

A Comparative Study of the Adult Guardianship Systems of China and Japan

【作者】 梁国启

【导师】 刘世元;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 日本国会于1999年12月1日通过了几部关于修改成年人监护制度的法律。本次不仅修改了民法典总则中的“禁治产、准禁治产制度”和家庭法编中的“后见制度”,还设立了“任意监护制度”和“监护登记制度”,这既是日本民法典制定以来的最大修改,也可以说是日本为了迎接老龄化社会的到来而进行的一场大规模的法律制度改革。据统计,2003年中国总人口13.01亿,其中1.4亿是老年人,同日本一样,中国也面临着日益严重的人口老龄化问题。为了更好地解决老龄化社会老年人的人身权益和财产权益的保护问题,客观上亟需修改我国现行的成年人监护制度。本文从保障人权的理论视角出发,以事实、数据为依据,在对日本成年人监护制度进行介绍评析的基础上,将中日两国成年人监护法进行对比分析,探讨中国现行法的优劣得失,最后就具体法律制度的设计进行了尝试性探索。全文共由三部分内容构成:一、法理分析与制度框架体系的比较;二、法定监护制度研究;三、意定监护制度研究。第一部分是中日成年人监护制度的法理分析和框架体系比较。中日两国的成年人监护制度既有相同点又有不同点,但从总体上来说,异大于同。一、中日两国成年人监护制度所处的历史样态不同。中国的现行制度以“家庭主义”和“个人主义”相结合为样态,强调以家庭自治为基础,维护交易安全;日本的现行制度以“国家主义”为样态,强调国家公权力的介入。二、中日两国成年人监护制度的法理念不同。日本成年人监护制度以“尊重本人决定”、“平常化”、“重视人身照顾”为核心,凸显出对基本人权的尊重和保障;中国的成年人监护制度以“家庭照顾”和“监督管理”为核心,凸显出对中国社会传统伦常道德的依托。三、中日两国成年人监护制度的框架体系不同。日本成年人监护制度<WP=100>由法定监护制度、任意监护制度、监护登记制度、监护监督制度四部分构成,体系健全;中国成年人监护制度却连最基本的法定概念都没有,是一元化的监护制度。中国有必要采用“国家主义”的监护模式,更新思想观念,确立新的重在保护人权的法理念;改变现行的一元监护制度,构建完整的制度体系,以实现我国成年人监护制度的跨跃式发展。第二部分主要是对中日成年人法定监护制度进行比较研究。本部分为中国成年人法定监护制度介绍、日本成年人法定监护制度介绍、中日两国制度的比较与评析、中国立法的改进与完善四个方面内容。一、依据制度分类和监护关系的主体、客体、内容的逻辑顺序对中国成年人法定监护制度进行了介绍,指出了现存制度的不足。 二、日本的成年人监护制度以成年被监护人的判断能力为依据,分为辅助、保佐、后见三级监护。该节以辅助制度为中心,重点介绍了辅助人和被辅助人、辅助之开始与变更的程序、辅助代理权、同意权、取消权。三、主要对中日成年人监护制度进行对比分析。中国法宽泛而简略,日本法严谨而细致。体现在基本概念上,中日成年人监护制度的概念及性质不同。体现在分类方法上,日本以保护对象的判断能力为依据,分为辅助、保佐、后见三级监护;而中国实行一元监护制。体现在监护机关上,日本更突出家庭法院在监护关系中的主导地位,强调监护监督人的监督作用,弱化以家庭为基础的亲属监护;中国法则将监护委诸以家庭为基础的亲属体系。体现在内容上,日本法具有一个以代理权、同意权、取消权为核心的完整的权利体系;中国法内容高度简略,只有一个概括性法定代理权。体现在程序上,日本法有开始、变更、取消辅助、保佐、后见的程序,有授予代理权、同意权、取消权的程序,内容完备;中国法没有明确规定有关监护的专门程序。四、有鉴于日本法的特点和优点,中国有必要变更现行立法体例、调<WP=101>整监护种类,扩大成年人监护制度的保护对象,改进监护机关的设置,具体规定成年人监护关系的权利、义务、内容,设立规范的监护开始、变更、消灭程序。第三部分主要对中日意定监护制度进行比较研究。一、主要介绍了日本任意监护合同的内容并对之进行了相应评价。日本任意监护合同法的与民事法律行为制度和代理制度不同,强调国家公权力的介入,以公证、登记的方式来对合同监护进行监督,既体现了对本人决定的尊重,又体现了国家公权力对传统私权领域的介入。二、将中国的委托监护和日本任意监护进行对比分析,厘清了中日两种合同的概念和性质、具体法律内容和法律渊源,指出了使用方式和公证作用的不同。三、以前述比较分析为基础,从政治、经济、文化角度论证了我国系统移植日本的任意监护制度不仅必要而且可能。

