学者比尔所说:冲突法中没有哪个问题比处理合同准据法问题更为错综复杂。意思自治原则经过几个世纪的沿革,不仅发展地相对完善,而且已经成为解决法律适用这一复杂问题的一项重要原则。该原则是指在合同法律适用上,应依照当事人的自由意志来共同协商确定准据法的规则。研究意思自治原则有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。 为此,本文试图从一个全新的基础角度对意思自治原则展开研究。首先,从其确立和发展的深层原因来探求其发展的一般规律;其次,结合我国实际,分析其适用的必要性、可能性和我国立法上存在的一些不足;最后,通过以上分析,总结出意思自治原则的发展趋势,并提出完善我国立法的建议。本文主要从三部分进行论述: 第一部分 意思自治原则的基础理论分析 意思自治原则是社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物,它的形成和发展有着深刻的社会经济和思想根源。因此,从社会经济、经济思想和哲学思想等基础角度来分析意思自治原则的形成和发展。第一,经济的影响对意思自治原则产生和发展起着重要的作用。意思自治原则是自由商品经济的必然产物。杜摩林便是顺应商品经济的发展要求,克服法律不统一给新兴商人阶级的损害而提出该原则的。随着经济和国际贸易的发展,特别是在自由资本主义阶段,意思自治原则在很大程度上得到了发展。第二,独立平等主体是意思自治原则适用的前提条件,进一步说,独立主体存在的广泛性又影响该原则发展的程度。第三,自由经济思想是意思自治原则形成和发展的理论先导。自由放任主义的思想极大地刺激了人类的利益心和竞争心,奠定了19世纪意思自治原则兴起的基础。第四,法哲学思想是意思自治原则的思想来源。自然法哲学开始用“人的眼光”来看待社会,尊重人的价值和尊严,它倡导的理性主义、自由意志理念和平等观念丰富了意思自治原则的内涵。第五,资产阶级革命和资本主义制度是意思自治原则得以确立的政治条件。 通过对意思自治原则基本理论的分析,提出自己的看法。意思自治原则<WP=41>以当事人的意思为连接点来确定合同准据法,从本质上来说,它尊重当事人选择法律的意志自由。这一本质特征符合了社会发展的要求,因此获得了长足的发展。 然而,在理论上对意思自治原则并没有形成统一的认识。反对论主张,不应赋予当事人选择法律的权力;自由论则主张,当事人有完全选择法律的自由,不受其他任何因素的干扰;限制论主张,当事人有选择法律的自由,但对当事人应该或多或少,或在某一个、某几个方面设定一定的限制。这些主张都存在一定的弊端。目前 ,在立法和司法上多数国家坚持限制论,但往往滥用限制,这势必会剥夺当事人意思自治的权利,也违背了社会发展的客观要求。我认为,对意思自治原则的限制是为了给当事人法律选择自由的正当实现提供保障,而不是阻碍当事人自由的实现。因此,应该顺应社会经济发展的要求,不断完善意思自治原则的内涵,扩张意思自治原则的适用范围,并不断减少目前存在的过多的限制。 第二部分 意思自治原则在我国的运用 意思自治原则在我国的运用有着重要的现实意义。意思自治原则能够保障当事人意志自由的实现,并且通过当事人共同协商确定适用的法律,从而回避了国家主权间的直接冲突;促进我国国际民商事交往的顺利进行;有利于保证法律适用结果的可预见性;有利于推进我国社会主义市场经济建设和法治国家建设的进程。 但是,意思自治原则在我国立法和司法实践上的运用极其有限。在20世纪80年代中期,我国才引入了意思自治原则。当前,这一原则的运用只限于涉外合同领域和涉外民事案件管辖权的确定两方面,并且在具体适用中存在着过多的限制。 意思自治原则在我国运用和扩展的可能性分析。社会主义市场经济同样遵循商品经济的一般规律,而且更加尊重和保护平等自由的市场交换关系,这必然进一步促动意思自治原则的发展。随着国有企业改革的深入、私营经济的勃兴和WTO的加入,这些在一定程度上加强了自由竞争的意识,推动意思自治原则的发展。同时,我国法治理念的加强将不断丰富意思自治原则的内涵。 第三部分 意思自治原则在我国的发展趋势和完善分析 对意思自治原则发展趋势的展望。意思自治原则将随着社会经济的发展而继续发展,内涵将不断地丰富,适用范围将不断地扩张。并且随着全球经济一体化、法律趋同化和主权弱化的发展,对意思自治原则的限制将不断地减少。 <WP=42> 完善我国意思自治原则的建议。首先,我国应扩展该原则的适用规则,具体表现在应当承认当事人的默示选择;应当允许当事人变更法律选择;应当放宽当事人选择准据法范围的限制,即不再把选择范围局限于与合同有实际联系的法律,而应包括各国的国内法、国际条约、国际惯例和冲突规范等。其次,我国应借鉴国外先进的立法和司法经验,不断完善我国相关立法,应把意思自治原则的适用范围推广到侵权领域、婚姻家庭领域、继承领域、信托和物权领域等。 本文是以“基础论”这一新视点重新审视意思?

