

Anxiety of Infection--Public Literature and New-born Writer’s Writing

【作者】 谢中山

【导师】 张福贵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个当代文学或者说当代文化的独特景观,90年代的小说在当下的商业文化语境中已经以其特有的姿态呈现在我们的面前,并引起了学界的广泛关注,一些研究性的文字也相继出现。但是综观这些文字,仍然没有脱离传统的文学内部研究方法,从而影响了对90年代先说研究的深度和广度,而本文的最大特点就是运用文化研究的方法,以新生代作为90年代精英文学的个案代表,把90年代小说置于当下的商业文化背景中,对文学的内部与外部进行整体性的研究,尤其是注意运用传播理论与消费文化理论对90年代小说进行尝试性思考,并在吸收现有的学术研究成果基础上,展开对传媒与文学生产和消费的关系研究,进而探讨大众文化对90年代小说的影响以及大众文化与精英文化的紧张关系。在结构上本文主要由序言、正文四章和结论几部分构成。序言部分主要说明文化研究的现状。时下,文化研究已经成为文学研究中十分流行的方法,尤其在我国的当下,文化研究已经发展成为显学。但是我国的文化研究又有不同于西方的独特之处。本文即尝试运用文化研究的方法,以新生代为例,将新生代小说置于当代中国大众文化的语境中对其进行个案研究,探寻它在商业文化的语境下,90年代小说和大众文化的关系,大众传播媒介和小说的互动关系,以及小说创作和文学消费的关系。并通过这种研究,寻找文学研究的经验,丰富中国当代文学的研究范式,拓展文学研究的视野。第一章部分主要是说明两个问题,并为后面展开论述做铺垫。这两个问题就是大众文化以及大众文化与小说的影响关系。在这一部分里,主要是对大众、大众文化以及本文的研究对象即90年代的新生代小说进行说明。特别是在对大众的概念进行说明的过程中注意与西方社会的大众概念进行比较并做出符合我国当下实际的说明,我们认为“大众文化”是伴随着工业化与都市化的进程中,运用大众传播媒介(机械媒介和电子媒介)为手段,按照市场规律操作的,旨在使大众获得感性愉悦的一种日常的消费文化形态。而90年代的小说就诞生在这样的文化语境中。第二章主要从创作的角度分析大众文化意识形态对90年代小说创作观念的影响。在这一章中,笔者主要想说明的是在大众文化语境之下的90年代小说创<WP=51>作主体的精神困境和边缘化存在位置,分析导致这种困境和边缘化位置的主要原因。以新生代为例,新生代小说原本是作为精英文学而存在的,但却背离了精英文学发展的轨道,脱离否定、拥抱世俗与大众文化共舞。而新生代小说欲望化的叙述方式和类型化、模式化的文本模式,都是大众文化的表征第三章从大众传播媒介的角度探讨90年代小说和大众传媒之间的互动关系,着重分析在消费主义观念之下小说与传媒的共谋关系。以新生代为例,本文认为作为一个小说创作群体,“新生代小说”作家群可以说就是在传播媒介的塑造和引导下走向当代文坛的,也就是说,新生代小说的命名与出场与传播媒介有着密切的关系。传播媒介的市场化转型,导致媒介走向“物化”状态,在这种状态下,传播媒介必然要为生存和发展而寻找新的兴奋点。同时,在对新生代小说的推介、塑造和引导过程中,传播媒介也获得了可观的效益,进而使新生代小说与传播媒介进一步密切合作关系。而对新生代小说作者来说,这也是新生代作家争夺话语空间、表达自己立场的绝好机会,因此两者之间就形成了一种“互动”的关系。就是这样,在消费主义观念影响之下,大众传播媒介逐渐主宰了文化市场的发展趋势,从而影响了文学写作的独立性和创新性,于是得出结论,90年代小说在消费主义观念之下沦为一种被消费的商品。第四章从文学消费者的角度探讨90 年代小说和读者之间的共谋关系,框选关系以及消费主义意识形态影响下,文学消费者的期待视野。一方面,我们看到当下中国,在文学创作获得了越来越广阔的创作空间的同时,文学消费者也获得了越来越多的自由选择的权利。另一方面我们还看到受商业主义大众文化的影响在90年代小说的文本中有许多无法搽抹的消费主义意识形态的痕迹,而本文研究的宗旨就是找出这些影响的痕迹。在研究的过程中我们把当代中国的中产阶层作为主要的文学消费者,运用“生产者式的”文本理论来分析文学消费者对90年代小说的消费,并从接受美学的角度来探讨审美阅读期待视野对文学消费者的影响。结论:这一部分主要是对全文进行总结,在对90年代小说创作群体的创作观念的考察的基础上,通过对大众传播媒介和小说创作关系的梳理,以及文学消费对小说创作影响关系等方面的分析,指出在商业主义文化背景下,大众文化及其意识形态对90年代小说的创作主体,90年代小说的传播媒介,以及对90年代小说的消费等方面产生的深刻影响。总之,本论文力求突破以往的文学研究的范式,借鉴西方的文化研究的理论和方法以新生代小说为例进行个案研究。并希望本文能够在注重学术价值的同时,起到一定的学术开拓意义,是为本文的目的。

