

Value Comment and Analysis on Real Estate Legal Notarization

【作者】 孟祥和

【导师】 傅穹;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产在任何社会中都是最为重要的生产资料和生活资料。有效地调整房地产法律关系,维护房地产交易的安全、提高房地产交易的效率,对促进社会经济的健康发展和保障人民群众生活秩序的稳定有着重要的意义。房地产公证是与房地产登记密切相关的法律制度,是物权法和公证法中的重要内容,对规范房地产物权的设立,变动及维护房地产交易市场秩序发挥着重要作用。公证是国家以法律手段干预社会重要生活的体现,但凡设立公证制度的国家,多数都将房地产事项列入必须公证的范围,并通过民法典或单行法规等基本法形式加以确认,其制度趋于完善。相比之下,我国的房地产登记尚未形成统一的法律制度,而且目前必须公证的相关规定仅存于地方性法规和部门规章中的,房地产法定公证制度形同虚设,其价值也难以体现。本文作者正是在这样的逻辑前提下,通过对国内外房地产公证的立法比较,解读我国目前对是否实行房地产法定公证的争论,分析房地产法定公证的价值所在,进而对完善我国房地产公证的法律体系和房地产登记制度提出了自己的一些粗浅的见解。我国《物权法》和《公证法》都尚在酝酿、制定过程中,希望本文能对上述立法中确立我国房地产法定公证制度尽到微薄之力。本文正文分为三个部分:第一部分,介绍了国内外房地产法定公证的概况。本部分首先对房地产法定公证的概念进行了诠释。接下来指出我国房地产法定公证的现状:目前只是在一些地方性法规和部门规章中有必须公证的相关规定,但其立法层次较低,几乎形同虚设。最后介绍了国外特别是发达的大陆法系国家不动产法定公证<WP=48>的概况:法定公证已有数百年的悠久历史,其制度趋于完善,且早已深入人心。如瑞士、法国、德国、西班牙、意大利等发达国家及墨西哥、蒙古、罗马尼亚等发展中国家都以民法典等基本法形式确定了房地产必须公证制度,其立法层次很高。第二部分,通过引述房地产法定公证在中国是否可行的正反两方面观点并加以简要的评价,使读者能够客观全面地认清房地产法定公证的价值。首先,概括了房地产法定公证批评者的观点:一是认为法定公证违背了契约自由原则;二是房地产已经有了登记制度不必再额外办理公证,劳民伤财;三是当前情况下中国的公证制度还不够成熟完善,难以适应房地产法定公证的要求。接下来引出房地产法定公证赞赏者的观点:一是认为契约自由是相对的,国家对房地产等重要的民商事活动应进行必要的法律干预;二是认为法定公证有助于我国社会信用体系建设;三是认为我国房地产登记制度不符合国际通行的由司法部门负责登记的惯例,主张由公证这一准司法机构作为房地产登记机关。通过全面剖析,为下面对房地产法定公证的价值进行定位提供了理论依据。第三部分,在前两部分关于国内外公证立法比较及正反两方面价值争论的评析基础上,作者着重对房地产法定公证的总体价值进行分析定位。首先,从公证具有极高的公信力入手,阐明了作者的观点,认为房地产法定公证有利于贯彻物权法的公示公信原则。在解析了公示公信原则的涵义后,指出我国房地产登记只是物权公示制度,缺乏应有的公信力,而房地产法定公证能够弥补登记制度的缺陷,增强房地产登记的公信力。其次,作者提出了房地产法定公证能够以其实质性审查有力地保证房地产交易安全这一观点。认为目前我国房地产登记机关完全采取的是一种形式上的审查,加上登记部门不统一、登记<WP=49>人员素质不高,以至于登记的内容常常出现错误,当事人的交易安全得不到保证。进而从公证对房地产交易的实质审查程序、内容和效果上,认定在房地产登记之前公证介入对交易安全的必要性。最后,作者认为房地产法定公证可以有效地提高房地产的交易效率和社会救济效率。交易效率的提高一方面是由于公证能够高效率地为房地产交易主体提供充分、安全的交易信息,另一方面是因为公证能够使房地产登记机关的登记效率大为提高。继而,从以下三个方面分析公证是如何有效提高房地产纠纷的救济效率:一是公证可以预防纠纷,消弥诉讼;二是公证通过发挥自己的优先证据效力,可以缩短证据采信和排除过程,加快个案结案速度;三是公证通过发挥自己的强制执行效力,可以缓解法院案件堆积如山的症状。通过对房地产法定公证的价值进行明确定位,也为下文关于完善我国立法以实践房地产法定公证的价值埋下了伏笔。结论部分,在前三部分对国内外立法及房地产法定公证价值分析的基础上,作者首先明确提出在中国实行房地产法定公证制度是非常必要和完全可行的。其次,作者对如何构建我国房地产法定公证制度进行了设想:一方面指出要将法定公证的内容体现在民事实体法而不仅仅是公证法中;另一方面,建议结合我国国情合理确定法定公证事项,将不动产物权的转移(含买卖、赠与、抵押、继承)放弃及共有权的设定等必须公证的规定纳入《公证法》和《物权法》,以完善的法律体系一举确立我国的房地产法定公证制度,实践房地产法定公证的价值。

