

Research on Escape Behavior of Causing Traffic Accidents

【作者】 庄振有

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的日益完善和发展,人民的生活水平不断提高,做为人们生活中四大要素的“衣、食、住、行”的“行”越来越受到人们的关注,在时间就是金钱,时间就是效率的激烈竞争时代,交通环境的好坏直接影响着人们的生活质量,做为交通的主要工具车辆在成倍的增长,特别是近几年私人家庭购买车辆已成为一种时尚,汽车已经走进百姓家庭,给人们带来许多舒适和方便,但是一个不容忽视的矛盾摆在我们面前,汽车数量在快速的增长,而令人可怕的交通事故起数更已惊人的速度增长,从近几年的统计我们可以看出,我国由于交通事故死亡的人数每年都在十万人以上,经济损失更是大的惊人,2003年年末国务院专门召开会议,研究部署减少交通事故的举措,我国现在已进入交通事故高发的时区,为了最大限度的减少国家和人民群众由于交通事故所造成的损失,新刑法对交通肇事罪予以特别关注,特别是对于交通肇事逃逸行为有了明确的具体的规定,加重了对逃逸行为的量刑幅度,加大了对其打击力度,从而最大限度地减少逃逸行为的发生。 刑法分则规定的交通肇事罪是一种过失犯罪,但就逃逸行为而言,具有直接的行为故意,说明行为人具有较重的主观恶性或者较大的客观危害。 逃逸行为的客观方面主要表现为畏罪潜逃,破坏和伪造现场,毁灭证据,制造假象企图嫁祸于人的行为。 首先,“逃逸”行为是一种故意行为,在本质上是一种不作为。 其次,“逃逸”行为必须发生在重大交通事故后。 第三,“逃逸”行为作为交通肇事罪的加重情节,是由基本罪结合单纯的加重情节构成。 ((道路交通事故处理办法》第二十条规定,当事人逃逸使交通事故责任无法认定的应当负全部责任。可见由于事故所产生的民事、行政责任全部由逃逸者承担,但由此所产生的刑事责任而不一定全部由逃逸者承担,刑事责任的施加必须建立于行为的社会危害性基础之上,因为它所带来的社会危害性是由其先前的肇事行为引起的,而不单纯是由于其逃逸行为引起的。 在交通肇事罪中,应该充分肯定自首这一表现,这样可以大大减少办案人员的工作压力和难度,鼓励肇事者积极投案自首,配合交警部门办案,使肇事双方都能得到快捷、公正、合理的处理结果,把自首运用到交通肇事罪中,包括逃逸行为,也符合立法原意。所以,在交通肇事罪的每个环节,都应对自首给予宽大处理,这样也能减少逃逸案件的发生。 交通肇事致人死亡案件的定性与处理,是新刑法对1979年刑法典规定交通肇事罪进一步补充和修改最大的地方。特别是“因逃逸致人死亡”,就是新刑法增设的相对于原交通肇事罪加重处罚的一个量刑情节。根据三个量刑情节的规定,我们可以看到,交通肇事罪的后两个罪刑单位是以第一个罪刑单位为依据的。交通肇事罪第二个罪刑单位中的“交通肇事”指行为人交通肇事致人重伤、死亡或者财产重大损失,即指符合交通肇事罪的基本犯罪构成。第三个罪行单位也应符合第一个罪刑单位中的“交通肇事”。 对“因逃逸致人死亡”的认定应遵循以下原则: 第一,逃逸与死亡结果关系的因果性。即受害者的死亡与肇事者的逃逸之间存在刑法上因果关系,即受害者的死亡是由肇事者的逃逸所导致的。如果是由于他人的原因如医院的抢救不及时,或者在送往医院途中又发生交通事故,那么这种死亡结果不能客观归属于行为人,因为这一死亡的防御义务已经转移到他人的责任范围内。 第二,肇事者逃逸与被害人死亡因果关系存在的序列性。即必须遵循因在前果在后的规则,如果是同时发生,即肇事行为当场将受害人撞成死亡而后逃逸的,就不属于该规定的情形之列。而应属于肇事后逃逸或有其他恶劣情节的,适用第二个量刑幅度。 第三,逃逸与死亡之间假定因果关系的除斥性。即由于肇事行为被害人死亡结果发生的危险性达到几近肯定的程度,从事后科学考察认定得出即使肇事者不逃逸被害人在当时条件下也会死亡,这也适用于第二量刑幅度的加重情节。 第四,定性的纯粹性,即只有在逃逸致人死亡的情形中仅以交通肇事罪定性的才能属该规定之列。 “逃逸致人死亡”行为是一种不作为行为,构成不作为犯罪的前提是行为人具有作为的义务,这种作为义务是由行为人的先行行为引起的,这种先行行为必须具备以卜条件: 首先,先行行为具有使损害结果发生的现实危险性和具体的急迫性。 其次,先行行为必须是在客观上违反义务的,具有违法,性。 第三,先行行为具有使结果发生的直接性。 逃逸致人死亡可以构成不作为故意杀人罪,行为人需具备不作为犯罪的三个条件:第一,行为人有能力、有条件防止死亡结果的发生而没有防止;第二,死亡结果与行为人的不作为具有刑法上的因果关系;第三,行为人主观上对死亡结果完全持听之任之的放任态度。