【Abstract】 Several laws were passed on December 1, 1999, by the Japanese Diet on amending the adult guardianship system. As both the most extensive amendment since the Civil Code of Japan has keen enacted and a large-scale revolution of legal system to meet the coming old-age-society, not only the interdiction and constructive interdiction system in the General Provisions and guardianship of the minors system in the Family Law Volume have been amended, but also the “voluntary guardianship system” and “guardianship registration system” have been established. According to the statistics, the Chinese population will reach 1,301 million by 2003, among which 140 million are aged persons. China is facing the increasingly serious social problem of old-age-society, as Japan is. In order to solve the problem of protecting the aged’s personal and property rights in such a society , the existing guardianship system in China needs amending urgently.By comparative analysis and social studying, in accordance with the facts and statistics, from the angle of protecting human rights, based on an introduction and evaluation of Japanese adult guardianship system, this thesis compares Chinese adult guardianship with that of Japan in order to research on the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese law in effect. In the end the writer tries to design for a specific legal system of adult guardianship. The whole thesis is composed of three parts: Part I Jurisprudential Analysis and General Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Adult Guardianship Systems In general , the two countries’ adult guardianship systems share both identities and differences, but differences weight more that identities. First of all, they are in different historical formations. The formation of Chinese existing system is the combination of “familism” and “individualism”, emphasizing “family rule”, while that of Japanese is “nationalism, ” emphasizing the intervention of public power. Secondly, they have different legal theories. Japanese adult guardianship system centers on “respect of one’s own decision”, “normalization” and “emphasizing personal respect ”, while Chinese adult guardianship system centers on “family care” and “superintendence and management”. Thirdly, their systems’ frameworks are different. Japanese adult <WP=103>guardianship system is composed of legal guardianship system, voluntary guardianship system, guardianship registration system and guardianship superintendence system, while in Chinese adult guardianship system, which is a centralized guardianship system, there is no law concept even. In order to develop Chinese adult guardianship system at a stride, it is needed to establish “nationalism” pattern and alter the existing guardianship system to set up a framework with an integrated system.PartⅡ A Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Adult Guardianship SystemsIn this part, there are altogether four sections. In Section One, the Chinese adult guardianship system is introduced according to classification of systems in the logical order of subjects, objects and contents in guardianship. The deficiency of existing system is pointed out. In Section Two, Japanese adult guardianship system is divided into three levels — ssistance, protection and guardianship of minors according to the adult wards’ judgment. Centering on assistance system, this section introduces assistant, assistee, the occurrence , alteration and extinction procedures of assistance, power of agency, power of consent and power of dissolution related with assistance. Section Three compares Chinese law, which is excessive and simple, with Japanese law, which is rigorous and detailed. Of the fundamental concepts, the concepts and natures of guardianship systems in two countries are different; of means of classification, in Japanese law it is classified into three types, assistance, protection and guardianship of minors according to the wards’ judgment, while in Chinese law it is classified into two types, “legal guardianship” and “designated guar

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1060