【Abstract】 Real estate is the most important material of production and means of livelihood in any kind of society.Adjusting the leagal relationship of the real estate effectively, maintaining the safety of real estate trade,raising the efficiency of real estate trade,which will make great sense for promoting the development of social economy and protecting the stability of the peolpe’s lives.Real estate notarization is a leagal system, which closelyly associates with the real estate registration; which is the main contents of notarization law and possession law; which plays a very important role in standardizing the setting up the possession of the real estate,and in changing and maintaining the orders of the real estate trade market. Real estate notarization is a major reflection of the nation’s interference of the social life according to the law,so it is paid great attention by many countries that have written law.But most of the countries, which have set up notarization system, all put the items of real estate into the region of notarization, and they also confirm the real estate in the form of civial law and special regulation.Most of the foreign real estate notatization office belong to judicial department, but on the contrary our real estate registration haven’t become a unified leagal system:they haven’t unify the office of the registration ;the real estate registration is greatly influenced by the authority;and the registrars are not well-qualified,so they can not make a necessary and substantial leagal examination to the registration.The real estate registration in our country lacks public belief,and they always make mistakess in the registration. So we need a quasi-judicial office that can represent the will of the nation to interfere with this.The author of this article just wants to show the present intense dispute on the real estate leagal notrarization,to analyze the value of the real estate legal notrarization, and further more to raise some simple opinions to perfect the legal system of the real estate notarization and registration system. Our <<notarization law>and <<possession law> are brewing now, and the author does hope that this article will help to the establishment of the real estrate notarization.There are three parts in the main body:Part One ,the author gives a brief introduction of the real estate <WP=51>notarization at home and abroad. First the author explains the main points of the real estate legal notarization. Then points out the present situation of our real estate legal notarization :at present there are some relevant prescriptions in some regional codes and department rules only,but they are in a lower leveal and perform practically no function. And at last the author makes a survey on the gengral situation of the legal notarization of immovable property in the foreign countries, especially in the continantal law system countries.Legal notarization has have a hundreds of years’ history and the system is gradually perfecting,so it has strike root in the hearts of the people. Such as some developed countries Switzerlandand,France, Germany,Spain and Italy, and some developing countries Mexico,Mongolia and Romania, they all have the system to confirm the must notarization system of the real estate according to the civial law,and the legislation is in a high level. Part Two, through quoting and commenting the positive and negative opinions on the feasibility of legal notarization of real estate in China, the readers can realize the value of the real estate legal notarization objectively and comprehensively. First the author summarizes the opinions of the critics on real estate legal notarization:one thinks legal notarization violates the principle of contract freedom; While another one thinks the real estate has the registration system, and it needn’t the notarization; The other one believes that at present China’s notarization system is not perfect, and it can not meet the requirement of the legal notarization of real estate. And then in the view of those negative opinions, the autho

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.181;D926.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】323