【Abstract】 As the market economy of our country becomes more and more perfect and prosperous and people’s living standard is continuously improved, "travel", as one of the four factors of people’s life "cloth, food, residence, travel" has attracted more and more people’s attention. In the times of severe competition in which time is money and efficiency, whether traffic environment is good or not directly influences the quality of people’s life. The vehicle, as the main traffic tool, is increasing in the double number. Especially in recent years it has become a fashion that private families buy cars and automobiles have entered thousands of families, bringing people comfort and convenience. However, an indispensable contradiction is put before us, that is, the number of automobiles is rapidly increasing and the occurrence of traffic accidents is increasing in a more surprising speed. Statistics in recent years show that the death toll because of traffic accidents in our country is increasing by over one hundred thousand every year and the economic loss is more surprising. At the end of 2003, the State Department opened a specific meeting, studying and deploying the measures of decreasing traffic accidents. Our country has entered the time zone of high occurrence of traffic accidents now. Aimed at decrease the loss of the country and people brought about by traffic accidents, the new criminal law pays special attention to the crime of causing traffic trouble, especially giving explicit and concrete regulations of escape behavior of causing traffic accidents and aggravating the range of disrectionary actions of sentencing of escape behavior as well as increasing the striking force of such behavior, therefore the occurrence of escape behavior has been decreased in the greatest limitation.The crime of causing traffic trouble stipulated in the specific provisions of criminal law is a crime of error, but as far as escape behavior is concerned, it has the direct intention of behavior, illustrating that the doer has the severe subjective evil character or big objective danger.The objective aspects of escape behavior are mainly represented in suchbehavior as absconding to avoid punishment, damaging and simulating the scene, and destroying evidence as well as throwing someone off the scene in an attempt to imputing others.First of all, "escape" behavior is a deliberate one and is a nonfeasance in essence.Second, "escape" behavior must take place after a great accident. Third, "escape" behavior, as the aggravated circumstance of crime of causing traffic trouble, consists of the basic crime combining the aggravated circumstance.Article 20 of Methods Dealing with Road Traffic Accidents regulates that the party concerned should take all the responsibility when there is no way to determine the responsibility of traffic accidents because of escape of the party concerned. It can be seen that all civil and administrative responsibility caused by accidents should be undertaken by the escapist, but for this the criminal responsibility is uncertain to be undertaken by the escapist. The imposing of the criminal responsibility must be based on the danger of the behavior, because the social danger brought by the behavior is caused by its previous behavior of causing trouble, not purely caused by the escape behavior.In the crime of causing traffic accidents, the action of surrender should be fully affirmed, which can greatly decrease the pressure and difficulty of work of personnel handling cases, encourage the trouble maker is active to surrender and cooperate with the traffic departments to handle the case, therefore both parties causing trouble can get the fast, fair and rational handling result. It is suitable to the original intention of legislation to apply surrender to the crime of causing traffic trouble, including escape behavior. Therefore, in every circle of the crime of causing traffic trouble, the lenient treatment should be given to surrender, which decreases the occurrence of cases of escape.The determination of t

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【下载频次】439