【Abstract】 The problem of applicable of law is the most disputable in the international private law. Just as what Beale said, “There is no more complicated than to deal with applicable law of contract in conflict law”, who is an American scholar. Through evolution of several centuries, the principle of autonomy of will not only has developed relative perfection but also has been become an important principle which can solve the complex problem of applicable of law. The principle of autonomy of will means that we should comply with free will of parties on deciding rule of applicable law by common negotiation in the applicable law of contract. To research on the principle of autonomy of will is important in theory and reality.The paper tries to research on the principle of autonomy of will from a thorough new basic angle. Firstly, search its general pattern from the deep reason of its establishment and development. Secondly, analyze the necessity and possibility of its application and some deficiencies of our legislation combining the reality of our country. Finally, summarize the development trend of the principle of autonomy of will and bring forward the suggestion of improving our legislation through the above analysis. It dicusses chiefly from three parts.I. Analysis of the basic theory of the principle of autonomy of willThe principle of autonomy of will is a result that the society develops to certain historical stage. Its forming and development root in social economy and ideology deeply. So it is important to analyze the forming and development of the principle of autonomy of will from the basic angle of social economy, economic thought and philosophic thought. First, economic influence plays an important role in the forming and development of the principle of autonomy of will. The principle of autonomy of will is the inevitable result of the free commodity economy. Dumoulin just conforms the requirement of development of commodity economy. He raises this principle to overcome the harm that the disunity of law brings to the new rank of businessman. With the development of economy and international trade, the principle of autonomy of will has been developed to a great extent, especially at non-monopoly capitalism stage. Second, independence and equality of subject is the precondition of application of the principle of autonomy of will. Furthermore, the extensive existence of the independent subject influences the development degree of this principle again. Third, the free economy thought is the academic guide <WP=44>of the forming and development of the principle of autonomy of will. Stimulating human beings’ consciousness of interest and competition, individualism gives a strong foundation to the rising of the principle of autonomy of will in the 19th century. Fourth, the thought of philosophy of law is the origin of the thought of the principle of autonomy of will. Philosophy of natural law begins to treat the society with man’s sight and respect man’s value and dignity. It enriches the connotation of the principle of autonomy of will with rationalism, free will and equal concept. Fifth, bourgeois revolution and capitalism system is the political condition of establishment of the principle of autonomy of will.The opinion can be brought forward through analyzing the basic theory of the principle of autonomy of will. The principle of autonomy of will regards the parties’ will as its connecting points to confirm the applicable law of contract. In essence, it respects the parties’ freedom of choosing law. The essential character accords with the requirement of social development, so it has got great development.But the principal of autonomy of will hasn’t been got unified realization. The opposition theory advocates that we shouldn’t give parties the power of choosing law. The freedom theory advocates that parties have the complete freedom of choosing law and can’t be interfered by any other factors. The restriction theory advocates that parties have the freedom of choosing law, but should be restricted mo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1379