【Abstract】 As a unique view of contemporary culture in other words of Contemporary Literature, the novel of new generation has already appeared in front of us with its peculiar posture in the commercial culture linguistic context instantly, and cause the extensive concern of the educational circles, some studying written language presents in succession too. But take a broad view of these characters , does not break away from traditional literature to study to probe into the novel of new generation yet, Thus this text has influenced the new generation to speak the depth and scope studied first , the greatest characteristic of and this text is the method of using culture to study, put the novel of new generation in commercial culture background instantly, carryying on the research of globality to literature inside and outside, especially pay attention to using the communication theory to carry on trying thinking to the novel of new generation with consuming the cultural theory, study carefully.And on the basis of absorbing the existing academic research results , launch the relation research of media and literature production and consumption, And then probe into the influence relation between people’s culture and novel of new generation,and the tense relation between people’s culture and elite’s culture. This text is formed by several parts of four chapters and conclusions of preamble , text mainly on the structure. The part of the preamble states the research current situation of the novel of new generation mainly. At present, culture is it become literature prevailing method very in studying already to study, Instantly in our country especially, culture is it develop into apparent to learn already to study. But the cultural research of our country is different from the western unique place . This text is it use method that culture study to try promptly, is it carry on case study of new generation novel to their to put in linguistic context of contemporary Chinese people’s culture, seek it under commercial linguistic context of culture , of new generation writer colony and relation of people’s culture of novel, the interdynamic relation between mass media and novel of new generation, and the relation between the novel of new generation and literature consumption. Through the research , looking for experience that literature study , enrich research normal form , Chinese of Contemporary Literature, vision expanding literature and studying. <WP=53> Chapter one part is mainly prove concept,and for in the back of launch not expounding the fact that foreshadowing is done. These two concepts are the people’s culture and novel of new generation. In this part, mainly prove to the masses , people’s culture and novel of new generation. Especially notice while the concept to the masses is stated that compare and accords with our country’s instantly real explanation with the concepts of masses of the western society, We think " people’s culture " is followed in industrialization and process of urbanization, It is means to use the mass media (mechanical media and electronic media ), Operated according to law on the market, aimed at making the masses get a kind of joyful perceptual daily consumption culture shapes . And the novel of new generation that rose abruptly in the literary world in middle period of 1990s emerges in the linguistic context of such culture.Chapter two analyse in term of creating mainly that creates the influence of the idea on the novel of new generation in people’s culture ideology. In this chapter, what I wanted to state mainly is that novel spiritual predicament and marginalisation of creating the subject of new generation under the linguistic context of people’s culture are stored in the position, Analysing that causes this kind of predicament and main reason of the marginalisation position. The novel of new generation originally and exists as lofty literature, but has deviated from the track of lofty literature development, breaking away from and deny , embracing the common customs and dance with people’s

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】574

